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41 Media L. Notes 1 (2012-2013)

handle is hein.journals/mdilwnts41 and id is 1 raw text is: Head Notes
By Kathy Olson
Division Head
Lehigh University
Globalization has changed the study of
law by demanding perspectives that tran-
scend borders
and recognize
the interdepen-
dence of the
world's  cul-
tures and econ-
omies.. The
of  American
Law   Schools                      '
ranked global-
ization No. 1
on its 2005 list Kathy Olson
of the 10 most
important changes in legal education over
the past 25 years - higher even than the
digital revolution, which came in third.
AEJMC certainly recognizes the im-
portance of a global outlook. One of the
eight Strategic Directions approved by
the membership in 2008 was to engage
globally  and  multiculturally through
teaching, research and service, including
champion[ing] global free expression and
deep democracy.
The law and policy division has already
embraced this transformation. This year,
Yong Tang of Western Illinois University

won the first-place research award for his
paper tracing the development of freedom
of information policy in China. A quick
look at other research papers and panels
from recent years shows members tackling
a wide variety of international issues: Free-
dom of information as a universal human
right, and as practiced in Latin America,
South Korea and Kosovo. Defamation law
and telecom policy in Great Britain. Legal
restrictions on mental health reporting in
Australia. IP law in France. Hate speech
law in Germany. The list goes on.
Still, we can do more. I encourage every-
one to think globally when proposing pan-
els for the conference in Washington, D.C.,
and to take advantage of the resources in
international law and policy available to us
there. Another goal will be to extend our
global reach by inviting international schol-
ars to join and become active in the divi-
sion. I'll be attending the ICA conference
in May to evangelize on our behalf and will
pursue other opportunities to spread the
word about what we do. If you have any
ideas or potential recruits, please let me
$100 for 100 Years
AEJMC has begun a fundraising cam-
paign as part of our centennial celebra-
tion to fund, among other projects, the
James Tankard book prize and the Emerg-
ing Scholars Research Program. Division
heads were challenged at the Council of
Divisions meeting in Chicago to maximize
participation by their members - in fact,
the division or interest group that raises the
most money for the campaign will win a
prize. (I think the prize is a free conference
registration. I sort of tuned out after it was
explained that the contest would be based
on overall donation amount, not per capita
giving - congratulations, Mass Comm and
Surely you don't need extraneous rewards
to do the right thing, though, so please con-
sider donating to the cause. Pledge online at
and I'll stop calling you Shirley.

Student Paper at
Memphis Fights
By Carrie Brown
Assistant Professor
University of Memphis
Student press freedom was affirmed at
the University of Memphis in recent weeks
when funding was restored to our campus
daily news-
paper after an
evidence that
a $25,000
budget cut was
motivated by
the paper's
content. But
despite this  Carrie Brown
important vic-
tory, journal-
ism faculty, staff, students, and alumni
are resolved to stay vigilant and continue
our campaign to isolate future funding
decisions from politics and to fundraise
to ensure the paper's independence going
As all journalism educators undoubtedly
know, this is far from the first or the last
time a student newspaper has butted heads
with campus administration, although it
was one of the more egregious cases I've
seen. In April, the paper's student fee
allocation was slashed by 33 percent by a
committee made up of student government
representatives and university administra-
tors who had some choice words to say
about the paper's content, including some
stupefying accusations, such as outrage
that coverage of an event that they had
hoped to see promoted was pre-empted by
breaking news of a campus rape. To take
just one example, in a tape recorded con-
versation with the Daily Helmsman's
(continued on page 3)


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