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4 Pub. Cont. Newsl. 1 (1968-1969)

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Vol. 4, No. 1, Oct. 1968


Paul Shnitzer, Editor, 1803 Cody Drive, Silver Spring, Md. 20902

Important Topics Discussed at Annual Meeting
by Carl F. Paul of the D. C. Bar

The Annual Meeting, on August 5 and 6, 1968, in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was the first time all sections of
the American Bar Association held their section meetings
and other events under a single roof-the Philadelphia Civic
Center. The sessions on August 5, 1968, were held jointly
with the Section of Corporation, Banking and Business Law
on the subject, Problems of States and Municipalities, and
Vendors to States and Municipalities, Concerning the
Awarding and    the Administration of Contracts for
Construction, Services and  Supplies.   The   sessions
concerning Federal Contracts were held on August 6, 1968.
  The Annual Luncheon Meeting was presided over by
Louis Spector, Chairman of the Section, and was honored
by the presence at the speaker's table of the Solicitor
General of the United States, Erwin N. Griswold. The
speaker was Dean L. H. Pollak of Yale University Law
School, who gave an outstanding address on the subject,
Our Commitment to Freedom: Notes on the Centennial of
the Fourteenth Amendment. Over a hundred members of
the Section attended the luncheon and the Annual Meeting.
  The general sessions on August 6, 1968, filled the room
to capacity, and a series of outstanding presentations was
made to the membership. The initial subject, Recent
Developments in Cost and Pricing, was presented by Eldon
H. Crowell of Washington, D.C. There followed a detailed
discussion of the ruling in Honeywell (ASBCA 12353, 68-1
BCA 7036) that the Government has the option of
proceeding under the False Claims Act against a contractor
being charged with deffective pricing under PL 87-653, or
of using the normal administrative procedure for handling
contract disputes. Mr. Crowell referred to 54 Virginia Law
Review 505-5 15, to an article critical of the subject ruling.
He also cited two recent cases-Cutler-Hammer (ASBCA
10990, 67-2 BCA 6432) and Lockheed (ASBCA 10453,
67-1 BCA     6356) as marking a change from      the
Government's having the burden of proof regarding
defective pricing to the contractor now having the burden,
and he approved of the 60-40 splitting of defective pricing
recovery in Bell & Howell (ASBCA 11999, 68-1 BCA
   Both Geoffery Creyke, Jr. and John T. Koehler made
detailed comments pointing out the need for clarification,
standardization, and changes in both the defective pricing
clause itself and its interpretation by the Board. The

Cutler-Hammer and Lockheed decisions are on appeal to
the Court of Claims.
  Geoffery Creyke, Jr. and Robert Sheriffs Moss of
Washington, D.C. outlined the recent court cases reviewing
the various Boards of Contract Appeals' decisions. Mr. Moss
analyzed 19 recent cases in which the Court of Claims
differed with the action of the Board of Contract Appeals;
in 11 cases the court reversed on the question of liability; in
                                  (continued on page 5)

by Seymour Efros of the New York Bar

Revision No. 30 to the Armed Services Procurement
Regulation, dated 1 September 1968, was recently issued in
part to incorporate various existing Departmental procure-
ment instructions into the current ASPR (1963 edition).
These are some of the highlights.
  a. The revision incorporates in the price warranty
provision of the price escalation clauses in ASPR 7-106 and
ASPR 7-107 a definition of established price and a
requirement to verify any revised established price. The
changes also serve to clarify the contractor's obligation to
continue deliveries based on his proposed escalated price,
pending agreement or decision on that proposed price.
  b. New ASPR Supplement No. 5, Procurement of
Utility Services is now reported to be available for
purchase at the U.S. Government Printing Office. Supple-
ment No. 5 prescribes uniform policies, procedures and
contract formats applicable to the several types of utility
services from both public and private sources.
  c. As previously published in item Ill, Defense Procure-
ment Circular No. 58, paragraph 3-809, is revised to limit
the extent to which audit findings may be disclosed by
auditors to contractors. Also, criteria are set forth govern-
ing the coverage to be included in the advisory audit report
with respect to cost or pricing data.
  d. The audit clauses in ASPR 7.104.41 (a) through (d),
previously published in DPC No. 57, are included in this
revision. They provide for post-award audit to assure that
defective cost or pricing data were not submitted. Prior to
DPC No. 57 the audit clause only provided access to the
information available at the time of the certification.
                                   (continued on page 4)

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