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6 Media L. Notes 1 (1978-1979)

handle is hein.journals/mdilwnts6 and id is 1 raw text is: \ (II. 1ti. \. I                          Nv'%Iett1r for Ilse I.:iii DiujiIn of AIK                        No~emhcr 19)78

~'  ,.  ,.         ~    fceanor.. It started- ais an'Infor-
For T Ortfeasor rede~rs,              ml mimeographed production
r`                             edited by Dwight Teeter (Texas,
The name has changed. But        Austin), one of the co-founders
f'for one issue the purpose remains      of the division. Teeter relates
~Vfthe same--to be the newsletter      that, in a miomcnt of whimsy,
k:for the Law Division of AEJ.          the new publication was namied
Beginning in January the         after a fancy-free black Lnb-
purpose will be expanded. Media       radon rctriever owned by a law-
i Law Notes also will become the        yer fricnd. The name seemed like
newsletter of the )!ass Ccnimuni-     a natural at the time. Now,
cations Law Section of the            Tececr is pleased with the AEJ-
Associatic'u of Lht' ATencran11 Liw   AALS couperation and raid the
Schooln;. E'ven then there tiiouild  nauw change was appropriate.
1.     be little chailee ini coniclit.            Wiictber Tortfensor or
The joint effort tLr,;ered     N'edi T- rx Notes, however, the
the chang~e in the  Ci Ics.ct't  nUwriIetcr will be mont efiftc-
    ae    1 C he jne tf1 1. 1i (11t t u e~x-  tlvo's I f readers prov ide cont ri.-
pian t la Jwyer., wThY thc ii''wn   bit four. To that end, please
Iv  Ucrte   watt  nnieI  To r-1 1 4...t -  , ,  twnl  Ir
*witi r li nuai   ''lr  w Iuugd'JoL' ; cne      -Information abouit the ac-
*who cuirn141i tt or 11 u i.l.ty of n     tivi. L ieu of either of tho two
tort. ' Of couroec, mui:;Lt AAM.1; 1meca-  ori,.m zattIons sponsoring the
bers; are not f~uni liar wi ti i te  publication.
.  humble beginning: of the T1uft-            (continued on paE 3)

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