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24 Media L. Notes 1 (1996-1997)

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Volume 24

Fall 1996

Newsletter of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Law Division
1996-97 Law Division Theme: The Ethics of
Mass Communication Law and Policy

The Anaheim convention demonstrated once again
how active the Law Division continues to be in the
Association. From Friday's pre-convention seminar
on media violence to the final research paper session
on Tuesday, there was a wide variety of events, each
of which resulted in active audience participation. If
you missed the Media Violence Seminar or the The
Post-O.J. Future of Cameras in the Court
panel, be sure to read the separate articles  HEA
inside this issue of Media Law Notes.
It is always enjoyable to recognize
members who have made significant
contributions to the Division, but the
luncheon  honoring   Don  Gillmor
(Minnesota) was particularly outstanding
with Ted Glasser's special tribute and
Jerome Barron's thought-provoking
address to a packed room. Other well-
received sessions included panels on
advertising puffery (cosponsored with the
Advertising Division), finding jobs
teaching communication law (cosponsored  Roy
with the Commission on the Status of Universi
Women), the long-term impact of the  1996-971
Hazelwood U.S. Supreme Court decision (cosponsored
with the Scholastic Journalism Division), media mega-
mergers (cosponsored with the Media Management and
Economics Division), teaching media law in small
programs (cosponsored with the Small Programs
Interest Group), on-line legal research (cosponsored
with the Communication Technology and Policy
Division) and teaching media law from a liberal arts
perspective (cosponsored with the Intemships and
Placement Interest Group).
Outgoing Division Chair Louise Hermanson

L. M
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(South Alabama) deserves special thanks for organizing
the luncheon and the on-line legal research session,
and for the superb job she did this year as head of the
Division. I certainly enjoyed working with Louise and
I look forward to working with 1996-97 Vice Chair/
Program Chair Sandy Davidson (Missouri) and 1996-
97 Clerk/Media Law Notes Editor Barbara Petersen
(South Florida).
OTE           Our Division is quite fortunate to have
a wealth of talented individuals willing to
participate in the complex of activities of
our group. Sandy, Barbara and I have tried
to get as many of you as we could to be
involved in the Law Division as a member
of a standing committee or an ad hoc
committee, or in some other manner. I
realize, however, that some of you are not
yet involved in division efforts, and thus I
urge you to contact me via E-mail, snail
mail, phone or FAX to let me know how
you would like to be part of our work this
oore       year. Volunteers are always welcome.
Kentucky Here are a few of the ways you can help.
ion Chair * Propose a session for next year's annual
convention in Chicago - send your ideas to Program
Chair Sandy Davidson by October 28. [SEE Sandy's
notice on page 2 of this issue.]
SServe as a judge for research papers for next year.
Contact Research Committee Chair John Wright II
 Write an article for Media Law Notes. Editor
Barbara Petersen wants to hear your ideas for the
content of our quarterly newsletter. [SEE page 3.]
(HEADNOTES continued on following page)

Number 1


Inside This Issue
Division Officers ......... 4
Tobacco Lawsuits ....... 8
Election Advertising......10
Legal Bibliography ...... 12
Non-Legal Bibliography . 15
Whitney Mundt.........19
Southeast Colloquium .... 20

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