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70 Nat'l Corp. Rep. I (1925)

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Devoted to the Interests of Business and Municipal Corporations, Law, Finance and Commerce

                Edited by FREDERICK A. ROWE of the Chicago Bar

Index to Volume LXX From January 29, 1925

                                                                                               to July 23, 1925



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an Trust & Savings Bank of Kankakee v.
irham.  (United States Circuit Court of
peals. Seventh Circuit, February 28. 1924.
Lge, Cir. J.)  Fraud law-Transfers by
nkrupt of entire stock in trade held void.. 73
th, Doing Business as the Snyder-Beckwith
mpany, Appellee, v. Curtin, Appellant.
Ilinois Appellate Court, First District.
ril 13, 1925. Johnston, J.) Brokers' law
Exclusive agency for sale of real estate-
Eght to commission ......................  427
rd v. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Com-
ny. (United States Circuit Court of Ap-
sls, Seventh Circuit. June 18, 1924. Al-
iuler, Cir. J.) Equity practice law-Bill
discovery in aid of legal action maintain-
le only in exceptional cases ............  459
Scanlon  Corporation v. United   States.
nited States Supreme Court.    May 12,
24. Butler. J.)  Eminent domain law-
ust compensation for expropriation of
otract for construction of vessel ....... 739
,f Opelika v. Opelika Sewer Company.
naited States Supreme Court. May 26,
24. Holmes, J.) ('onstitutional law-Spe-
ii privileges or immunities- Municipal cor-
rations-Rate regulation  .............. 331
ham et al. v. McLaughlin et al. (United
ates  Supreme  Court.   April 7, 1924.
lines, J.) Banking law-Validity of state
itute concerning unincorporated associa-
,s  .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 3 1
et il. v. United States. (United States
rcuit Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.
ne 18. 1924.   Evans, Cir. J.)   Intoxi-
uing liquors law-Prohibition agent held
be a civil officer- -0bstructing justice.. 332
l Trade Commission v. American Tobacco
,ipany.  (United States Supreme Court.
irch 17, 1924. Holmes, J.) Unfair com-
tition law-Anti-trust  acts-Compelling
oduction of books and papers ............ 39
.ational Bank of Greeley v. Board of Con-
s-ioners of Weld County, Colorado. (Unit-
  States Supreme Court. April 7, 1924.
therland, J.)  Taxation law-Action by
nk to recover taxes paid under protest-
ie process ............................. 191
Appellee. v. Dickerman, Appellant. (Illi-
is Appellate Court, First District. June 9,
25. Gridley, J.)  Trial law-Prejudicial
narks of court-Undue limitation of time
. argument  ........................... 679
,t al. v. Lane, High Sheriff of Hawaii.
aired States Supreme Court.    June 2.
24. Van Devanter, J.)    Habeas corpus
v-When defendants not entitled to dis-
i ge for insufficiency of indictment ...... 523
  v. United States. (United States Cir-
it Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit. July
1924. Alschuler, Cir. J.) Criminal law
.'ontempt of court for violation of injunc-
mn restraining liquor nuisance ........... 428
n et al. v. McClelland et al.   (United
ites Supreme Court. April 21, 1924. Van
ranter, J.)   Jurisdiction law-Property
d not impounded by federal court-Spend-
rift trust  .............................  259
Freeman & Brooks. Alexander Lumber
mpany v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Com-
ay et al. (United States Circuit Court of
peals, Seventh Circuit. May 29, 1924.
tition for rehearing overruled August 15,
!4. Page, Cir. J.)  Surety law-Surety
assignee of claims paid-Subrogation-
Igm ent ....................... ....... 679


James Everard's Breweries v. Day, Prohibition
    Director, et al. (No. 200.) Edward & John
    Burke, Limited, v. Blair, Commissioner of
    Internal Revenue, et al. (United States Su-
    preme Court. .June 9, 1924. Sanford, J.)
    Intoxicating liquors law-Prescriptions by
    physicians-Validity of supplemental prohi-
    bition act ............................... 7 07
J. E. Raley & Brothers et al. v. Richardson et
    al. (United States Supreme Court. Febru-
    ary 18, 1924. Sutherland, J.)   Commerce
    law-Statute imposing tax on brokers not
    violative of equal protection ..............  11
Lewis Mears Company v. Chicago Mercantile Ex-
    change et al. (United States Circuit Court
    of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.   August 16,
    1924. Evans, Cir. J.) Contract law-When
    arbitration must stand 'Exchanges-Value
    of undelivered eggs .......................  619
Louisiana Public Service Commission et al. v.
    Morgan's Louisiana &    Texas Railroad &
    Steamship Company.     (United States Su-
    prene Court. April 7, 1924. MeReynolds,
    J.)  Railroad law-Repairing viaduct over
    tracks-Powers of Public Service Commission 227
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company v. Cen-
    tral Iron & Coal Company. (United States
    Supreme Court. May 5, 1924. Brandeis, J.)
    Common carrier law-Liability for freight
    charges--Acceptance of shipment by con-
    signee .................................. 647
Moore et al. v. United States. (United States
    Circuit Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.
    July 16, 1924. Alschuler, Cir. J.) Criminal
    law-Using mails to defraud- Sufficiency of
    indictment- Evidence .................... 767
New York Central Railroad Company v. United
    States.   (United States Supreme    Court.
    April 28, 1924. Butler, J.)  Railroad law
    -Safety Appliance Acts-Car with power
    brakes becoming defective .................  523
New   York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Telegraph
    Company v. Dolan. (United States Supreme
    Court. May 12, 1924. Holmes, J.) Taxa-
    tion law-Iimposition of assessment on use
    of street by telephone company ........... 332
Oliver American Trading Company, Inc., v. Unit-
    ed States of Mexico et al. (United States
    Supreme Court. April 7, 1924. Brandeis,
    .1.) Jurisdiction law- Question of sovereign
    immunity from   process and suit-Appeals
    and errors .............................. 163
Packard v. Banton et al.   (United States Su-
    preme Court. February 18, 1924. Suther-
    land, J.) Constitutional law-Statutory re-
    quirement as to motor vehicle operators-
    Bond  or insurance ........................ 11
Park Falls Lumber Company v. Burlingame.
     (Unitbd States Circuit Court of Appeals, Sev-
     enth Circuit. July 24, 1924. Page, Cir. J.)
     Internal revenue  law-Additional return
     made by commisioner presumptively correct
     - T rial ................................ 491
Pierce Oil Corporation v. Hopkins ct al. (Unit-
    ed States Supreme Court.     February 18,
    1924. Brandeis, J.)   Constitutional law-
    Effect of statute taxing gasoline sold and
    requiring seller  to  collect ..................  72
Railroad Commission of California v. Southern
    Pacific Company et al. (United States Su-
    preme Court. April 7, 1924. Taft, C. J.)
    Railroad law-State commission not empow-
    ered to order construction of union station.. 587
Roberts et al. v. Gerber et al. (Supreme Court
    of Wisconsin. March, 1925. Eschweiler, J.)
    Real estate law-Restrictive agreement held
    valid-First class residence property-Camp-
    lug purposes ............................ 295

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Salem Trust Company v. Manufacturers' Finance
    Company et al.    (United States Supreme
    Court. February 18, 1924. Butler, J.) As-
    signment law-Subsequent assignee's right to
    payment-Accounts receivable--Removal of
    causes  ................................. 135
Sanitary District of Chicago v. United States.
     (United States Supreme Court. January 5,
     1925. Holmes, J.)   Drainage law-With-
     drawal of water from Lake Michigan-Navi-
     gable waters-United States may enjoin .... 71
Smith v. Apple. (United States Supreme Court.
    March 3, 1924. Sanford, J.)   Jurisdiction
    law-Dismissal by lower court-Direct ap-
    peal- Jurisdictional  issue  ................  103
Southeastern Express Company v. Miller, State
    Revenue Agent.    (United States Supreme
    Court. Aprll 21, 1924. McKenna, J.) Con-
    stitutional law-Validity of state statute im-
    posing privilege tax on express companies.. 555
State of Georgia v. City of Chattanooga. (Unit-
    ed States Supreme Court. April 7, 1924.
    Butler, J.)  Eminent domain law-Munici-
    pality authorized to condemn land owned by
    sister state ............................. 163
State of Missouri, ex rel., Barrett, Attorney Gen-
    eral. et al., v. Kansas Natural Gas Company.
    (United States Supreme Court.    May 26,
    1924. Sutherland, J.) Interstate commerce
    law- Transportation of gas-State regula-
    tion-Burden on commerce ................ 619
State of Missouri, ex rel., Burnes National Bank
    of St. Joseph, v. Duncan, Judge of Probate
    Court. (United States Supreme Court. April
    28, 1924. Holmes, J.) Banking law-Valid-
    ity of act authorizing national banks to act
    as executors ............................ 227
State of Oklahoma v. State of Texas. United
    States, Intervener. (United States Supreme
    Court. June 9, 1924. Van Devanter, J.)
    Receivers law-Expenses in action involving
    title to gas and oil  well  area .............  555
Tevander v. Ruysdael.   (United States Circuit
    Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit. April 18,
    1924. Lindley, Dist. J.) Corporation law-
    Debts of business, assumed by purchaser
    -Receivers- Trusts  ..................... 363
Texas Transport & Terminal Company, Inc., v.
    City of New Orleans. (United States Su-
    preme Court. February 18, 1924. Suther-
    land, J.)  Commerce law-License tax on
    steamship agent held violative of Constitu-
    tion ...................... ...... ........ 39
United States et al. v. Abilene & Southern Rail-
    way Company et al.     (United States Sn-
    preme Court. May 26, 1924. Brandeis, J.)
    Interstate commerce law-Validity of com-
    mission's order relating to divisions of joint
    rates ................................... 799
United States v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Rail-
    way   Company.    (United  States District
    Court, N. D. Illinois, B. D. April 12, 1924.
    Evans, Cir. J.)  Internal revenue law-In-
    come and excess profits taxes-Property op-
    erated by receiver ........................  395
United States v. Supplee-Biddle Hardware Com-
    pany. (United States Supreme Court. May
    26. 1924.  Taft, C. J.)  Internal revenue
    law--Proceeds of life insurance policies ex-
    cluded from gross income................ 459
Weiss, Collector of Internal Revenue, v. Steam.
    Same v. White.    (United States Supreme
    Court.  May 26, 1924.     McReynolds, J.)
    Internal revenue law-Income received by
    stockholders on reorganization-Distribution
    of proceeds ............................. 427

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