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27 Prob. J. 1 (1980)

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At  a time when  percentage increases for the law and order budget are
greater than those for defence, and when  evidence is accumulating that
there are  no measures  which  have  any significant effect on levels of
offending, the experience and  knowledge  of the Probation Service are
uniquely needed in the debate.
  We  have every reason for asserting  The  conclusion  is inescapable:
that we can help offenders and their levels of criminal activity are a
families, and that this is justified in function of the nature of society, and
social and humanitarian terms. We    no individualised measures will affect
also have every reason for asserting those general levels. In spite of that,
that we can supervise most offenders of course, it is in the nature of our
in the community,  at a fraction of  society to demand that individualised,
the cost of, and at no greater risk to moral action be taken against offen-
the  community   than  vastly more   ders, however ineffective in terms of
expensive  and  damaging  custodial  prevention and reconviction it may
measures.                            be.
  We  know  that society is subject to We  have,  therefore, two major
recurrent moral  panics, and   that  tasks: the first is to devise humane,
responses to  them   arc. essentially rational and cheap methods of dealing
ideological and not pragmatic. The   with offenders in the community; the
current move   to harsher, punitive  second is to develop some vision of
measures has at its roots a commit-  how things might be, and to establish
ment  to punishment per. se, whatever principles and practices which will
the rhetoric may suggest. It should be progressively test the reality of that
exposed as such, for we know beyond  vision and, possibly, even achieve
all doubt that it has nothing to do  aspects of it.
with a commitment to, reducing crime.  John Alderson-clearly  the most
  The calm, thorough work of Michael . intelligent and thoughtful policeman
Zander constantly reminds us'of these 'in- the public eye-has developed such
truths. In an important article in New a vision, is evangelising through
Society' (summarised with other rele- writing and speaking, and is busily
vant material on the Digest page) he engaged in organising- his world in
exposes  as  baseless most  of the   pursuit of it. Whatever one may feel
popular myths, and  leaves us in no  about  'community  policing', one
doubt that the only rational principle must admire the man's energy and
for current penal policy is financial idealism, and that he has seized upon
economy:   costly measures bear no   a time of doubt and disillusionment as
more  fruit.                         the spur for reflection, decision and

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