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5 NYU J. Intell. Prop. & Ent. L. i (2015-2016)

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                    NEW YORK UNIVERSITY
                  & ENTERTAINMENT LAW

VOLUME 5                                                   NUMBER 1


P r e f a c e   ................................................................................................................................  v


A Defense of Industrial Design  Rights in the United  States .............................................. 1
      Maggie Diamond

Somewhere Beyond the ©: Copyright and Web Design ............................................. 43
      Florina Yezril

M orals  Clauses: Past, Present, and  Future ....................................................................  72
      Caroline Epstein


Foreword: The International Evolution of Intellectual Property Rights ........................ 107
      Richard A. Epstein

Towards a New Dialectics: Pharmaceutical Patents, Public Health
and F oreign  D irect  Investm ents ......................................................................................  113
      Valentina S. Vadi

Addressing Climate Change: Domestic Innovation, International Aid
a n d  C o llab o ratio n   ............................................................................................................  19 6
      Joy Y Xiang

Lost and Found: Intellectual Property of the Fragrance Industry; From
T rade  Secret  to  T rade  D ress  ........................................................................................... 2 56
      Charles Cronin

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