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1 Medicolegal News 1 (1973)

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A publication of the American Society
of Law & Medicine, Inc.
continuing medicolegal education
Vol. I, No. I                  Inaugural Issue                  October 1973

-         AM
Newly-born, still in infancy and
prognosis excellent, it is indeed grati-
fying to be able to report that the
LAW & MEDICINE, INC. is vigorous
and the outlook exciting and
For proper perspective and clearer
focus on direction of future activities
and expansion, we should (A la
Charles Dickens) examine the So-
ciety Past, the Society Present
and the Society Future.
Our heritage is distinguished and
rich. Although new, we still are old.
The grandparent of the AMERICAN
was born on February 23, 1911, when
a group of Massachusetts physicians
joined together as the Massachusetts
Society of Examining Physicians to
establish more intimate acquaintance
and social relations between physi.
clans who regularly make physical or
medical examinations for purposes
other than prescribing treatment.
For over 60 years the Massachu.
setts Society of Examining Physicians
provided ongoing educational pro.
grams in the area of legal medicine
for Massachusetts Health-Law pro-
fessionals. The Society's dinner meet.
ings, held once or twice yearly, were

well-attended both by member phy-
sicians and by nonmember guests
from legal and insurance professions.
In recent years a rapidly growing
interest of attorneys and members of
the judiciary in the programs and ac-
tivities of the Massachusetts Society
of Examining Physicians became evi-
dent and prompted radical changes in
the Society's composition.
On May 15, 1968, the Massachu-
setts Society of Examining Physicians
pioneered the joining together of
members of the medical and legal
professions into one professional
organization. Attorneys' membership,
however, was only on a limited basis,
and the Society for governing pur-
poses remained a medical organiza-
tion. The new  by-laws specified,
Members of the Legal Profession
shall be eligible for Associate Mem.
bership in the Society on invitation
by members .... Associate Members
shall have the privilege of attending
the meetings of the Society, inviting
guests, taking part in the discussions
but will not be voting members nor
eligible to hold office.
During the next four years, in-
creasing numbers of attorneys,
judges, administrative agency offi-
cials and insurance company person-
nel attended the Society's semiannual
dinner meetings, enjoyed the oppor-
tunity for pleasant dialogue with
fellow-health.law professionals and
profited from the medicolegal presen-
tations of noted after-dinner.speakers.
To meet the obvious pressing need
for a multidisciplined organization
devoted to educating persons in the
many areas where law, medicine, in.
surance and judiciary interrelate, the
Massachusetts Society of Examining
Physicians on May 17, 1972 drama-
tically revised its constitution, by-laws
and membership requirements. The
reorganized Society, now named the
Massachusetts Society of Law &
(cont. pg. 2 col. 1)


We are pleased to inaugurate the
American Society of Law and Medi-
cine's MEDICOLEGAL NEWS with this
issue. The purpose of this publication
is to bring news of interest not only
to doctors and lawyers, but also to pro-
fessionals In education, insurance,
hospital administration, nursing, and
government who have an interest in
keeping abreast of the developments
in legal medicine. It is our intention
to publish the MEDICOLEGAL NEWS
quarterly. The format will follow that
used in this issue, although more
space has been devoted to informing
readers about the American Society
of Law and Medicine, Inc. and its
plans in this issue than will be de-
voted to this subject in future issues.
listings of the most recent books and
articles in the fields of law, medicine,
insurance, hospital administration,
drugs, nursing, and government which
have medicolegal significance and
may be of interest to our readers. We
will also continue to have sections
devoted to what You Can Write For
and on new Potential Health Haz-
ards. Where the subject matter
warrants, original short articles will
also be presented. In this issue, for
example, we have included two arti.
cles on subjects of current interest,
one on informed consent by the editor-
in-chief, and another on For-Profit
HMO s by attorney John Norris.
Future issues will contain similar arti-
cles by members representing all of
the professions involved in the Society.
The editors are committed to the
should primarily serve the member-
ship. With this in mind we would very
much appreciate any suggestions you
have as to how the MEDICOLEGAL
NEWS can be improved. All such sug-
gestions will be given serious con.
sideration by the editorial staff. It is
our hope that you will both enjoy and
profit from reading MEDICOLEGAL
NEWS.                     G.J.A.

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