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2 Law Student 1 (1924-1925)

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Specimen Bar Examination Questions on Pages 8 and 9




VOL. II, NO. 1   The eca a Bok Co.  BROOKLYN, NEW YORK CITY                           OCTOBER 1, 1924


Comments on
Attorney-General Harlan
Stone, addressing the conv
tion of the American Bar
sociation July 8th, decla
that notwithstanding the i
provement, actual and pote
ial, in our static law, the a
nal administration of justice
the United States was not i
proving, and that there w
multiplying evidences that
was in a period of decli
which began before the Wo
War and was greatly accel
ated by the war.
That decline, he said,
not due either to the form
substance of our legal str
ture, which has been stead
improving for a generati
but is to be attributed rat
to our failure to develop t
facility in translating le
rules into actual control
action which is essential to
adequate legal system.
Penalizing Failure with
The traditional mode
dealing with failure in law
ministration, on the part
the law public, is by hue
cry for a victim; some fail
of justice, some scandal in
administration, apparently f
tuitous but more often ine
able, since these are but
external mahifestations of
internal disorder, stir the p
lie conscience to demand
tion and reform.
The action demanded is
wreaking of vengeance. T
reform insisted upon is t
incompetent and corrupt of
ials must be removed
punished and new ones
pointed in their stead. 0
appointed, thiiy are left
struggle on with all the for
which rendered their pre
cessors incompetent or c
The American bar sho
take a positive leadership
improvement of law admi
tration by the study of
underlying forces which aff
the processes of law admi
tration by the stimulation
that popular and official mor
which is essential to the
execution of the laws and
the curtailing of those for
which tend to break down




Yale Law School
Lowered Standards                                                                           Yale's commencement week
activities began  in  earnest
F. morale of law    enforcement                                                           June 16th with the holding
of the centennial exercises of
en- agencies.                                                                              the Yale Law School, at which
ks      Standards Lowered by                                              AAttorney-General Stone and
red          n                                                                             former      Attorney-General
For full a generation we                                                            Wickersham were the princi-
mn- have  progressively  lowered                                                           pal speakers.
nt- the tone and standards of the
ct- bar through   the increasing                                                           School announced that gifts
in numbers of those entering the                                                          totaling $500,000 in securities
in-                                                                                        and property had been pre
without the adequate technical                                                         sented to the school by Har-
ere training and experience and                                                            old Depew of Elizabeth, N. J.,
it without the background    of                                                           of the class of 1907. It is pro-
ne, liberal education, experience,  iW                                                     posed, the dean said, to estab-
rid and associations which make                                           f~ ish chairs of law in honor of
er- for moral responsibility.                                                              Ex-Gov. Simeon E. Baldwin
The most important step                                  mi               nand Chief justice Taft of the
is for the improvement of the                                                             United States Supreme Court.
or law on its administrative side              W'~Clifton S. Thompson of New
uc- is by   improvement in the                                                             York delivered the class ora-
lily training, character, and morale                                                       to    ttecleecasa
rJ~T~A'T'f~~Texercises, and Walter S. S.
hristration is primarily commit-_                                                        Thompson, Jr., read the class
hat ted, by convincing ourselves                                                           poem. A memorial tablet to
gal and the public that our pro-      School and Office Study in Relation to Bar           fourteen members-of the class
of fession ought to be and must                      Eaiain                                 f11    h   idi    h    ol
an be in a real sense a learned                      Exmnainro11 who dnvied in thaWrlds
profession.                                                                            P. Taft 2d and Provost Henry
Fundamentally, there is no By Chief Justice Marshall of the Ohio Supreme Court S. Graves.
reason why the office of the
public prosecutor should be al  [Fditor's ro'e: Tke following remarks are taken from aut address by
of political office, and yet infinite Chief Justice Marshall of the Ohio Supreme Court printed in The Ohio  Lincoln College of Law
ad- harm is done to the cause of Law Bullettn andi Reporter for April 14th, 1924. Not ottly are the bar awescntuethcif
examinationt statistics interestintg as sutpplernenting those of The Law  Lawescnttt  h  he
of law  enforcetnent and  good  Student, bt the statements of the Chief justice regarding legal educa- defenders and preservers of
and government in this country in tion are of the highest importance.]                      the free institutions which the
tire consequence of the fact that  Law schools are of compar- library of the New York Bar country now    enjoys, justice
its that office is either frankly atively modern origin, but they Assoc iation  alone  contains Frank K. Dunn, of the Illinois
or- and avowedly political or in have already largely supplant- more than 130,000 volumes and Supreme Court, said in his
vit- any event is peculiarly subject ied the method of learning law is increasing at the rate of address to the graduating class
the to  untoward  political influ- in the office of a preceptor. more than 3,000 volumes per of the Lincoln College of Law,
an ences. This fact is probably It is well known that for annum. The courts through- of Springfield, Ill. The exer-
ub  oreresonsile or he   any yars past a preceptor out the United States are and' cises were hlucd at the Cen-
ac- administration of law than all has been such only in name, have been for many years pub- tennial Building.
other causes combined.      and that any practitioner who lishing an average of more    This has been so, Justice
the _______________has the ability to tutor a stud- than 25,000 opinions per an-, Dunn said, since the time of
The     ,    r*                  ent has neither the time nor num containing an average of the Great Charter in England
hat     Inl This Issue           the inclination conscientiously 275,000 pages of- printed mat- down to the present timhe.
tnd-                       Page to   attempt   to  guide  him ter, a volume which no lawyer Three fourths of our presi-
ap-newd     ftecol             1 through  the mazes of the could      understandingly  read dents, one half of the cabinet
ace Legal ofedcato ls.......... 1 changes and uncertainties of within three years, and the officers, two thirds of the sen-
nceLeal duatin . ............. legal knowledge. A hundred bulk of the unwritten law has ators, and a half of the repre-
to  egl  esarh ............. 3years ago Kent's Commentar- grown so great and its in- sentatives have been lawyers,
ces Putting Art Into Study .... 3 ies had not yet been written, crease so voluminous as to be justice Dunn stated.
de- Legal Questions by Lawyers 4 and by reason of the simplicity beyond the mjnmd of man to
Intercollegiate Contest ..  of human life, trade, and in- digest, or grasp, or even un-  Columbia University Law
uld  . S.Consituton Ano- dustry, the equipment of the derstand.                               Sho
uld  . S.Consituton Ana- beginner was quite sufficient  The law office acquisition of         Sho
for    tated....................... 5 if he possessed a thorough kcnowledge is rather by the  Final examinations for the
its- English Courts .............. 5 knowledge  of  Blackstone's process of absorption than by senior class of Columbia Law
ect Student Prize Winners, 1924  6 Commentaries  and  of  the the processes of study and School last     a   eutdi
xis Br  xam  Qesion..  8standard text-books on plead- analysis. It encourages the thirty eight out of a class of
nis-BarExam  Qustios   8ing and evidence. The average student to lean upon his pre- one hundred and forty fail-
of Book Reviews ...............10 library consisted of only a few ceptor and discourages indc- ing to pass. The high percent-
ale Simon Greenleaf ........... 11 volumes, and any complete pendence of research. Many age of failures occasioned con-
due Training for Bar Exams..... 12 library of all law books then generations ago, the student in siderable discussion and com-
by                              in existence would have con- a law office was a clerk, who ment at the time in school
ces !Cases of Interest . ........ 14 tamned only a few  hundred copied documents and became circles.
the Reason Contest Winner .... 14 volumes,  while  today  the (Continued page 11, col. 1)    (Continued page 7, co1. 1)

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