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46 Neth. J. Legal. Phil. 3 (2017)

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This ar ticle from Netherlan mds Jorn ialI of LegalI Philosophy is pujblishe id by Boom jidiah asi id maide  , available to asosieme bezoeker


Bridging the Gap

Wouter Veraart

Last year we have had a fruitful public discussion on the course of NJLP in com-
ing years. The outcome of this discussion has been that NJLP will remain a jour-
nal with a double  aspiration. On the one  hand, we will continue to be a peer
reviewed journal with a solid and visible presence in the international arena. On
the other hand, we aim to stay in tune with legal practice in the Netherlands and
Belgium, and will offer a place for legal philosophical and legal theoretical reflec-
tion with direct relevance for legal practitioners and current legal, societal or
political debates.

This renewed  double aspiration means that we have implemented   a few changes.
As of 2017, we  will in principle publish two issues each year, one normal issue
based  on peer reviewed submissions,  and one  special issue. The annual special
issue will be alternating between an international special issue around the work
of a renowned  legal philosopher, and a societal special issue, taking a legal philo-
sophical or legal theoretical angle on themes with a particular relevance today.

In addition, our publisher allows us to remain  flexible, enabling us to publish
more  issues if needed, and offering the possibility of early online publishing of
fully accepted articles on the NJLP-website.

This mission  of NJLP, which  may  be summarized  as bridging the gap between
'international' legal philosophy and 'local' practice, suits her very well. In fact, the
gap  between  the 'universal' and the 'local' is reminiscent of Paul Scholten's
famous  gap between the general norm and  the legal verdict in the concrete case, a
problem  very much at the core of legal philosophy itself.

As always, the editorial board of NJLP is looking forward to fulfill its ambitions in
coming  years and hopes that you will enjoy the first issue of 2017.

Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 2017 (46) 1                           3
doi: 10.5553/NJLP/221307132017046001001

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