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6 Migracijske Teme / Migration Themes 5 (1990)

handle is hein.journals/mkeieket6 and id is 1 raw text is: Migraciiske teme, Godina , broj 1, sviban 1990.
Redakcije viz broj 1/90. -Migracijskih temae4
Ovaj broj -Migracijskih tera, posveien je jugoslavenskom iseljeniAtvu u
Povodom 200. obljetnice Australije, u Canborri je sredinom godine 1988.
u organizaciji -Australian National University i -Instituta za migracije i
narodndsti Sveucilista u Zagrebu- odrtan znanstveni skup o temi: *Jugosla-
veni u Australiji  Referate sa spomenutog skupa objavio je australijski or-
ganizator pod naslovom: .Migrants from Yugoslavia in Australia (conference
papers)-, Australian National University, Canberra, 1988.
Prema dogc'voru iznmedu suorganizatora svi referati koje su autori nak-
nadno preoblikovali (znanstvena aparatura) te prezentirali kao znanstvene
radove ostavljeni su za publiciranje u --Migracijskim temama-.
Radovi dra Branimira Banovida (-Potisni i privlatni faktori u iselja-
vanju iz Hrvatske u Australiju od konca 19. stoijeda do recentnog vremena )
i dre Vesne Mikadia (Rezidencijalna stratifikacija Sydneya pod utjecajem
etnickcg okupljanja doseljenika-) ukljudeni su u ovaj broj *Migracijskih tema.
jer su tematski usko vezani za tretiranu problematiku.
Of the Editorial Board for the number 1/90. >,Mipration Themes
This issue of -Migration Themes- is dedicated to the Yugoslav overseas
emigration to Australia.
On the occasion of the bicentenary of Australia, in the middle of the year
1988 in the organisation of the -Australian National University and the *In-
stitute for Migration and Nationalities Studies, University of Zagrebx the
scientific conference on the subject _Yugoslavs in Australia, was held in Can-
berra. Papers from the mentioned conference were published by the Austra-
lian organizer entitled .,Migrants from  Yugoslavia in Australia (conference
papers)-, Australian National University, Canberra, 1988.
By arrangement between joint organizers all the papers which were re-
formulated afterwards (scientific apparatus) and presented as scientific works,
were left to be published in TMigration Themes-.
Papers by dr. Branimir Banovid (oPush and Pull Factors in the Emigra-
tion from Croatia to Australia from the End of the 19th Century to Present
Times) and by dr. Vesna Mikacit (.Residential Stratification of Sydney In-
fluenced by Immigrants' Ethnic Concentrationt) have been included in this
issue because thematically they are closely linked to the problems treated.
The Editorial Board

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