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13 NARF Legal Rev. 1 (1988)

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Native AMer    Isc --ights Fund

Church Leaders Issue Apology to Indians

  On November 21, 1987 at the site of an ancient
  burial ground in downtown Seattle, Washington,
  a formal Declaration of Apology was presented by
  ten major Christian denominational leaders of
  the region to the tribal councils and traditional
  spiritual leaders of the Indian and Eskimo
  peoples of the Pacific Northwest.
  The Declaration was for their church's partici-
  pation in the destruction of Native American
  religions. In the statement, the leaders formally
  recognized customs and beliefs, the protection of
  sacred sites for religious purposes, and the use of
  objects such as feathers and tobacco for religious
purposes. The churches also pledged support in
upholding the American Indian Religious Free-
dom Act of 1978. (A copy of the Declaration is on
page 3).
  Along with the document a gift of $1,000 was
given to the Native American Rights Fund for use
in its religious freedom efforts on behalf of Native
Americans. For the past 17 years, NARF has
worked to protect the right of Native Americans to
practice their traditional religions. This year the
U.S. Supreme Court will review two Indian reli-
gious freedom cases in which NARF has filed
amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs.
  In the first case, Lyrn v, Northwest Indian
Cemeter, the Court will determine whether the
construction of a forest service road in an area of
religious significance to the Yurok, Karok and
Talowa Tribes violates those Indians' First
Amendment right to free exercise of their religion.
In the second case, Emplovrnent Division. De-
partment of Human Services of the State of
Oregon v, Smith, the Court will decide if members
of the Native American Church who were dis-
charged from their jobs for peyote use during
religious ceremonies are entitled to unemploy-
ment compensation benefits from Oregon's un-

employment fund by virtue of the First Amend-
ment free exercise rights.
  NARF is also representing Native Hawaiians in
their effort to prevent geothermal development on
the island of Hawaii. The case, Dedmanv. Hawaii
Board of Land and Natural Resources, is on
appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Natives
assert that their goddess Pele lives in the volca-
noes and that the proposed development would
illegally desecrate their religious beliefs and prac-
tices. NARF serves as co-counsel with the Native
Hawaiian Legal Corporation and private attor-
  Protecting Indian burial sites from excavation
and desecration has been the objective of NARF's
advocacy for a new federal Indian burial policy.
The policy would provide for the reinterment of
over 300,000 Indian bodies stored in federal and
state institutions, and would also establish a new
federal policy properly recognizing the cultural
                          (Continues on nexd page)


Contents: Vol. 13, No. 1, Winter 1988

Declaration of Apology ...................... 1

National Support Committee ............... 4

Board of Directors ............................ 5

NARF Resources & Publications ..... 6

We would like to extend a special note
of acknowledgement to the Philip Morris
Company for its major funding of this
    issue of the NARF Leaal Review.

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