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1993-1994 NOVA Newsl. 1 (1993-1994)

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                                         NATIONAL QRGANI~


40 News



me 16 Number   4 of 2 I sue  1993

Trip to Camps Produces Report:

     NOVA      rector Seeks    elp for Bosnian Victims

By Marlene A. Young. PhD., JD.
Executive Director

Ediatnte:thl fItill win   i the al b e-
Iad   text  her Report on Exploratory
I i to Ases Nee  of Vc in of Tr uma
inieFrm   r Yugo lavi' whulb D1nce
lrepatrd for reprsentatives of the US.
,ad Bousm   governments  and frr tle
NOVA  Boad  of ibrectors. h has inre
r ansforedhe   eo    ndationsfr  nt
  menBosnian criss interventron
teams int a Jundhng proposal which is
now  under  reew  Experienced  coris
iervenor,   willn  to  olunteer two
months time to work with Bosnian refu-
gees are encouraged to contact NOVA

    0On January 28, 1993, the National
Organization  for Victim Assistance
(NOVA)  received aninvitat'on from tihe
Director of the Voluntar Refugee Repa-
tri tion Progrm for Bostu nH -erzegovina,
E hh Korkut. M D, to v'iti Eroati and
B  ,i na-He .egovina to a. sess. te possi-
bility of establishn g ciis mtnervention
crvice foro Bonin wr crie victim, and
i  ctim, as. itancecenter for thosevictine
in the coastal town of Neun, While na
totally sheltered from the destrution of
the current wars in Bosnia -Herzegovina
Neum  has suffered relatively little deva s-

    On February3 . 93. KathyW Wll a
volunteer with expert'se in as sistin, vi-
timns of sexual assa ult in Arkansa nd I
flew to Vienna and then on to gareb on
Februarx .  ron  ttda throu,, Ftbru-
arv 10th. we visited refugee camps and
Ira velled to Neum to look at possible sites
for the center.
    Interviews were conducted with refu-

MarteVe YoHng

gees at each camp, The following fmnig
ad  recommnend' 'in' re ldrawn fIsns the
  eports of re'ugees and in dvidult rng
to help them and  the observa ions of
NOVA's  representatives.

    1 Hule arouities hae been repoted
by all sides of the conflicts, those commit-
ted by Sebian forces far exceed thos
perpetratedb ha yother groupi i hdthe
nature and sope of v ictimization,
    The Scrbin  polic   t ethnicall
<le n.m ing towns and vill ges of their
etnic  lly- Croati'an0 -Muslim inha bil~
ant. throughout Boi    I te Ie. In
a.  the extermination of all1 male in
  some  onunte, and,   inoter, kill-
  in g <me, impri. ning lud ouinn
  othe .. andinduuingst'Iother. tofl
  b. the methodical and strategic ape of
  girls and ol enn  in y n01un uurm-
  ties, sometimes, perhaps often, with
  the intent of impregnating as many as
  c. the theft of all valuable property

WVA rnu

  owned by Muslims  or Croatians, and
  the destruction of what is then not
  expropriated, including their homcs.

  d. the torture and enslavement of survi-
  vors who can serve theSerhian masters
  in useful ways.
    There is evidence that the Serbs hav
perpetrated acts ni torture that include
beatings. castrations, rape. acts of sodomi
nd  fellatio, crudif ixions, deaths caused 1w
un  1hot knivings, slaughtering a ternm
of ril meaning the ritualistic tlitin ot
tthrr). hurtng.b bkng. thetearing apon1
of limbs, stings. ad  so forh.  Any
civiln  regrdie. of gender or gee in
be subjected to tore or death.
    2. Reugees fleeing the war zone. o
exchanged as prisoners leave their homes
wIth nothing. Even if they are initiall
able to take valuables with them, most of
thos e blonIgings arisolen in the p roces
of any transfer.
    3. Whle te systematic rae of thou-
Sand. of Ro nia Mu  tim  n  (roatiin
womnen  rd girl is extraordinr in cp
andhlrutality. iher warecrinmesare equally
outrageous t or more so, in the case ot the

In   This Issue:
    - Unifr mVicims   of Crime
    Act   Craiued   . . .    4

    * Silent Auti ion, Awards &
    Board  Nominations. ... 5-7

    * Judy Comnpere:


~'apvr~ght ar~ app ropriaktt ,'wt~d.

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