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23 Liberator 1 (1853)

handle is hein.journals/libtor23 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                                               J-AN                                                                                                                                                                           A  AuU T Z T T EMWIT ~

                                                            aftea to                                                                                                                                                               heec ntitki, and p-11letters !

           ULILhzLrvT                                                                      I                                                               -                                                                        Orecnu of time paNerr=reot
                  th   eetiAetItem                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ms. pT l ...htinlto, mthe oreppfl vsl f
           ,mnking ty cn fop r                                                                                                $1 ium                                                                             ofsett L g the pp riam e . o av tgadern hemet thn vn

           -a eKCL n    r                                                                                                                                                                                          n  ms eu. t pm Ive d oubytintledwiththe Inf 00ti ,

    UconPtitute thinFinancial
    Ali.aIt-                                           - r       ko1 wjot
                                                                ~n~b~t forany of tim 'lebis                                                                                                                          i/ w'.~ii1- a                                           othe s lave repr elm e ts hto
         it:   rn ofteIpr    r                                                                                                                                                                                    ot  e  11 prix ei V fflfo aotrios n D fL
     t I C.        -lM8Ij.nfrsLva                                                                                                                                                                                                  trarllsofMriindU      ne
0*-  ~Wl'                                                                                                                   -- 'ErTU                                                                                    IInO ALiIGent   fl.'Jgki  mme
            ~ uY1                                     __________O0                                                                                                                                                tuthestc 1W U , u Amn~n~s~v ( ERRfITON &.. SONi~ , teoPRINfw.~e
              --mIIISO,   EDITOR

~.fill-. NO.L                                                         BOS           ONtFeDAY                                                                                                                                               JANU       RY    7,  1853TWoIL                      NUM     ERnm1146.u

                                (Oi  int bhe overed by parents and gardins ; the' ty ana Cirbltian mo-to go bemck to him atr.
    FW  -OF    OPPRE   SSIUO         L    pprentices ir1' trs ; thIIatldiers and ailorse'i dIby inerresoel diligence and industr, to  r-
                          fl-    -   y l    oriw-r   s H iTNmst Ie stijlet ti bu- Istre orol , ifit were psibl, ha!tevr l-oss
          le ieu ti itirrf Ice. 21. I bad, who ove, clerheli,and prec~tth dim  :loa-:my h arbutl frmnins rnning uaay. Ths
          J'-    IAvrties andl Idiots to trustees std committes, and'eemsl to he the rle of action prescribed by   Iloly
   T1F, LE)P!4JI)SCAS.             criinals b*e onfined in jils and  pientiaries. ! Scituttra in uch cass. It etaily was te
       Sim the,vrrnre   appropriate J   /all sit au nmttthe ?al/ot' o'tl ed t t gocewm, I couvre pmrsoul y St. Paul  amd so fr as I
          ~e iiml Tinshtlw)relative eo the  11tote tr il of a mo.- or .r re.They are  in: atimnficiiec, the Protesitminrit Eicpl Churchll
          or Salt' 0r NI ork, of the laes stances of isarery i nt'tted as Wellfor the god throngot LtheyUnited  Shiers  cnwegsno
          L-mu'l fIiguiaOf time oernd ILaLfs o.uity at large,              -'hihi'.r   ltw. Anoher ecuiminse tn a einpou
                  ef                 'i, he few dult aIblowiit's'nho re left to te 2 r ith peOolewhose appIltNause e  mua-
                        Dec.U,   l$2. overnimmntoif uro lw, if they be roodi or isle have ben tmght c that whcismhete-
     h'kgouem -' rlanaor rulsuit nem, mke 'a ue o trow around them- ad amiong tomn is lenoianation iii the ight   of Go.'
     rt-iA at h a encnimntioc I hliedate stvee :athousnmd retrieioimn0totie ibrties wiih I  Vit must hve known om'iws Ard fey-hgs p-
     t ... mmiC lt.'ls, I alud''lii a recett thebmawFius lft thiecm. T'fhmm's Kiontene mn-'sof n tisi luet. iami therf~re, y auing theaic-
                       411 ofNeu ork Im chtr~es nd tf thr er   hm.usianls   nd'  uminht which I linw rtitrn to ie frwarded to s
  ,L,,, m lxmaiIII, Ia iier.n of iuginiim. I fmtherssaid till further eirtmi their lihirtis hII urite -mT ar frank, 'ou hae dlibrat~lyand ros-
      itel i 14f   - si'.I etted lthat I unirtakimgsaid  1m,rfrlitu mmthe mnl iarions - l insulted the entire huomhi' f our lergKy.
         ~- iui'tmu~ an  oi'ial voimlI dutIn, wh ichItheIi r .r isroIritomme H m ZiV.  Fore P'rtrmn, I feel it deeply. I do not like to ho ex-
         ti ii  Vhi 't'ov   '0111 muh1 lotve 110time6lwILA CO SAliISI'-IId  l Ph-yslmbd- jps] to scimiiperiioes. Silt inre de1'y
           it  f'r~e hitit ' a ly r s64donolight tethemght 141-S hi hltOi idh -'grorth illmmiI gritti'j- v 1Cte Ihimugham t or himimu frs rthe
                                    hom alstag-7.%.[11 evhri'n'' all hitor T.-101-shosi Iseeftf  th~e lav  niuu timnlie in tny ulegree
       ~th-r,'i,'etlthat treord. and here-  that tlo Ie i,[%-il fitI e thi eroini  fmere' iatt t''be hinried by thtintrf'rneeofwtaomn,
            liiiftc-'si  et's iher mius.i hla-w ahen lciI e m hOTOentkilli'''u i ifiem, prim - ' lilmailt-  ioen, who have, nt thus leatrpn-
         -eit-mi-all is' ie. iilhi 'iglt I den.t ar ItnsurltmoCureznl 1hi..'its' in its brand  tuu mi tme'anler; wo.lokin beyond tho
           i-il ,C.r  r l gkrit liiifrom i it- I md cooul  stReinesi'Au1a tiing to hue Avoid e LL;antoIt.rd mod s 'ciLl evils thtc ie at teir earn dor,
       On   Weil!.Im - r in-i i  cypa cs11'P%1'1vi, ratier tdimit itsa g'l Itobe' soglm afr  arciilhing, for tm  rtfcto  fauirut or y-
             - t'rin5-'ir'.mci re hi-rcI- With ith b its, wsr'em'finhh oaimlt tVioil ai ti  uslpilntiuo vtoi-r rw tie dInme
                It.I  mnI ti teirshai'sv I iiu , dgree of glItsv'net I- h'im us r   fte  ia 'u-;','fties I'miiinumihee time ci ol coovary ii rin.
          -e utoi  10m-mumi lmier thmammneC- -pee. TLt m5adopi t tui e 01Iv s'amPte uh s l  ~ sik iesdeiirelm it',Ihp     u
    AslaI iumt Iat'lttIla a immeof uitg- i the' bak. heet us cu, t  inpt to igvrn 1thutec Iniled no nice y 'ruein maimtln to thse cb-
    Jilui'mit .t,ate InuII mur resih, Ilbyn,'u'law- , irhi  mn aultmll, req ir, as4mHchAI  ti.  Shouil it cver bein my pinear to render yea
        1ar1,,.uhlat'c'r , un'Li a-Aig  animite cildren lttn'st ixteen niltwenty-ne Or isnnta t oie, you nm'.m'believe Inc
          i,irn I ,)in iin hrmmiit oromi to le gtvermutd b il.thenill of fnothr.  ailat(mt  Yor Becu-ntfr Chrikesak,'
          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   'ao'rc i''Ctm-fe.'pm  , le  gun rian , en muiuit -I, rimht~in ,Or 1nmnsietr,
      i -r-i i'a        IIIii iii '-ii  time 'hiert aiihmr-u  umu-eitaieof governinelim- ITnl;tci.Oto-Cion Scraseri.
  he 'iFN,.'rk.v l oict tey Wer competl- is 1114.c-into
    5~ -m: hei 'Lii' is'i'rlimu; anlid, om ' Ietiiiu hseoiinweaotte                 BLCKS          AND   Mt'LATTOES.
            slat1, d.:i~rtsdtime sitme f,', fulloirig r'talins:
a-rh-in       mu Llv,rtc'.          ' thelt. lhnsolu''d . Thaut %I,-highly apriitt of th e 1        -L  rw oii..iRE UPo r Omit.
     re ~st'l ,,iti'mii.ho ult,'6e cil aim  t 111L r,-sm-me1liytile Spiil Coimmiittee f ie )Tr . Seatr CusbiminkFntCin iliaconty, into-
       l sim s'' mttic II O ma 'theme 1 miceoh- : ilgimi i lIAtIgltke  ItOW  suuit'tof FreledetIto the Seonate of Ohi, a blll' to preent
     ['c [n.'ltrt'4i t ion this6suuijcc. It Neg-roes. vuwhichi prop'seies, iog ithi'rprovisonatie furterotlmeutf blacks nmlmulatto per'
 abv~ eis'-'i mhmi I rsi ll IIr into a lot to Int, thaemout to romeo Afund to emd tiemfrom -Pos imi ths State' The hill prvihca
   KIL ariloilt e' h mitm Ml o m,...sii m talat, e, .'T1 lhat often the                                  t. sf Jnumry 8.4, no black or
ln.   's'c it im-r to .1i-orlfur ritfru  j ' 21.Hteesl--4 hva Itmtlil I'groes gcnI'ermlls, amainuimtJ' pren shall settle in tis tate.
Tc .t i thai  on'im i gtime u  scit' ii wh ihpa ass lic, rimhiro time gierniaciul. cot ryaad I Tmit arecurd shall lie mde of nil suich reident
     ut-mituikl-Iistoin -it  iffr llsi-.ttie rotlctiaoi o  astron'in limiAelm inttiLLm icild-elmin 1th i toltefom ,ytat tie.  Ciiliir o  ni
ten' olt- i- iits if   u uiv i muod_ it.h... o-  etwiel- i teom asuth rit-ontr ruire timeorun  b f'srtuttm  ilercddis.
         n-s ~ ~              ~   ~   J 6i cI eti,1mri                  Th rethem oss--g'Fat all Uch persPA onfumd hee alr that tie
a-'  i fieii ` ii-,iii~,f-mi' i~  mmit-1'  ' iiMA  i. tesolV4 i'lFit'' c~annot eurffr any n- uluctr'od mct o odemia lcflnurni-sci
      ciili Cle i i silie Iits litrihel. 9  If  rs u emitnpnanuTtmItV in this tate, ',:is detis guilty )rt'ftutfeei, tipomiahd by ice
   'a'tin ill ii' 'm-' IItrvisyit omity I tiey be uilbe-hedto sum,1th'fmm, l'igineeor nnrl-primaoint ii tie County jail frm six to L-elmo
A 4m'ell ever tA;% icti'ween the1 sveral  hlettitumirmof ;siavrn-   mil i eouess 111ta , it is , Inot.
I%,,. msn-    i C itit,'ue.   t         tci i  -timel a,ccs'tihl Imoth's of gtvrmimgChem, or ofj Ni-res'Filomt coloredpersons under te actre
n-t~y ..4i1tie Itamlfde 'isi-crleitt' silmreer  -1e'tining thicia frumn tie ahni.    an, amd aage: dechrieei iucipme of holiKll rtasta, and none
l;5in Z i i m'.                       tt'.  It is hmuan,to Peclihit laii otec.thm :i can blie hlyivied t, p 1 orli  n lttrust for them. All
I 'ni'ki' Al. c'vidAmid hie'rith smuhuuit a  inlmmmmilaIi to [.,'ive them free td it' to r oietynd ech im isf'irfited to the Stat'.
     r'i iotih'ii Cci iurv I. i.oi,'mingi. E1., rui~lItm tienselves hi'Vtiueir vice's tun'iipniit'e. - Mr. Illidle offred the flililin premlenti
  ;t,   - ruiN I 5,' '.frn wic  wvo lsthI ' Ith. hlenivem-bi.'uutrll fr'' mugr t'hilre nfuesnltin:
      e-'vsi,-igli agouhihu took paluhe n-sui I ' i ' I ...'Sil.  ''hotnl to hiul 'prons h'-)i 'It'rmsthe voters of the state of oio, by hi
      ' Pal ane 14tienu'itiivm'ul tctrocc; i os h ,htratti-m, to hue irouglt upmin morlantin- odmpiitimof the new Cmntittiot, hFiedeied
           - nte  ti   it  tie  ta,  i  ueby  thin  #iAti;Lmt li llhit  1  h m118 -urnitIng  t em at  onte  aPg mnmstL.tim  r eopiisin~mf l he  of  color  tokitt

  r~;I J. iineul tha. uy the olinterv con- 2aid viia t. PreI i... immni stimulim 1-t tim~imto !11-  5nd hlramt, in portittit if te elord poplm
  iKi'1 J  Ii fla -icof the good ipeoile ;tiCthat privenrmt u  inimuring thmem to inustr, hr the: have dlehriinviito scere t teoeuti lv alrigit
  'ce ' ed  i Wio havone lenmfllyr ii- 'am ithrinst  ' lvxri en1'h(If t-ir nmma tre,  Ibyhi nigt'.iion e-lneher, 'lun sufficiemi t pecuuir'
         oiiC i'teir shirt' d Im'1 -, liar's  ,' 50..lt'stlstl.'lietie strong unl stigmtent mansorroviuhLeIl tu enable them t'mtdo ls;
   11IntiL  em' tie 'aim's u deisitn is v! en iemsmI'sioptd hymay f ciiI'm-e States to: ttd o-hersmm, iithill i1mm-oed into Cigrss
       I   !''h al'sdv ihits - tui r rtemhi. T'[i'setcmil- lfre imguoe cfrom their t~rritoris,iistifvy n this4th oh Jn', of te pImmv'et er, wicin semi
     . [cm mhi  o-'iimmi.ihiat-,v tomerntA, aloi- utr 1tn'o,'.mt curse, amdreiuk'e ur leit art ins, :gitti to triStue o ini lmMltcinof$33,44,3,10h
     1 lalnut in thev'future praiirtm uof the  huemimnc te 111-t01111m9 and  meCsitv fitcthir X- - 11Crition, to eiml time el~remh iorle to emi~inte t'
     rim IRit ts' 11, mli-lnedi m iicos thle Ox - iiton eois tiitemufo-d greimter ittensmity wiithi us: iei, mmid trill le an amount auuily uficetut f
     it ''it.1-.i ilt, herihts  smill thn withtdictaOtJa hoiec
       'ereeriiii- at r.aL -. 1Iveenim the cl-  i ' iutim]tecii, That ie leem it Ustnis's, e-' Adeel mrn, the epblie of  ileria ielare
     L%5inaTalithL'iimta-tmkimLrto rerviire acd Irudet unuil iniknaim to snd fm-ce neroesaroad :is indepodnce as a sesnrig uatiomo moretha
     '!I.,,imr',',ft iiim..mlth~nit,C'ir Time :IIld' itlimrillmiit aunveili eils.priv- live yers lc, and minubeun cieowedgilastart
             chentm'mieitift:,i'mv'rmmummotof tis i im itle ri-ii'cmr~t'ivitifthel  *t  onitby Frnc's, EnlanmdlcIum  risi.and iroril
                        titIe .m.,. asu'to I throfi likeJn, amidr
   1 ii,'irm i l1.011  ..l tie l0 im' Ueienlourmil,(i ie  l tinmi, trii rete I'suer rhitAdsr'ii t sieins b  hecooe op1
     'mciii' cdkrinct prneit tiomm trulfiat Ul ntl s' cr1%uithIalo'in fimdve ntmr, to ui thle :who ctnhu'onpltot eoigra~lm to  Liberia, aid wOl
     Ci ; -d'e nu'lloh oler jumlal                IYevie hunt an art                             o  tietowaol the pcir or cf ic
           lit  -'~nc'es~r' nd pocedng priitrit  kf i eareimof Lrttiteerall. Ythelntan10  r tut
        e-ekmvadproper fr a mati-      mttifunet  o li,,codes   f!akid w             i sng re'jsolie, tht the governmenttf t  nia
            '-i ulalraimi o th~simortnt,1ustotiin'.4puruit ciii'freeroesto quit the Statel, and aid Ste si oult alo roeleneit As an indepedec
            < itli u'sL lmhntIo                           be. e`                 1 aiolil; therofire, -
  Caink't hm'ii,'o', inhmt cin by cic Supruornr I76' i~ ilvs1e, That time uprs i tin State [141esolve, By the General Asbaily of  LI:
      o'lh~snj f New Yrk a decision wil1 genrally be rqustedl to pubish1 these roccdi State of Ohi,' that or Senatrs in Cngress
 etmiihtl thou ,i cnctnrars' Wtlit7 sirit of i[is  ,'A.   S. BIOADDIS,   C'u.    jist'oted. and or  Tereenitati'es be reuests
 Ohv  lint ovl 1 i'pnnl  esmotliam rin'ils51 Illc~~oiccnot'n Pnoi, Secretr.' -   t suport   aidbiltillantiue teirinfluence to os
                                                   [T ksstBltlo.orC                                                      .
      'i'ntli'iite-urse cr011 bLet onerih Tm  o I memotituesof \lehmOl Is, YAHRna. eI smiets plassae drin   me Iresen  esono  o
        im~iat a-witil rhtIt~lin hc                    'M irnci ' i'            geats; and thmt tey also atisathir iolunce liI
   *al4 eit'tw-'cthe istr Sttes of thius '       acuim teeed  D .'mihr a il]v' u iutttinilluimt md th Gmnerlliovrnmnit, to ohuainna oknowled
   Nil. A.ash ulmi1c. 1-i 'm-thu ls1-irk it' nottie Oaminisaip in the land of hhimnok. lvamolt- nent of tiincrualneeof Literia, at tie earie
           Pi-                    .. - ,Ielaid J-41-aro:n.'fle Only diffrene perceptibl         ~,.,~
     1i, I seFalauts km.if testatute of ii :tIk ' i  oklmntsi itu~iee- i              Reskolvd, 1altis   Excellency, the Governor
 I'mx.                              lceI herom  teaaptaitot,        plin    ho   Ih-Ohio o liereueted to Forward ouims of tis peset
               has beenIrivtfally ex1,onded by timet-,a,                        m'I   'r
  htuhI~i. ti n mI ncnfit ihtieUm-6.oos iitmtilt ot gredmions                   116bL ndrolumtioseour  elegtes in Conagress.
          rnl'i(I(t%, L~t  -sat';R'f wih  Cn-1 alehiclses aond tines, witetheir American im-
  I-     flk` 4 ctiid Sto. m', it is lroreor that  ii's more timidly amd hatingly confine their p-   Fo  h  layAgs
     -tntmictttl n-svit. V'rie alumsovereign ph
ItI r tv Wit. Na'-Y rk natshe     lsts mi eatin to ngr,, aon-  .   FY, Trittua.j              rmteAlryAgr
    t' 3'y m fete- ithim li'nits. pltin'sto iGEN PIERCE                                                      AND   IS  CAEIiWI
 tvifluitiis lacd to t12a e   till then -From, te annelr of' the   Press.4     The fohowin letter written   by General Pie
   16hel; fr eIa-nt-n..
   'utfrylpifullc. dJOSPHI .OIINSQ.      LTTER        TO  CIIA-RLES    SMLYER.       to CO l hilyiNew h  sirimditlb
                                                LiriarsSuotrC.,lt.1h.                 fre ieasiabingof thei altimore Coneni
                         4tj                                    ,SoprC.,a..1132       Adwidly pub  ied during tierCent  cen.
                 41) ALL SsXLEr          Sir-filinoe  il I rtuncunrt,a copy of your p agm-moy soerve to relive those Who appear
           SFtir ee, lec. dt, 152. Speech in i tutmti of thbe   Uniteld State, on your ItereeM with douts s to the consideratia
    Gi7cr1eu7hf Virinia.               ition to nrleh Ic ceFgtive  Slae Bill.  which   Iill control him in the compoiion of C
  Ni  bit-t(: .  i   mem   lto     hs   This  peech. which citnie under yur frn. nd Cabit:-
              tale 'n ce' furtime Iofur-i lenquiiolyly y  ner,  as. I uppos, beeni
        1iit. h       usr tu  oiue     sent to ot1hers ofBmy brethren w-hutce namies sd ad-h airIoxDeo               a  7h   82
        'le itnmn 111 u  andumlyimuforucation no- 1dres'have Iil i cpie ina'rumthe same published  a~
    0 v Lm .i' ,,    tmetsyou   letr   list of the clergy froci which my own was taken.  I intended to speak to you morn fully urn t
         i  Co    ci Lf liriheireeadmo- A I-younow-'mbling of eI n's, ait youofars-nu bjet OF the omprmeaie lovMneaesthanrhad
            NJtf0-t m i'. Lenimmnngst ires, -,  to olfislm,, mc a 17  YouIave oloa- oppotunitY to do. The importance of the acti
                  miJqfik, ai, fsim-eamSr-Jredsageericd  pers~~~e i~eoonaly   the aof hicCn;ention upon thisquestioncannot
            :t ~~Qk  JuticeI tne f th Sn  Prtestnt    pseralfmmicim   whoe hmesare   nIiove esiuntl. I believe thre will be non
     I-                              I e, ts out.         nteata fLm rnigp    Ivlg, poitoti nOm the parttf the South to press reecl
     r      Lofett 1m .-n ofyour111tLIate, o  I thuhaesgheootueteros  hmxossn'tinun tnecessrily ofensie to   the sentiments
     MOi   cltiutm bI e  ~      ioir I, tuineots., 0exhitreeci in the nt irtO-niv manner,the out.  lt   nwesyamchn
   ' nierstl,l I;  , to form  onuuemi mwnuLwho would Linen   refued to Lear timeum ide 1 Will the 'No'rh cme cerfuillylp tot
                al h                        ,th au               %el o h  oidklamthsmr   fconstitutimonal right! Ifot, a breach
        Aiia'tuoi'l lit' r'Jemto the SupLreme  ndtm  misatnamd I tam yet to leacn thaxn our pavrty 3is itvitAlhl. The nMatter should
           r i -Ft mii edeiionaof.IIn jury   lis tny the Ihfeatguaatel byrvthe fat <&nt !met at hin threshold, because it rimassahe  ;
    I J l'an'muin1i'   sicvdbyteere t    hue'4cs-,e-sfarefiefudden to rtaiat.We Ianm!I yand looks at tie very existence of the or
      ';l  I ssimgta trituimt.        ,ol  rtetaantsuh tretnent. Whether oursne-
               hit 15m-t t~ehluiy'cohuthiutms'mvnn  rco timAre  o be herded by one who wa-i  Te sntient Of no One State is to e reg
                     -  IhE~lI' . Lipudil    .1. ntien the hatue t n , but the safety cii ,upon tis subject: ut hFin-verough t the ifoyutoeid.IteiiNwhansirupnhnfgIt

          -- '               --I       I  M  own  elsrtion. duing a rtmeidencc of twelve ilw, and upao what we blid ec to bie the gre'
        N   iitVensini -- TY.            Iyecrs iAfmitMoechusts, oninrelth me that hrity ofrontituional right, we hould Of iMre
          ('wtso anlinetoem- ,aiserto tit ufog'  ive lie deads   that bhe,60retudrn  o emntie Alpproal of the demoerayof the con'
       11k             erI115' Mein1o 'umsiit tm lmercurr t                o    n  W h'at I ih to ayo  von Is this :If the ac
          ne ite    4te t'sFr,Ng   a e          amolmilo   rthe lhair Sciptre ontin, I promise measures are tetto be, sbstantiallya
                 suhmci iceF  ~   NegoesiiAuhiet does 1it ruImit we to m!.ehm that it is m  iifrrly maintnincel, the plain rihts secured by
            '~~-   r's~utiune '~mn  i'gsant[rem-duty, Is a C~ristian 'niniser, bu imaiston the blige' Comiitaiien will the trampled in the dut
               PmOiiceit  il itil tra iiilltoro ; mm n matrs to their simave. Ths I do. Nr  What diffrene can it make tl von or mewe
                 'iiin iollI   R formerar
            - 'C.   oreunitiim~ta'iy'' ~   '  Ido I held bck aypat Of the counel of Gomid.I[er the  otrge sall seem o 'all on South
     1Ii pn tolit, Wt.rtalihid~.i         eallslaes that they Also are bound by Chritin: na, on  ainfe or  Nw Hamsnphire  Are
            ofidsl          I'hi!Mihtei-      o   nuia to  their lnmstrs-obiics from theliorights of each equally der to us alt11
   il*sai'tsnel lilj       .. iltrokitha hih  OVBrnot   mre  d ldhy unkinnessand fu- evr ield to a crven sirit dintufirom consid
         _;mrszedofm5.i'si'tr . Lloy ic/a waner-sIonthe yprt of ateir mashter, spposling ions of Italiyw dedngrteUin
     , tv~. re - An        r9frmis  and  them to be ' unind And frorard' which is rarely terlinitg these views, tie action of the conv
     .t.mxcing 11,'sevrr,tedin  sciees,  the es. coiast                                           me   ,gnntbevalIfm
         I 1,vi i-,-I r IhI   atiumis aamd Were Ilvn   in Boto, and  a fgiie   sare ie Nrh,    hvwsod yte        msttt
            And      1 iia-   --n  Ofelf- ceuet e o  irtctious Braieitnche hold rg     thefIISotthn.r ithe badoedo
         -V,,r  atn .Im P t' I Thetitr~d lat  erti/havedtem butt-proeetion agint the  mtate-seing policy, te hopes of dmcrilto
       Lm.ealimlaI -motI.                                                                           ind
  Ic5oeit  t, utl 'scnlI'-ulujeetes   'LL ats of hengogues and ianiutc, wiohaving ueed of the Union mut snktogether. As I told
    . hi po[ tore iidIo       en itent- him for their purpoes , wutldLiehim to tare;m elewl    o  ebeae   h  ovnin
        Tnr yl    -rtis tmhaeailnttebfretecnvnin
    7 iIbi it s        rmIniv ~ of hiing  nd tasitanuce to retur to that condition in life in cannot hep felig that what there is to heid
          lirn It tt  ei-tsnnttcjeoewhich XlRone1tiecan e truly   iuappy. I wold un I will e itiportant teymo mina Bd ax&ari
      '!Ihiceacbt  Al,    i  a urtu-t, inn i dobTedido all that lousn may do to makea Chris- I t-ateendralte. inkst9tothe impeof d
              oriiuliidas'imnoit This bing accoxmnphsimd, it would I em~tic prgrsacivilAiberty.
       t 'h kn e lma] baes'6oieY. T,,,ehihdrseoIneed buh litte Argument to convince him Of his inj-  Your friend, -iIANK PMiRC

  *'UNCLEETOWS CAtN' ABROAD.                            SE43L    134(1C1T  10N   S.                Prew'the New York Examiner.
            ~tr.Knny fruay dto o heS tDify   --------                   ---              -_      MRALS OF SOCIETY IN        THE -'OLD
 Adteir.,  and new . S. Charge at Turin, Aries          HEDORF          PARKER.                                      D3ViNIO
 tit ' Unle Toma'sCbin'I is producing a minishi-     U                                     About two lars ago, a woman who had been
 oum influence agpnst the United Sates ll re
     uoe.Everybody rads, crieis Over, andi pises i1, 1 The ,&nthrrr-rm  anrd,  Of Colmbaus,  bs..Srahlngbelle of B50100 leitiin the Iton/cOf O
 fi   a1~0 ndr tie excitement of the tour, our sayso.tf Flay. Thodor Parker, of Boston, aond story, kept a hordtog-oi)5. The faded rem-
 countr in denounced Without resrve or eiarlIli.'s iS discure on Weotr:-noUAD of accredited comeliness were then coin-
 jiati5 , end with a ittlerrem of redig to Which                                         m aeted upon. The boarding-house ,waes timt-
 1the writer herself ie a sranger. a5 Acident ha thrown into Or hands a fuieril d to Ile or the first clas and Standig in the
   The above is oes among nuainy illmtstrtios of the sermon kin anel Webster, delivered by the Re. town. Her huband wa id to hea a rea unbl
     peumrt   riUole Torln Cabias' among   1n Theodore Paorker, of Roston. It in rrmarable in, and had taken refuge upon the  weorld
 mordsira n  presdntin     fEu  tehe r ,.rut ion-the most striking in style,  and sgu-   to tistipit a temest.
 uhIle VSlrexhibits a frum as wretched lind .  el  itMPir ntevmlpneto nvfmnrl                  This Woman had twomltt      gis-wn
 minw as tllyIe seen among the blimke in ary of our it raio dinat wlnve ever m~t with. Mr. Prker Abiut seventen vnara of age, verm short, td
 S~uthlern 9tts.T'hims may be aiy accounted for'  .ehps~eth   et    fCinigtm        uteidlk in appe~irane, who acted in the Capli
 in tle thrilling haater eoa narrtirgviga b   lqun   oa I   tepip     nAmei'm.Arie       Iof  cimerohr vonoiln in hr house. They wore
         orrncuslysoposetafnililulr'ere'entmioif aie3C schlar, Ia profond reasoner, and flly vered in  this wranhi iors (being her father's children),
 intiton   yoosafyasisting t rep ublta ian the   th feology of tle schools, heo some yargsiene  and ownd by her as Slaves. These  poo child
 Ainrie', and appealing tothe yipthe'of  the opnelis                      oo,'an Bsto,      On starsad siter mistress, bre aIi trong 1w-
            rutirand at gtherd Around him nI congregation of                                            emiante to veach other, and the kindred In-
              Anoter  easn my h foud i th nuitynear three thouand souls. Such a ran is r. tions, were akenwledald.A   mlatI  bote
  ;rmhohichasn   illyetmneisecze uofairat     arker. But  'f this fmnrlSermon   we  are  (o    fle~ahr     n  is lve) did the market-
            to asta t p anc upn aIteimbicai gvermet litit  litogmr in  oxpreA our auliarrenee f in Any th house. fron which heit'Itoted'food 1to
   Mgt a to rthe iunien, and hi aste  te iltin tonif its art, and too deficientitoM15 of t @old man. oluoed way in0sme obsure  er-
   le Iai                                  z EllireIIo tooney our adiration      of tle IncTro h, like aIllsch caraters, living the live
             of ~ ~ ~  ~    ~    ~    ~   ~~e thsgetad1oeflcn1,eewic  ste  itmml imtm  rnerof its Steve o nlgmm nSro apt to die tho death of dog.
  err year ow  are  m ir ecitigt[ujeriuyofniitn'tar ony of its   languange. Daniel IWe        Those Iultto twin sitrershad each illegiti-
             l~oea  poer.-leuoo einmn.,tem, as hlt, t ad '%anll; ras Layer,   Diplomat,  mte  children. who Were          wi'i hor in lavry
                                             witAneian a nd Orior, sweeps in lxfoi'e the ra- tms ecoming tie elatesof is wmn-thirmo-
   A  few eventings sAince, 1' dropped into tmlo..-  icr in All ithengiflenen ,ad imagery that the  there s lTer.therather of One wa  pofsson
   ton M1useumn, to itnss tUpio Ton's Cal'il -power of giiiiiQuotmneouilitiitd.'III gnmcinmer, eidingRa hort ditnc rom towna
   did nt likpte tjy at ll, I amnsorry 11m sa teI                                        who viited the city oei'isiomlly ; stOpPig at a ho-
   'riae, d it in'                  10 lti n ;~fnoIn!1 PeRSnS S Rls.This grt seron on the tl in tie daytie. and pasing thenit at a' pn'
   I   'lttoiu. 'and llell hted hi) injlt he te dei f'adiegti ge-:dsl'mW . r Wlu rc ported for tie lot ona-  -npaeta  i  sal  rce  o  h  s
      -iiitO outh byli itenmn.to its bAildcmlumsl  niavvreaf, is tie greatest sermon issedfrm  h  catelaIun als,'upo  abalcony or plafrm]lead-
  rhfo pay is an o rolor'Wl eitriptioni of the eMs pres in our timeos. It is na sron for the  -  igit  h  ad  T  hs  ein      Ith
    h avry.  It oneys  wrenCg iprssions ofipe-fr men aani women of allparties.lFtis.  '  Rsaper Iof' Sicil, when inclitationsaeys.e
    rtime, Soutti, rand is it slander upoin the sli'ehol'1  smuilely ommAitm, immo~rirflV tuederand tOrr-  hnor never says no a te  onmnl o
              ,  u'inmaiit. 'Fr erownpar.' sys m wrter  Seiv ser.o. 'r'huoke falls sorb oun the hart as  rumbl, but inite such gceflenn, noismgyto
  t'nthe vning Ga:ri, o' we Prefer timtmyt'oti&ti'orproving viecOr 'ifot, itt,  le walked in tei lwh motergrddarspcbe
        ulfinofursuudndtithlurt2                         ttitnl    ptvrrusen      Weseishtmen, bcuse  white. The fther  of te  other
              fit frendof ataliuldw. dot i' tle luoI41A r te Lpeof tie od prtie-.'thir poitisand mli- child was the brthr 'fa fellow boarding in the
   An t eiehithere greisetothe ear, thandtobeelins giu. ils fall is but a prelude tU. thi rim-Iis end  house, vho printed another brofithes nawpper,
r pto-,v% Ichth eresttcin   ,ofthpno ton a em- '5 4typo of theirs. lie foundeed on tle rock of that maintin the  ''Moals of Slavery.'  The
     tn~lesion   v'ielo the manager. whiatver thu£ ighr TtOnl that rok the old    vo1atie printer had a wife ofeate reesonhodn
  ma    elnspiiatsnimn,1ln   n        lh     have dased, and  rust go to pieces. 11 ocr  tie tifle of hires, wh, in the ptsa-alls.s
          I my h  nis   pivae mntiems liu n riht lliat himmnief aai nt Gd, and proprd1  Read, would kin an[od fodle the illegitimate  h ind-
  troumeoan  the Stage, insuch noit s 5lrreSn, Itheonthis warnin to us al, Bnd proit by it lea- bab of her dear husbaond's brother. To poor
  Uadnnprove orniiet           ag  od  rOrtil                                                                     children, althouhltirntertand lavce, wre
      emil resistonofiuii  t  ua lrIsy f tur  !astn.-Milmaukte 'ur-cDhrmmra.         also th unprotetd vtmrnsof mdical-tudent
                                _______________boarders tie Ilanlady beieVinin Hea~lven a just
      PROSCRIPTION             APPROVED     1     Toll. sito. floihy all mans, tleermog  command to  increase and multly1an that the
    Tie Boton Fosi puts forth the folligedilu.orofTieodra Prkr wicti we commnence this week.  MrniAU  fsaeyben0n    !iitrs    ohr
 a            i:-                               i is prono inievygood judges to hehvimalest nededPropna to adpro     italngto tieglory
              A agniicat ct f te    wic dewe hedisourse. upon time great mili that hans been pro- of Gowh, accrig o evd W. L. Smith
 t11 ruA igne fntatoalheSente, wibdanteducd.h lie is novt paring of uis   praie or blame, ,     and.IPofesor  of  the Mscon Colege,
        UOlili fmal  union, Was mKrfoiaeLd thoi Ihere hetlzimkttlmtitdemands itto utterance. Air  ' WrogtiAlStosustain the blesed instit-
 o lther d La, by-meladinig Free Sol Snatudl  fromt Parer lns indepcmdcnce ufficint tn ar what ho 'o.'
 the eCrt~rimitcc %fr. 1hale0Complained of thisand 1 thum, ntw~ itlisuinlding it cuoflcs vith the popU-  he mull eatto lavsstro the white landlady.
   dEsirel to knowthle reasorn ; mrvupon '*r. bight, Iar belief. LII' hbas 11ovltctantle of charty to  were Incostat far0of) o flon whirh l  ovigu-
   of Indianua, woith tle independlenice tat alwvays i covr up tie gaping rents iail wnsmrlca-trfrLmstkigcr0fte,(o          hc    h  n
aI marks his course, Announced tinmt tho Comit ateatr, i'n ip ' beuse  e is onle of tie frat Oone  ceved  lumps- t ,ofrise) est thy  Igt be sold
  hie ad   r selte, ua mimioty by thle DniruiA ~tof the caom.leholds u te errors uf the dead  by her to e et y ithe traders ' to Ooogia-a
  andfum  a minority by the lvhig, ad that neither to graify nvimi jdl iet  prit, ut as a warning  tenror as great 1o the  slve as a cold shower to
  prxtyi limdt mmd n aboliioni Senator, beeniisc they 'to te l'vig, to san the path tiat led even teimintic. or let their mistress hould be vi-
  did not conmisir such withinm any helhful pol' Daniel Wittoer to, his fll. ThereFuay esoeitt with an execution, and through its application
  cmrgImnituation. This bringsl up the rtueti:n win tinkIle mever fel, When weOtink that it they simutl meet time saint frate.
  4,whether A prty like thleaoiioitwho eouc      od CritiniyDan-ite nd             epblca'    . htlda srngrpu   qetion  to any nuat o
  11the ConstiLution, prutiolly repodiafe the Union, 'ism to thrust bac to the lurfF of Slver, those te higiet reslmOctliility is) the place, asoto the t-
  0 andl enourage S a irtu, roisLto to tivmla-swhie .te   luavers' ndniolnsof oul to  spoetliity Ifsucim   a huse as is ho described,
lo 'wlilthorliuie swornnoopu  r, AreMtl e'din to fle ft-iniitwe Shatlprobaly think o too.- le wumld ecve fr answer that they ejyed tie
tin%.0rcogumtlomm wichit       m etnddto plim        lolrmjipr                            ina of tuning, te  contngencmes hcting kn'on
C~ Iti S eWithin  the laws ad the Cntitu                                                  t oltetbut of course not recmded as thley ar
      Thue highr iNu' men avow thenisgelves utlawsi -gu otrml  nlw, oats nd  Pilnmir's Discoiisso 'o  iu nt-rnor Danes  lgio  uon  m1tigpeann  olcntus
f  by uOsuOiO1atghO o(uml       n  vlmilga   t  o W u-~ta-Tie pportmiiiv of.rMining this biuti-  nt iamnolgamation: The strngency of life-
-mi.sitl  ins -sal they JIrefol of Iil bitterness, ilfml ariliout have be  rtfigt  arns   sIVmcsecy  is ever mantaimned upon thosefe02-
  rviing  and  denuncition toward all whol)dii r I oftie Kitl oIland Free Mhieuirat,       ureoftOme socal orgIiivmtit.
10 Irnite,'i sol            hyntathehe measure       '   rimiendet tan'] 1tlakemmi'the writer eon. Gen11t/mi4 uifth city, keeping an offie, who are
meratd  tom them wh[ih they nun e out to others! mhei   iiel  nw. t'-hshec mm npal-uable to ow-munalave, find no difiulty in   hiring
    By  tilemst Sqtui'int anti emphatic vote ever u gpliv 'oceriing rligiu, moral, politl Or one from  planters Or fresfrproe  1
         hast beennlthenficsimO-ets is asl rareias [tim abiitys                       hr   rotituio.The  rconequene  i, that nghty [at
     'gvnby' the peopleYamanpolitical abolitionism         )gfromRom
it condisnimm o san umi nllesomeI, dangerusand feon-I Ctirmic  i menetelefIt  flr trkr     t'iit, there are to e sromsom
I', 00nhic puiiiil orgunin~ion.Thuleun~ocraxtic nd  Mr. Prker, Fins enbld mlito form a corrct 60- ' stiutan retreat, cuored a bftoacl'wmen, to the
      Whi  pad~shave both expunged the bresj From  timate of the true mrits o' Daniel )Vebeer.  office of ao Colonl in one street; a Doctor in
 he their pliticl creMIA. If it takeIs any formaIlieraf-[ No one woill aiccse the authomr of this disourse aotiher ; ao Lawyer in another ; and an Edtor In
 ed ter, it muslt he exlusively sctional, and uterlt e- with stti. down ought in imHic, or extenuating titothmar se t an da on the ftolloingmosreingken
 Iltmn     to tile existence of thle lUnion d nn' thin traits '1% believed to belong to the gret man                     frompecin iddy the et'mtoret ote
     tAtfarm, it bectmuies a conspoiray against te wimose memiry hle was engaged in anding to Po- with] eboy-hud ivinities.pasing
 , h Union,.AegaitieL w-trh all good c itiznsmustuunt. trity  Tie eu loFyw hicl i ts 0k00Canbeyond te  rostsof Igooilmt/emnuf il irst aiis,'wopo-
g-; Whyvtlon should itlie fstore~cutnne o           hrernqmrd,  mong asociates dotsnan injry set h  i  orotielknss(                   cm   n
at enco;uraged by ulitivlevcioprtion, oliin, cour- to ound morlity, sd ideprives too many of dIetiing it issal at te gllries, wher,  some 'In-
   tiy, or sympathy in ay forin1 Tat it g to it-s retralimlig influence of te orld's opinion,   s tnes. we have itessed it) to the  Cypriu
of own place, and  ake its Owna exclusive Ishmiai   )IV radig hums not been ofenail extent in tle  mistresses, nod  oftene upon the  slim  plat

a-  min, of its  ands against emry other farty, and rar-im2ty of  notcscmled for  by fr.  Vester's  With   F0iitslvis,dimbthcas that t h' nobleblood of
       Les ha go tobe tried thorounghly agin in this his friend,-but nut menionefd in any othr than the   inferior  ansimal'Sc  navsti  h
   cour,   whethea r the sectional Free Soli1amorthe %r.Parker's  icmre8orsod    with tie I frt familie.' TinMother  pplStad their Clil
        Nothi  srngrthan the Union. Repudiation representations therein maid. The odor writers   ary and admires their waggers ; temsdaghters
   of Free Soiliens itiwrried in evry fold of the na - and speakers have been so euflgisic as to take 5Milo, in adaion ait their captvtion., whihls
   cc tionaI banner, which will he ornec by theimelcm- away a0poerful inducement to us mortals to Strive  th arnadtecidwitmnssro the ntllc.
be, iog adminitration. Tentl requires   but        o a goharater, but in lieu of it to rest cn- tial snil phyicl flcmltis dsae  rmtee
onv strong rasj.land it is crushed withutte o ertntith a.popular riputtio-Roode strd Freeaco              alrm    n   togtbco
                         to tin-                               Bigh sld te Snat ha se 9.Joaoraai.the ssni        utes blutd, and the eartooreoded by
   BrgtadteSeaehv    e m-                                l~o-                               OW, ustful indulgecie. with which t1thin-111
 oodl   examnpl.                                                                           mte,,ag       aern faher, too, ae fazaniar is
                                                        Xxv.  aronoe Puiatut'JLint r. arkerastther household w R!n  oeuonterscl
            05dlivetred t                                                           h eiecure a    Hall                     laddootupntirlsil4
is       FREEDO      IN   CAL   hORIA.                    tebs          t   nvrais        atsnsibilitie, Ilanguid laznsslovelne
                Her  isa secien f tme ompimets h~Wednesday evening, that we have eard this win- bully propnsitiea features of charseterAd
 l. who  vted the Free Sol ticket received from the'K~r~~ a raan     eem     he   rfui     manners quite intercaing.
    Cailifornapress It istoorch to belot.      esemeelcn lectures. We nevr heard smanvowo    The atenions Of a an who openlypes   sutch
            be  Fre Sol   Tiker-e wee muh asonis   ed tofot have so much power in reerv, whie he  a life arerecived in tat latitude, and is hand
ane  Fn.  oloonle   ovee reusAfrom isDrdlo   Ipuwhilelhe4somuch-who spoke with so little effort, accepted, with the mother'saprova, provided, tin
C20ond VlanooigOvrthe urus nDy     nandI hie esaid such good things, as tis getleman. dr a Jesw    r,   ei' eowns  ni    1_.-amans
            he  er   Fi  aonticet w~ci 'o wonader that1he is the I'crowd-drawing   preath-   ut-      ttoiti eraree of title e  to the 'fIll
his wed :tred  ver   the county, tabt the rmOialu-ir, preach whal he ay. He has got more Frec aiieo   h   l  oiint       ~    hr      a
           -C-       laceofai Sihse   eenth ri~Inhmtafoycmonprnstati,                    oe the Cnvetion of Soth  Carolina adopting thes
ofu ba te ofabov and comfor from any of our cilienas than a& 'forty pron-powr' of praching. Io  entiet and declaration, tht their whie men as
Ofar othaet precints    A ticketws oted for, and the quietest musannr possiboe, heipts forth sarp  superior to all the rest of creation, and tatto
   our o~alipm t inefomer pface fEe upporter; at the to- ded Snecs         opoished stel                      ohchg    ttsam      m
cilie htter, OoeContainingitha mes& for the electors,. of Cand  ~edasenteMnce, as igt a  s~pulton of noi-slvhodn     Sae    a     m
            kenasaru inpeciga once right to teIrdible, whilt at the ame iltmomet tie p roof
     inFodI  akr   Iath  and Hill. The itiigei- tenar of thing.le   is One of those men, few exists of their madlgamting propenitiesand low
 be  caneroftie vote ert forile prolmoters of tis Pn's and  Jeteciou, who think without hook and tal  dosuebrie, in ciloneion With their, chattels,
ar- tilet doctrine causes usl to make bt a puno,> withot fear or favor. We know nothing of isikeing aot the recital. And the had grow dizy
  d   tieothin facthe  are wll awarmobelsofte tymiCosieeptb hea'a-'ndt            at   enumerating the manifold ins of the falen  race
             anddevtio to9iet'os~jutin wichacutethe tling t all. hlearses valwas aes injstioe to  of dm, that pervde the atmospee
                id  itiensof   hen WO ~stlsandare urp'isd tat hm wo tllsnn alue rtmt1t.  Hersy Be  Such grosnss could nct be pc'ptratdinany
bt-   even flee Persons could be found in our County, MN~r. P. is a infil; b tut to know tat thisu other thn 8a sae csnimuit, s-nith ruffnm  sI
le  willing to endorse the sentiments of those visuaryfale one needs Cp  to hve eard -ilt lecture O  o g  noigtl  anT mr   so   efe
    politiians in the Atlrantic cite,  h r4      Wednedy  evening :-not that he took any pais  men) aiditte into myj society.  7meni no man
trdc- n exctemupenta   h~atbig     adt ah-to disprve such a calumny. ht thatwiat hsaid so Vpororerincu,   out of Save Stat, wo   would
em- ltin cofmnts    woumld inaly  Ied to ad  smu ufficeod to do so.-YbstBoson Ledger-,         nt kick such fellows out of his house shuld thsT,
and  er join in such manuholy wa,nor will the vLinuiceof                                    udraypeaeb                  on   ncmaywt       a
the  a single precinct tirnsihout hr vide dmain ever  TusxOCOomexPin.l This gentleman lectured be-  wife or diugltr.
  h   e raised to Cheer an the sbettrs of the itifation I fre the Peninctooycum,. last Tuesday leveing  A superior moulato mman, at otathotl, tod ustiat
           week, at they-                                  Depot fall, which wes crowded to if he could buy himslf frota his mater for$80
eth-                                                   itsutmstPeuIh one of the mot Fashionable his wife Would be fr-eed, because fhvlgdiauy-of ine
nt-LE                      T  LI   I.           and intellectual udences ver naseualed in this measteand a fcmsorit with hit. The fit Of the
will                                                          town. The subject of his lecture wa, ' The Tree,favoritim ' ivais otrious. But he was held to
lera-  We propose thattluea Legilature of 3isiiippi, ad Ill  l illf /m (1oen a.' TIe  im of the  be, aevery man'is whmoowns IiggeTs, or py
En-  aitnetssinpasaacdernthat f lecturer was 'to st forth te ieclence of true              his debts in  cy ay,it  ea alhigbl atdelrngtat11Mya   idontati.
von- anly citizen Of the State of Nw York shalt 'im- mtahod, in ountradisincinFnanz that sham  indn,' without reerain!
         'e ~ ~ ~   ~    ~   ~   ~   I ofprtirdteo  rn  no  hstate ay I 'vlatgentility' which .too gerahllrTpassmescr-  Again. A wcemmnollooking  tlatto Courtesan,
ns1  goods, chattels or mercandlise, the Same shall lbe 'ret in So1vciety as9 the, genuine coin.  lie prtrit- wo was the mistress Of tn apple Stand in tise
  otn declared coniscated, RandIthe juVceedu go into ' the! re f the l ariaterly, hilosophicaL, lad  rtfunalof the Capitol ; litreis oftden of in-
     gneral coffers of the Stte We heat muchj full   of capital it, whiheevr anti anon ' broght fuly; and mistrs of an editr with who it was
         rih ojass sch a law as New York had to PUtRs down the ],oo,.' Nut lss to the life did lue et untirioi and lundigied that a associtol
  ttIthat which now disgraces hoear statute kook on i forth, the Ideal true man, 'which hto alleged to  existed, ig t he senIngi  hev.tgad
lo,  the subjet of slas  'imported, introduced or be the only toue gentleman. Alh in all, no lecture  turning in theri ing ois hnbvs mdta
CA-    bruhinothaSttdcangtmefer has ever been ggiven in this town wiclm was better man owest ones of the Cotunil   06bint  of tie Fso-
smio- ooet.      That wuild bring them to their ac- received. There was original thought noug in  tie, sred Inspetor (not inmate) of thePniat'y
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