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2013 Law Rev. Kyiv U.L. [i] (2013)

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Ukrainian scientific and theoretical periodical

in October, 2001

4 times per year

          Kyiv University of Law of the NAS of Ukraine
V.M.Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine

Yuryi Shemshuchenko
Editor-in-Chief deputy
Yuryi Boshytskyi
Editorial team
Olga Andriiko,
Oleksandr Batanov,
Oksana Vaschuk,
Volodymyr Horbatenko,
Oleksandr Kostenko,
Kostiantyn Savchuk,
Vitalyi Semchyk,
Igor Usenko,
Tetiana Khodakivska (editor),
Olena Chernetska,
Yaroslavna Shevchenko

Editorial team foreign
Rainer Arnold (Germany),
Bohuslav Banashek (Poland),
William E. Butler (the USA),
Arnold Warenwald (Germany),
Vanda Lamm (Hungary),
Adam Makharadze (Georgia),
Herbert Schambeck (Austria)

Recommended for publishing
by Kyiv University of Law
of the NAS of Ukraine
Academic Council
(protocol No 8, 11.04.2013)
and by V.M.Koretskyi Institute
of State and Law
of the NAS of Ukraine
Academic Council
(protocol No 3, 28.03.2013)

Subscription index

ISSN 2219-5521

  Boshytskyi Yu. Kyiv University of Law of NASU              prospects and novels
of developm  ent  in  20 13  ......................................................................................................................... 4

State and law theory and history. Philosophy of law

  Bratasiuk M. Legal responsibility in the context of the main types of law            .................................. 10
  Nelin 0. Notary institution in Ukraine (IX        XVIII centuries): problems of formation .................. 15
  Kudin S. Ideas of comparative law in the works of S. M. Ornatskyi .......................................... 18
  Skomorovskyy V The results of restructuring processes in the USSR: state-legal aspect .............. 22
  Figel Y To the question: analysis of sources on the topic The Role of Legal Clinic
in the Formation of Law Implementation Skills by Law Students. ............................................... 26
  Filonov A. Meaning and role of the left-wing radical organizations in a political life
of the Russian empire (second half of the IX          beginning of the XX century) .............................. 30
  Bakaiev D. The concept of abuze of right in legal doctrine: comparative legal aspect .................. 33
  Goltsova 0. Social regulation: the space-time measuring ............................................................ 37
  Hordymov A. Modern development of the doctrinal sources of law in the context
of hu m an   rights  ....................................................................................................................................  40
  Isayeva V Functions of Law: Theoretical and Legal Analysis .................................................... 45
  Kabanets A. The rule of law as part of democratic values ........................................................... 48
  Kalernik 0. Theoretical and legal analysis of the differences of law and morality .................... 52
  Politanskyy V Principles of information and legal relations ........................................................ 55
  Pundor Y On the definition of the category legal personality in the theory of law
and branch theories of civil and commercial law (comparative legal aspects) ................................ 60
  Tarabukin A. Legal socialization as a form of social influence of law          ........................................ 64
  Fomina M. To the question about distinguishing the concepts judicial system
an d ju diciary ..  ....................................................................................................................................  67
  Yuskiv N. Public-power relations in the aspects of social existence ............................................ 70
  Shupyana M. The concept and types of crimes according to the Austrian
C rim inal  C ode  of  1852  ........................................................................................................................  74

Constitutional law and process in Ukraine

  Batanov 0. Axiological dimension of modern municipal law              .................................................... 78
  Onishchuk M, Savchyn M. Constitutional and legal foundation for the improvement
of governm ent organization   in  Ukraine   ............................................................................................ 83
  Abasov G. The problems of determining the legal guarantees of the rights
of local governm   ents and   their classification  .................................................................................... 88
  Chernetska 0. Constitutional basics of local self-government representative
organs law -m aking   com petence   ...........................................................................................................  92
  Zaitseva 1 Municipal statute law in the legal system of Ukraine: some issues
of theory   and  practice  ..........................................................................................................................  96
  Melnik A. The concept of competence of the bodies of local self-government in the sphere
of regulation  of  land  relations, its  signs  .............................................................................................  100
  Nelina N. Local self-government as a tool for exercising legal standing of ukrainian people ..... 104

© Kyiv University of Law of the NAS of Ukraine, 2013
© V.M.Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine, 2013


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