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85 Ohio St. L.J. Sixth Cir. Rev. 1 (2024)

handle is hein.journals/osljsxcr85 and id is 1 raw text is: OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL SIXTH CIRCUIT REVIEW

Breaking Bonds: How False Advertising Claims
Create Broad Cracks in Jurisprudence and
Business Relationships
I.    IN TR O D U CTIO N ............................................................................. 1
III.  PROXIM  ATE  C AU SATION .................................................................. 3
IV .  TOO  BROAD   A  CRACK?................................................................  4
V .   C O N C L U SIO N  ..........................................................................  5
In the windshield repair industry, partnerships between suppliers and
service providers are naturally common.1 Such was the case with Ultra Bond,
Inc. (Ultra Bond) and Safelite Solutions, LLC (Safelite).2 Ultra Bond supplied
service providers with bonding resin, and Safelite would use similar products to
fix windshields.3 The cracks in this relationship started forming when Safelite
allegedly made representations to consumers and insurance companies alike that
jeopardized Ultra Bond's profits.4 Ultra Bond filed suit for damages caused by
false advertising under to the Lanham Act and Safelite subsequently filed a
counterclaim for misappropriation of trade secrets.5 While most of the parties'
claims were resolved without issue, the Sixth Circuit's final judgment on Ultra
Bond's claim opened the door for consumers to play a larger role in false
advertising suits moving forward.6 Such a ruling may have an impact on
advertising practices across the Circuit's jurisdiction.
Ultra Bond enjoys a sizable share of the windshield repair market; its
bonding resin products have a stellar reputation amongst service providers and
* Mahni Alizadeh is a J.D. candidate at The Ohio State University Moritz College of
Law and writes for the OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL Sixth Circuit Review.
1About, ULTRA BOND, https://www.ultrabond.com/about [https://perma.cc/RJJ4-
UYK4] (last visited Feb. 25, 2024).
2 Campfield v. Safelite Grp., Inc., 91 F.4th 401, 406 (6th Cir. 2024).
3Id. at 407.
4Id. at 408.
5Id. at 407-09.
6Id. at 412.



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