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22 Ne. J. Legal Stud. 1 (2009)

handle is hein.journals/neastjol22 and id is 1 raw text is: 

1/Vol. 22/North East Journal of Legal Studies

                     DESIGN  PATENTS

                      Roy J. Girasa*
                    Richard J. Kraus**


       A company's  sign or symbol certainly constitutes an
important  business  asset. The   public  recognizes the
McDonald's  Arch, the Mercedes emblem, the unique K on
Kellogg's products, and innumerable other signs or symbols.
These trademarks convince  many  to purchase the products
offered. Marketers also understand that the packaging and
design of a product significantly influence a buyer to select a
particular item. One need only examine the beautiful designs of
perfume bottles or the blue Tiffany box packaging1 to visualize
the time and effort expended to influence the purchase of such
products. The  law protects the packaging and  design of
products, but the nature and extent of such protection have led
to  some  confusion among   practitioners and scholars. A
company  may need to decide whether to seek protection in the
form  of common   law trade dress under trademark law or
attempt to obtain a design patent. These alternative modes offer

*Professor of Law, Lubin School of Business, Pace University,
New  York.
**Professor of Law and Chairperson of Department of Legal
Studies and  Taxation, Lubin  School  of  Business, Pace
University, New York.

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