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19 McGill J. Sust. Dev. L. 1 (2022)

handle is hein.journals/mcgijosd19 and id is 1 raw text is: Strategic Human Rights Litigation Due to
Historical Environmental Contamination:
Comparative Analysis of Two Chilean Cases
Federico Diaz Chac6n*

Abstract:    Countless   historically  contaminated   territories
currently exist in the world. This problem is even more complex
when contaminatedterritories are located nearpopulatedareas,
affecting the right to life, health, physical and psychological
integrity, and a healthy environment for inhabitants. In
this context, litigation has become an important instrument
for advancing human rights. Nonetheless, many of these
human rights cases do notproduce the positive results that are
expected, both in the short term and long term. As such, this
article examines how the legal system could effectively address
historical environmental problems that affect human rights.
This article develops a comparative analysis oftwo well-known
cases of historical environmental contamination in Chile that
occurred in 2018 and 2019: the Quintero Puchuncavi case
and the Copiap6 Tierra Amarilla case. Both cases involved a
violation ofhuman rights, individual and collective; addressed
vulnerable populations and distributive justice; and denounced
state omissions. Regardless of these similarities, the processes
were carried out differently, with disparate results. This article
analyzes the strategies andjudicialprocesses ofthese cases-and
their results to date-and seeks to better understand strategic
human rights litigation around historical environmental
contamination. Hopefully, this greater comprehension will
increase the likelihood of their success and advance the respect
andprotection ofhuman rights.

Rssums: Il existe une quantiti incalculable de territoires
historiquement contaminis dans le monde. Ce problsme se
complexifie davantage lorsque les territoires contamines se
situent a proximiti de regions habities, touchant le droit e
la vie, a la sante, a l'integriti physique et psychologique et a
un environnement sain. Dans ce contexte, le litige est devenu
un outil important dans la promotion des droits humains.
Nianmoins, plusieurs de ces affaires en droits humains
n'atteignent pas les risultats positifi escomptes, que ce soit d
court ou a long terme. Ainsi, cet article examine comment le
systime juridique pourrait repondre efficacement aux problsmes
environnementaux historiques affectant les droits humains. Cet
article developpe une analyse comparative de deux cas notoires
de contamination environnementale historique au Chili qui se
sontproduits en 2018 et2019: l'affaire Quintero Puchuncavi
et l'affaire Copiap6 Tierra Amarilla. Les deux affaires
concernaient une violation des droits humains, individuels
et collectifs ; s'interessaient a des populations vulnirables et a
la justice distributive et dinonfaient des omissions de l£tat.
Malgri ces similitudes, les processus en justice ont iti mends
diffremment, avec des risultats disparates. Cet article analyse
les strategies et processus judiciaires de ces affaires et leurs
resultats jusqu'a present afin de contribuer a une meilleure
comprehension du litige stratigique en matiere de droits
humains concernant la contamination environnementale
historique. Avec espoir, cette comprehension approfondiepourra
augmenter leurs chances de reussite etpromouvoir le respect et
la protection des droits humains.

Titre enfrangais : Le litige stratsgique lis a la contamination environnementale historique : analyse comparative
de deux affaires chiliennes
*    Federico Diaz Chac6n is a lawyer, Licentiate in Philosophy and Diploma in Environment and Sustainable
Development, Pontificia Universidad Cat6lica de Chile; and LL.M., McGill University. The author thanks Professor
Nandini Ramanujam for her helpful comments, support, and advice on the earlier draft of this article, as well as the
anonymous peer reviewers and the McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law's editorial team for their insightful and
constructive comments throughout the publication process. Any errors are the author's responsibility.

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