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3 Manchester L. Students' Chron. 1 (1903-1904)

handle is hein.journals/mlstud3 and id is 1 raw text is: MANCHESTER
VOL. III.      OCTOBER, 1903.      No. 1.

Wrrt this number the Afavnhester Law ,tudenis'
Ch/ronicle enters upon its third volume. We are
led to believe that up to the present the magazine
ha.s served the purposes for which, it was initiated,
though we must confess that in our opinian the
literary prowess of the, Society has not. yet been, fully
shown. Many of our members have the ability, but,
alas, lack the energy of entertaining us with their
humour and learning. No doubt the mind        is
willing but the flesh is weak.
We, print. this month the Cormnittee's Report
dealing with the work done by time Society during
last Session. We notice with pleasure the increas-
ing membership of the Society, which fact is due in
no small degree to our able and energetic Secretaries,
of whom we cannot speak too highly.
The Treasurer and Librarian lay their respective
Balance Sheets before you for your perusal. The
Library, we are pleased to see, is in a very flourish-
ing condition, being kept thoroughly up to date
by the continual addition of new books.
The Treasurer's Balance Sheet shows a balance on
the right, side, but with less funds in hand than at
the corresponding time last year.  Although om
receipts have increased very considerably during the
past Session, tihe expenditure has been in some
respects an extraordinary one, including, as it does,
a large Honours List, and also the expenses con-
nected with the London Congress, of Law Students.
A comparison of the Balance Sheets for the two last
preceding Sessions will show more clearly where
exactly our expenditure has increased.
It will be seen from the Committee's Report that,
dur-ing this last Sessi.m both the average attendance
of members a-nd tihe .'tverage number of speakers at
meetings has very seriously decreased. The cause
of this decrease is not known to us, but whatever

it may be, we would point out in all earnestness that
it is the duty of all ordinary members of the Society
to attend regularly   at tie  fortnightly  debates.
Notices of the ineetings and of the subjects to be
discussed thereat are always in the bands of members
in time for them to look up (if necessary) the law
connected with the subject. for debate, and to come
to the debates, prepared to give the benefit of their
opinions to the meeting.
It was mainly due to the small attendances and
to the small percentage of speakers that we had such
difficulty last Session in, winning a prize ii the
Law Notes Moot Competitions.
We must again express. regret that no Manchester
man has succeeded in obtaining First-class Honours
at the Final during the last Session. We must not
despair, however, for we have done infinitely better
than  we did during the Session 1901-2, having
obtained  two Second-class and   three Third-class
Honours men this last Session, as compared with
one Second-class and one Third-class Honours man
in 1901-2. It. is not so many years since it used
to be quite the regular thing for Manchester to boast
of at least one First-class Hlonours man iin every
Session. Let us hope that the large Honours List
last Session is but. a. precursor of better things to
follow, and that in the ensuing Session, Manchester
miay again figure in the First-class. Shall we ever
succeed in finding the First Prizeman ?
Criticus, after a period of inactivity, again
wields his pen, though he withholds a, criticism of
the  Mock   Trial, which   is dealt with, to    all
appearances, by fairer hands.
In conclusion, we wish to draw our readers' special
attention to our Correspondence Colman. The two
letters we print therein are worthy of our careful
consideration. Our correspondent R. 0. G., who
seems anxious to increase    the  interest of the
Honorary members in the Society, invites discussion
on admirable, shall we say, suggestions.

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