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12 Oyez Oyez Bull. Sec. Jud. Admin. [1] (1969)

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The   Bulletin of the Section of Judicial Administration



VOL. 12, NO. 1

To the members of the Section of Judicial Administration
   The  Council of our section will meet in Chicago on
Sunday, January 26,1969, in connection with the mid year
meeting of the American Bar Association. On our agenda
will be  many  items of interest,
including  consideration of  the
report of the ABA  Special Com-
mittee  on Automobile  Accident
Reparations, which  has recently
been filed and will be considered by
the House of Delegates at its meet-
ing on January 27-28. The report
concerns  a  highly controversial
subject of great public interest. The
report is lengthy, but the American
Bar  Association plans to  make
copies available at cost. If you wish ustice Wm. McAllister
a  copy please write to the Division of Public Service
Activities at the American Bar Center.
   We  will also consider committee reports concerning
Advocacy,  Court Administration, Crime Prevention and
Control, and the Judicial Reform Act of 1968.
   The  work of the ABA  Project on Minimum Standards
for Criminal Justice, of which our section is a component,
is making  steady progress. Two  Advisory  Committee
reports will soon be published and distributed, one dealing
with Criminal Appeals and the other with Discovery and
Procedure Before Trial. These and two other reports dealing
with the role of Prosecuting Attorneys and Defense Counsel
which are nearing completion will be considered by the
Council of the Section later this year and submitted to the
House of Delegates at the August 1969 meeting.
   Also  meeting in Chicago during the midyear meeting
will be the executive committees of our affiliated organiza-
tions, the Appellate Judges' Conference and the National
Conference of State Trial Judges and our Standing Com-
mittee on Traffic Court Program. In addition to transact-
ing routine business these groups will be planning programs
for the annual meeting in  Dallas. The section and its
affiliated organizations will be housed in Dallas at the
Statler-Hilton Hotel. Since the space is limited early
registration is recommended.
   Our  Membership Committee is active and our member-
ship is increasing. Glenn Jack of Oregon City, a new
member   of the Board of Governors, wrote to all ABA
               (Continued on page 2)


    Last Fall, a questionnaire regarding the proposed
National Court Assistance Act was sent to each member.
Slightly more than twenty-five per
cent answered and the result of the
poll is quite revealing. Stated in
percentages, 13% favored passage of
the bill, 44% were opposed, and
43%  favored the bill in principle
but only  if the federal financing
were  funneled through an agency
such as a proposed National State
Courts  Center  rather  than  an
agency controlled by the Federal
Government. Thus it is obvious that
the  great majority  of  the re-  Justice David Carmody
sponding  appellate judges are against the legislation as
presently proposed.
   The  Executive Committee  of the Conference spent a
full day in Chicago the latter part of January, formulating
plans for the meeting in Dallas. Our meetings will be held
on August  9th and 10th, and the Committee believes an
outstanding program will be presented. Complete informa-
tion as to subjects and participants will be sent to all
members  as soon as possible. In addition to the program
itself, the members of the Conference have been asked to
join with the Conference of State Trial Judges for a social
gathering on Friday evening, August 8th, and the Appellate
Judges' Conference will have its own social hour on the
late afternoon of August 9th. Not to be forgotten are two
luncheons to be held on August  9th and 10th, both of
which are joint efforts of the Conference of State Trial
Judges  and the  Appellate Judges' Conference -  our
Conference hosts one luncheon and the Trial Judges the
    It is not too early, and it may soon be too late, for
members  to make reservations at the hotel of their choice
in Dallas. Mark your calendar and make your reservations
now  so that you can meet old friends and make new ones!
                                DAVID  W. CARMODY
                  Justice, Supreme Court of New Mexico


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