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2012 Law: J. Higher Sch. Econ. 2 (2012)

handle is hein.journals/pravo2012 and id is 1 raw text is: 

National Research
University <,Higher School
of Economics.

Editorial Council
A.A. Ivanov
G.P. Ivliev
G.A. Gadzhiev
T.G. Morschakova
V.D. Perevalov
Yu.A. Tikhomirov

Editorial Board
A.S. Avtonomov
N.A. Bogdanova
N.Yu. Yerpylyova
A.E. Zhalinsky
V.B. Isakov
A.N. Kozyrin
M.A. Krasnov
G.I. Muromtsev
M.I. Odintsova
O.M. Oleynik
Yu.P. Orlovsky
I.V. Panova
V.A. Sivitsky
O.M. Teplov
V.A. Chetvernin
Yu.M. Umashev

Chief Editor
I.Yu. Bogdanovskaya

Malaya Ordynka Str., 17,
Moscow, P.O. 119017,
Tel.: (985) 220-99-87
e-mail: lawiournal@hse.ru


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                           ISSUED QUARTERLY

Legal Thought: History and Modernity
N.U. Barber
Separation of Powers and British Constitution                        3
T.A. Alekseeva
Legal Sources of Francisco de Miranda Constitutional Projects  18
A.I. llalutdinov
Elements of Legal Norms and Their Internal Structure        37

Russian Law: Conditions, Perspectives, Commentaries

E.P. Tarasova
Subjective Influence on Drafting 1993 Russian Constitution
(Constitutional Council Work Case-Study)                            50
S.A. Markuntsov
Speculations on Supposed Crime in Criminology                       63
A.V. Pashenko, V.V. Khreshkova
Legal Regulation of Disposing Medical Drugs Intended for Clinical Trials  69

Law in Modern Word
I.Yu. Bogdanovskaya
Classification of Constitutions of Common Law Countries     80
A.K. Volkov
Reforming Natural Gas Market in EU: Directive 2009/73/EC Concerning
Common Rules for the Internal Market in Natural Gas and Repealing
Directive 2003/55/EC                                                91

E.V. Postnikova
Directive of European Parliament and Council on Services
in Internal Market                                                 102
J. Stieranka, 0. Busarova
Counteracting Legalization of Criminally Received Profits
and Financing Terrorism in Slovak Republic                         118

Discussion Club

Scientific Life


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