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4 L. Action 1 (1969)

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LegTl Services Victory

Baltimore Bus Users Win Rate

Case Representation Rights

  Legal Services Program  attorneys in Baltimore
recently established the right of inner city bus
users to be represented in transit rate cses.
  The  Legal Services attorneys represented three
inner city groups before the Metropolitan Transit
Authority in opposition to bus fare increases,
  A  temporary adult fare increase from 2' to 30
cents had been granted last September. The Balti-
more  Transit Co. applied to make   the increase
permanent and  also to hike the stdents' and chil-
drens' fares from 15 to 25 cents plus five cents for
a transfer.
  The Authority, departing from usual practice for

Servie   attorneys to  represent the inner  city
  The  permanent adult increase to 30 cents subse-
quently vas granted but the increase in students'
and childrens' faes was turned down.
  Witnesses for  the community  were sworn  and
testifiled to the poor quality of service anl poor con-
dition of the buses. Legal Services lawyers said
later this testimony was probably helpful in de-
feating the (childrens' and students' increase,
  The  intervening groups included the Lafayette-
Douglas Tenant's Council, represented by D)avid R.
Packard;  the Brunt Community  Improvement  As-
sociation, represented by Irwin Brown,  and the
Movlement  Against Destruction, whbose spokesman
was  attorney- William Shiber.
  The  public at large, in such rate hearings, is
represented by the People's Counsel to the MTA,
the City- Solicitor's Office and the County Attorney.
  The  Transit Company   opposed intervention by
the Legal Services attorneys< as being unnecessary,

likely to p  -rolong the hearing, and certain to open
the door to similar action by some 200 to 300 or
maybe  500 different organizations in Baltimore City
who  have lawyers.
  The  Legal Services attorneys argued  that the
inner city groups had an  interest that went well
beyond the interest of the public at large.
  Saidl Packard: We  feel that these groups are
special interest groups whose  interests may  be
somewhat  different and somewhat focused up from
those of the public at large, that this Authority has
in many previous occasions taken cognizance of the
special needs of the ghetto, as one letter referred to
it, or as the Inner City as we refer to it at this
point, and that the appearances would be justified
in this case.
  Shiber pointed out that of the 1.8 million people
who take rides every day, 1% million of them get to
their destination by automobile, and only 300,000
use the Baltimore Transit Co.
  The  300,000, he continued, are the people we
seek to represent specifically, whereas, for example,
the City  Solicitor would be representing all the
people, the majority -of whom get to and fro by
  Brown  added that the inner city groups are the
people who can least afford any changes in terms of
fares, in terms of service that is to be provided by
the Baltimore Transit Company, Other groups r'ep-
resented by the City Solicitor and the County So-
licitor can perhaps find alternative ways of getting
to their work or their homes. I think this is not
the case with the people we represent. I think they
have the right to be heard here.

Digitized from Best Copy Available

W, 4, No. I  May 1969


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