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2 Nat'l Corp. Rep. [i] (1891)

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                                          A WEEKLY JOURNAL,

                 Devoted to the Interests of Business Corporations,

                                            Finance and Commerce.

                                         0 VOLUME II.

                       From March 14, 1891, to September 5, 1891.




                 OF THE CHICAGO BAR.

                          PUBLISHED BY


                     122 LA SALLE STREET,



                                              T7 BLS 0

Alabama G. S. . Co. v. Chumbey. (Ala.)
     Garnishment Law-Foreign corporations-Situs of debt, May 5, 1891 ................ 436
Allen v. Duluth Gas & Water Co. (Minn.)
     Municipal Law-City ordinances-Water-Rates, June 8, 1891.................... 395
American Biscuit & Manufactusring Co. v. lotz. (La.)
     Trust Law--An attempt to monopolize construed-Rule as to preliminary in-
     junction,  January. 1891 ................................................................  140
American Rapid Telegraph Co. v. Hess. (N. Y.)
     Municipal Law-Police power of States-Electric wires-Sub-ways, Feb. 24, 1891... 114
American Towing Co. of Baltimore v. German Fire Ins. Co. of Baltimore. (Md.)
     Insurance Law-Extent of damage, March 24, 1891 .................................. 187
Arkansas Val. Agr. Soc. v. Eicbholtz. (Kan.)
     Corporatins--Issue of stock-Fraud by directors, January 10, 1891 ..................  8
Atwater v. American Exchange National Bank. (i.)
     Corporation Law-Insolvent corporation-Preference of directors .................. 354
Bank of England v. Vagliano Bros. (House of Lords, England.)
     Banking Law-Depositor's negligence-Forged drafts, March 5,1891 ................ 115
Belmont Nail Co. v. Columbia Iron & Steel Co. (Pa.)
     Creditor's-Bill Law-In equity-Motion to dismiss bill, Stay 7, 1891 ................ 415
 Bi-Spool Sewing Machine Co. v. Acme Manufacturing Co. (Mass.)
     Corporation Law-Contract of purchase-Ratification, Mtarch, 1891 .................. 455
Bushnell v. Consolidated Ice Machine Co. (Ill.)
     Corporatisns-Defective organization-Declaring corporations partnerships-Right
     of corporator, M ay  13, 1891 .......... k ..................................................  395
 Cedar Lake Hotel Co. v. Cedar Lake Hydraulic Co. (Wis.)
     Corporation Law-Rights of corporations over lakes, March 17, 1891 ................ 163
 Child v. Bemuas. (B. 1.)
     Municipal corporations-Ordinances-Hackney license-Revocations, Feb. 7, 1891.. 233
 City of Bloomington v. Bourland. (Ill.)
     Municipal Law-Hawkers and peddlers, Stay 11, 1891 ................................ 375
 City of Chicago v. Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Co. (Ill.)
     Municipal Law-Street crossings, tracks and right of way, July, 1891 ................ 435
 City of New Albany v. McCulloch. (Ind.)
     Iunicipal Law-Detective sidewalks-Pleading-New trial, March 20, 1891 ......... 185
 Colorado M. R'y Co. v. Brown. (Col.)
     Eminent doissain-Compensation-Evidence, November 19, 1890 .........49
 Columbia Electric Co. v. Dixon. (Miilnn.)
     Corporation Law-Contracts with corporation-Estoppel to deny validity-Sub-
     scription to stock-False representations, July 1, 1891 ................................ 516
 Commissioners of Easton v. Covey. (Old.)
     tunicipal Law-Building permits- Ordinances-Mandamus, June 16, 1891 ........ 515


Crowder v. Town of Sullivan. (Id.)
    Municipal corporations-Dept--Electrc light tompanies-Ordlnances-Corpora-
    tions, June  13, 1891 .....................................................................  455
Dallas Cotton & Woolen Mills v. Clancey. (Tex.)
    Corporations-Subscriptions to stock-Failure of consideration, January 14, 1891...     30
Davis v. Fasig. (Ind.)
    Municipal Law-PenaltIes-Injunction, May 19, 1891 ................................. 353
Davis v. Montgomery Furnace & Chemical Co. (Ala.)
    Corporations-Subscription to stock-Bonds-Stockholder's liability, Dec. 10, 1890.. 141
Farwell v. Cohen. (Ill.) (Syllabus.)
    Assignment Law-Construction of the Illinois statute, June 10, 1891 ................. 326
Ehrman v. Brooklyn City R. B. Co. (N. Y.)
     Street-Car Law-Injury to child on track, May 11, 1891 ............................... 326
Fifth Avenue Bank v. Parker. (N. Y.)
    Banking Law-Bona fide purchaser, May 4, 1891 ...................................... 355
Finn v. Valley City Street & Cable Rly Co. (Mich.)
     Cable Car Law-Negligence-Duty of carrier, May 8, 1891 ............................ 304
Fonner v. Smith. (Neb.)      •
     Banking Law-Checks and assignment of bank deposits-Duty of banks, January
     2, 1891.....................                                      30
Foster v. Stevens. (Vt.)
     Banking Law-Taxation of bank shares-Exemption of foreign corporation, May
     9, 1891 ...................................................................................  437
German National Bank v. Foreman. (Pa.)
     Banking Law-Depositor's unrestricted check, January 9, 1891 ...................... 163
Gross v. The Chicago & South Side Rapid Transit Railroad Co. (Ill.)
     Elevated Railway Law, July 24, 1891 ............................................... 476-95
Henkleman v. Peterson. (Ill.)
Corporation Law-Injunctlonal order-Right of creditors' appeal, May 5, 1891 ...... '233
Hasselman v. Japanese DevelopmeDt Co. (Ind.)
     Contracts of corporations-Actions-Guaranty-Acceptance, April 14, 1891 .......... 258
 Hazelton Boiler Co. v. Hazelton Tripod Boiler Co. (Ill.)
     Trademark Law-Use of name, May 5, 1891 ........................................... 234
 Henderson v. Wheaton. (Ill.)
     Stock-Purchase Law-Written contracts-Notice of repurchase, May 5, 1891 ........ 396
 Higgins v. Xeuffel..($up..Ct. U. S.)
     Label and Trademark Law-Copyright-Must be valuable-Construction of Fed-
     eral statutes, May 11, 1891 ..................... ................................ 355
 Hodgson v. Duluth. H. & D. R. R. Co. (Minn.)
     Corporation Law-Suits by stockholders-Stockholders' meeting-Validity of, July
     1, 1891 ...............................................  ...................................  515

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