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22 Liberator 1 (1852)

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/      I.

          OI 1 F )i t E 2 1, R . IV L
                   General Agent

         50       attoM. in arre.
                arbu e mod, And Al 1Lettra
                e)tcettti Of the parr ar to
      - ruin t tleGeneral1   Ag~nt.
         - Illbe set toone add rantfoe -men

            be nM1
        1     mokiril1lest tana jurin
  70                      fo 7 rsrae is100.

r7!io    I hioaettlae      S0 oeic tirae au-
     70    eetaaOipltigns for the  iertr

         - ,cant  - a~tatsJAtaqO!, Etras

                 oc.M      f theppr-o    o


1  a & ~ Q A EA ?. T


xXI N.                                (                                   BOSLON, MASS, FRIDAY, JANUARY                                                                                                         2, 1852.                                        WILENO. 1095

   l%   oN  sedLE UPON GORGE

       'MA  .,    DI       I      18of 1.o
                ...In  ',IeCci  It e ri O

         - ~~o~ptuO~i n1'.1, to itell r.,Tiat

            t  me k q11h (e10 ad,tot mano
               lq oed1'1%  let er. f r   li o n the

         'r6   Ipuu 1111k i ait, o rendert -o[,!

 Ik  lr 00 AP Ilr,  frjr iilL  1%1In l ino  ine d

      :' fO..SI it ittekftelnt  gn at tltn
            I li  iiit Ic cr.l onI ij1tfo eto
 -,r  ipU  5 LiigLn LI,ryu ll   have ilcot
     li  i lioIietoI id lle ItOt butomm it

     V   telot in lL'er c; im  ll from  ee  wh

   -  'Ia110 ti t d6I-  tile i-tle tlr, b  tl
        rio ertj ielr .pici ±r11tand ~ttru.

        t6I.tIC0  11' 7.14 relo nrlk Daol no-
     *   01 i 10   lttr. Tcmolt theiudn
             Mll'AI ht'!401  CLIt ork f4t,
          * 'W It'1 I fl  prbielytlflli liet.%tn&

     W*       ,I t ut epT0 M111)ci t e noiPlof tnc.
   v-   f irlil, Wui~t a  eq avrt 10in1fue
 :*     ih  ilt .0 Ci. ot co-I then rf.id  may rW-
    r ihtai i   0r ie r, A f110o c.rouw on-
iI t !c     U'liemr tint Mi iar. ofionshoul

  trir  I I 11 rmtil l  It iilmir- ebrlNwe to se mn.
  *iw   C1;rit f mn fltr  end onill  tpin-f
  i4 1L.t1t0t11 11i f4inr to ,11 dwark TOt d to-
        etLt   ~ielle, 01111ight.nto i, d-

      111~i,  a t    t i-o11 to i ti iletli i Ito  l- fiTI

         rio sllsnrtt 11140 ehinnewledc to hae
   0 i.IlrT ;1u1,l10 umllilo The itultieous.
   ii t'ettaTi'j t i cotoand lloule  .n m0r
         ton ad lni! ihu, etinlyi FIt l1tC
  p2111 11131lfi r   1 otll -pci.1ly when
       1--1.r1110A ii ti1ihexttocrinr ucrc, -

   O Il 11 ilt at tli loff o Vt'eiflp. f lttift anon
   WronI~l  o t Il  Ctwo old ,.~orjqtan, n
 till     Iloe I     R114-ztI--ititl 0i1cr !hebl.'
 T   'r1dLMin ao 11 M. lonnoto rd-
       'll         , ,* itorl i-? ilA'0aloc te
   It  Jon Shepelt^~- oth etvrytredh   hng
            s1111 zel un eiroa beee'ictr, rel'
  pj  fl~i l1, of1 ' 1.hdl t0o -itt.ipo htM
  11    I MNailos11Ii  larlIt n o t%111(1%I .il not
         nn'elton,;.~t hwich 1then %V0o1d W ill

     110 efo1 orilapeto c 'I ol 1'to aiailntOf
  'nill ,lot-otlfiA . lon to,. Ilithte
        WmWr atIti,,! 1141 I rt priton I-
        2 :~ltl tol ~l tiltlrii00grit, tht while
      t     f Uftle10 oidttilee  Ot'rtiti 1o.at
         to ie  oo tioe,i  o , r111!  -etliI tivtad.
           ittI etr'r44  ith 1eorlhin  a ork

               Li        i lent wo', llrroioh
        tl'lti~lltot.Iw,  however A.I, ctr

        lio~~atati lmld hve ario for a tren.
            lon  )am4 TI01  T vullI hattep.
         Li'lo~aOrg P1ltfof in1,rfl,ticIleoh
      k7O 1110;.I  o Ute11 0whih Ltie pelm-oioery
      Ky ot   o an iwoh-illong ile fricule or he

          t'tu't    1111Th ~nuand flreglaaa
        ruIIllt  &nI ,  ter a   fi   Slitp.
4A ol  tl      ni expesoedwhom I have
                           slthe highest Les
         A   11, t  1 ho~ b tisemihim at the

           '!r'isn~n IarcOnqrird thenatural
     .ott~     00hirooc wih c4at of the Cu-
         'ertilltw14m  le lhe1.trampld upon sd
         R I      StetlSttesJ1f4u, t T0sam
      ~   Io ~i~ ~1170!fl o inicate the chruci
         ~ 101 dtto'u~ Rolaman s Nr. Thonp
         10ei. tt otr eilf the Ltno to tie tli
         Ise - artatTrltaino   the  fallacliet

     O obmto Cl6i, w apt unlnti015,ria.chante

 t,         U4ritic -to te Cause of Abolition-
        kia aut o or dvriion in the anitislaer1
   n I   aO  ordetIw t.t ' .. Some yearo

     nrt    dshl ith Mr.T0ompsoN. and a er
            rk  eI bhimin  ati-laverylbors
       L.itfuDoid0-arpY to what Iko   to b
             latasAnafriend    ra,  thna,
      rub~Ptlie tund-.MY   nowedge  of thl
      2U  _h     by Mr. I..hm   , which an
      11 Oloo ihout irquy- tothe cauae of free
  * l' tInbel ahV,  ut   nnieeealyat wil a&
       Odeid t 1ttantt o l, attursned as hoanoran
     it1 t.eDaloUlmwie mato d
                  b9 guitofcia Mderltetibootho
      b., p  11. t   Wre I no t t tolexose ht
         r. irinurtinu0,wich, i
                   ougla1   asthought 1120110
 tr   It Wia 0   vubli o m  Dscal  chaanoe
      . I u ~     te   )T rpreeing, he  ha
            hQ  a it   wom protal   frierd
    to .bnh      a 1110  hi  Poble, uItivititl
            elllC'gu in the caue of t,
            ois ownmfies . lOthin has intctnn
      . ~ tmooa b'I rT- hemprn l% o poroket
            erna tteAk. 'lba chnga has Ideti





ly been  made  by party spirit, which, I fear, has - London, i7t the person kof Baron Lionel liothschildI
                                                   I                                 to   a     noM-
made  sonme havoc of the charactee f Frederick Doug'. promtnently binging out that questo     adonas
ls,  but  whiich, I trust, looti not ao far destroyedtilte At fireenwich. in Ills persion of Mt. Alderman Sale-
truthful and generous within hITs, . s to 1revent hin 00th- At ]eost half atdoetn  debates have taken
admisohon of the fac, that  front the ma l Io   he  place open it it the Iltmsof Lordst and CommonsM.
hla thus attacked, he lisa not, ilurig hiislite, re-t-ied Iftclue ItoehcttrrediLD tor really t~English newsa~-
AInloie  tiikind Word, Or 0a soiits4 9unfriendly etion, prsl, ihe knutt have ite enidc upon leader on the
Hod  the controversy rested imp1~ly upon the tooths% of. sub1ject, giving  ouch aen atnount of informoition  as
the  Bristol discoaseion, at whirh I wa-s prset-al- leaves thle iii'iorntiee Of tt journaliat upon it intilculil'
  ghj Mhave my Own deided opinion oil that sub- lile. If lie.   Dottglaos Itc~itta in Ii% taternelit-, that
jeet,           00 very  nmterilly, from Mr Doug--  Mr. Thompson   lins, sot-ti to the British Gootitu-
losso-  n tvateineg-laouold  tk,t h111mw-c Oe~l o'word tl'-Thllthe hintswoorti. to preservethe trelations
uPott the matter, I itave no foaer Of thce rsulit Of anyletivec Churc-h and Statie.' or that hie is nlot ven at
eotttemt wshicht moy arise beta-vt-i iM. lleolsos uil liberty to upoet thalomonertinio to-innrroa, if itbe in
31r. JhOMI)GA   io.asluouh10114 nt hLIoVCiuverfcred, onu hi,' power-tbat he ha~s even snoelt tto preverve ittOi-
this Oresvioi., hadodutie formoer geitoetnon huad re-.clate the doctrine. iseiplike Art,[griverntmetlt of the-
e ortmooto 1ooomedls.1Irm apeakiorg cor  writitig to Chilki of Etglind'-tt, as aitember of Purlia-
you  uptonIentiaslavery sui-jeer., o you kntow, I tei- moiti, he sopportA mmnsystetit of thiogok, by whicht Otla
caretuily  avided  the painful eniukjeet of M. Doug. religious m~lenmitsatioon has Aul exerciae of power to
lass's scession from the Amerieouu Aiti.Slaverv $o, cotmpel all Others to cotribute to ils tppor-if hr
eietty.  lie udsihteea  of Etie convenaten eert,iow  eion   ~   hs     is   iuereeiain        fter his er-
geatIy  soeptised thout cvho %vetoe hisl, rttiiulooery lit- -nor i4 pointed out to im, turn: his character for vr-1
iI4,  tud to whonthe  prcothdtt, 5a% ie tottdtttieit.0 rcity wi~l lie dentroyed in thme olworld, t=d withl all
and 1wll-tigh  thu-ing  doedntritti- the downitabcgoil- -irteltiilcit end n-cil-inmirneol men in the new, I do
itucati of ilt Amueicato Contirution, artid tie imnoei7 not violt to offend his appear proprift. in whieh I know
bility, withlout treatlotote, (oo Ardtm.a acrihlco of time hr is trot deficietnt, btut it ony iscree to ntike htno, for
eauae  of the Irtve, of taking Ipolitical ectiloto umlli t l                              'uuemrm.rit n 'rin esto know,
'No  damnaition wtag more fenrhul. nu. thuniter mote thtt while ttelievioig the satteottots to hove been
terrilic , thilthut launehedby liin grljkeit that wiieho tlldn-v e icrror, and not wilfully, his old friends and
ts now  Iskatli-slavery gosplel. Thte Amn-aeiAT an. adcnitre hare iregarded it as Ono of tlhe mot cxtraor-
situtiorl Was then tihe herri> of hercsies, mnd weitt. dinory ino-tnees of anal .gitllering which alty moai of
ever  toliltioniot owan base enLt4lu, to ksubscribe to it tlcet and getius ever fell intoo and an editor, for-
Walk  With him etaatleeitt inarli-dMc. Ity sthat mirac- acoth
ulous  conternion that hook, of whitihIlie therm toll Us  3Mr. D ougl ass is eq ually a t ftoolt rrtte t in g the na-
*  rtry page was red withitilue lit-coil of thet Anoeticatt ture of thte- hrii'h Coatittiion, whicha lie talks of ans
Olive.* ahould inotitncoottly hiecone thuti oly divinec a sitogle, thor, cernoiso dricunlent. Wvith inflexible pro-
revltionfor the stov's Iaoo-:tioo oandEtiue   White visimr,I.like thebla,,of time Nieles and Persians, or
te  i's regenerotion intil~e U11tite Stoic-, We Woere, arid lie Auiricait Constitution itself. It wotuld ie tret-
still ore, Tt Ra1losto no ,ecVe. NWo  cere, iuideed, tog this uiittet nore gravely tllan it dorcto quote
nrailcetIatid mnfouimded ; hut, koitoignoring of anky any of tiletr otdimrl writers uplon our Contitution,
01110t 9 u, inilieotiortilhe carv-rr of Mr. Dootgtoss, kind I hutVcel sully 1lid.ty or yhtnd upon .A school book of
giviogr  him full credit fpr ht swhichu he aprpeared to one of toy diughtir., owhih contains tie following
potiess solhr'etin Engleanl,-nnioingpnkiuiaehornoter, I tutsiotu and Autewer epctie   ttoe cootitutionail
ond  a sincere Attarllment to the eouse ohchehAbve, not plowers of P'arliamnttAnd which nitt shot- Frede-
for any  individual lietlttit -r sgitraknizeciiu, but foe nic Dnuglass the latitude of A tmmer of tGmt assem-
the  rake of tloe cause islf,-%o oAequitted him of cite bly :-
charge,  of  wltihhin ordinary tinttwr.uld have been  I Whaot ix thejitriodiction of Pirliamnrt
guilty, of sestovy, led freetd hut, irloiothe ,usitic-iono.-'It limb ,t- oealic ,dlty in kmekiitg, abrogat.
  ofany thing Ike  ini'tec notirer,. Wilti the means Ing relpe-lingl antd ri-vitinmog lone. It crIn regulate amud.
  0fifrain;epaesew                   hial    aeL     nec %vmodltIthe suceelnmito   the croot-mt;talter or
              of  iliom~llon .e psoeard.we  hstisiiy ctme  oleuthliah the reli'gions of the lAridm; and even chonge,
 thtocortumlaon. thott his tvose orto theic unhappy tlte Cemlo itution of thle kiegdooi, aInd of Parlianments
 cages of - 1evcrion,' a5 they arc noaw ,cAled in this themsnnelves.'
 jeountro, like those f Psoteatantiam to Popery, tri.- Now. thoattis an extract from a hook mot exten-
 tog from some mental illusion, toy ovlict the jot bloek sively used itul school-k, called , Maogealla Ifibtoria
 lot yeterdoy nAtpct-t 11ti0 pure white of to-day. But, and Mlincellitoima fQuestions for the Coo of Young
 Ii regret itl say thst, with all our lPrelitt'tient in his Ipeoil, Edited bythtlo Rev, G. N. Wright, 31. A-'
 favor, then tle of hisarecent attirle. niud iit oUrrgete- It is Very probable that rederick Dotuglusamay be
 tony personalities to his osvisfriotis IUnlfelINltsobr.-ble no purchraethe work im, the United States ; if
 or% in the same mision in har gretly weaskeord that -,o, 1I0olad better doe it, for I tnmre he will agree
 belief in Elie' ,onseierotiousnmss of Imkchange of coin-citho me, that  ittotiretotto tiothrLAn Aerican cedi-
 munion.   Making  every allot-some tir the 1rnverhiil- toe shoutdtiresets an amount of inforoation, ullon a
 ly hot ant oiverdaoeale of niec promelytco, till tlhere s ubjet on which he arites, inferior to that of arhool-
 to sornethig i  d i tluuedoin owhicho lue direni11his bokys andigirls. I timitikevery one mustt admit that
 neo  paI ,ioletvmc             nirrlgtten-rin       hr powers of Parliaente, ns here defined, are tale-
 bun,  Oas ehelire uniic-oittiligly pot it. of A eon- rialy rotntrehenise. Asmit matter  of histor-, -w-
 siiOUaneoI of tile tlCec of .iler biriogin lis y3ockltt.ktnwthey enabled ulta   bolish colrioialsavsoey, And
 snd t lst he nut therfore dtoclue hidilth   ie ro-  they Wouldl have enabled us to halve dontitlsme,
 lees, mand eurrencur to rucitj!ionth le charartera of hadt savery been wit- is0,a dnmetii  iINstitutiott,
 those whom  hrelai  juot desertet. awl with WIMlltl he Seairch tthe debantes in Parliamnent, and Altl the multi-
 hod  juat broken. 1ireed, Me   irethalu  icttillo-aU 3tudinious printed atocecluos and articles written on the
 anti thatn ioenI-ecif cool aergttri viich Frteeik   sulject, amnd you will ind t  quibbling about  tile
 lmlniiso   en emlilni, And  swhich tte kniot-si i the wording of elam-es in the British Conitution. If a
 twist   powpirfill tottatl  of coniovinig men wvhonore slnee escaped to our sttotia  sthat did that Canstitto-
 int l toCie  error'  lie knot-a lt  pet-annal nll-  tion do ? Set bins tree. If ia alvve escapes from one
 Calonti.t taiting iunstroment for Ccovrsion. State to anrother, in the Umited States. sahat   do  e-acu
 A  talented advocate, ike lim, woultd ncervee rtcei- Americant Uotiittion do?  Ibtu-too him to hia bond -
 dotted  hi, cove in such an tOrclignifiedlanod viruleint ae And Ye.r.ol. Dungioss, himself all emanripateod
 apin.  had hr po-.oevselt' ennilenoe itt the merits of okluvee thivnks that Mrle Thompsotn is ecriminal in sup-
 hi4 easte. Ile itat hovre had I imiloir enodoremenent porting thot tlonititutinu n which sets the Mave free.
 Upon  114isrhurt to that stid once to ]love been rut itlo  And ta t(u ' inWooult be virtuous in supporting the oth-
 tlte hantla of at briter- ',Noaae.  Please to abuse er, svhieh rcturua Ihimt to alavery!
 the  I-laintilfls arttorney.,                          Mr. Douglasa talks ateonit the a rnomallea' of the
    Becfore  nceeding to his persotol attack upon Mr. lBritis4h ConAitotion. What are they? Why, all re-
  floapsuor, I oili diaposke of some false stutemeiel, of former. in this cou1ntiry, even the most dcmoeeatir,
  assumed fmt tsa15n which  tie w-loeo hsspe-lok to the powers of that Cotmstitutilon as the inmatr-
  tructure is hosed ;-Owd here Frederick Douglass has mentality for remedying the imperfections of our po-
  plared hisieif upono the hrns of a Illtyensdrat      litical ijutitLutiont.  Fairly carried out, it ias all the

dilemma. 1 Either he hoo  been guilty or intentionailI
mitt-telreuentit ionl, i5: the belief that Like general wool
of ifrmation     011100 Eogtilh Ia  a nd coSLOMa inI
Akmeri ca would enrible that mta~repcflclntstof to pssM
otnoter thre..-a motivo which I do, not impule  to
him-or   deehe  hat i ukoesuchbad tue oof tis nine-
teen mon101'thaveidrueO lot this country, with all the
focilities of knowledge affordecd him, a. to Iavo ro-
turned to Amnerica  iron      ffct  public and no-
torioua to the uoot sopeeficial observer of public us&-
  Ile tolls him readlers that Mr. 'Thnmpsou., a member
Of the Ilritiih PArliament, Idhs clirm ol su*pport ee
BriliphCoriira-      Now,  chis is false in fact. No
moember of Po4rliament inasworn to do any- thing or the
kind. Thrce are threethinga to whicho they aecaworo.
only otie of which i.1 in fart applicable to Ihe presot
day ;-Piit,  toahjure the ropes spiritual supcenmacy
in England, (A provialon introduced by Henry VIII.,
after the Reformation;) tecondly. to be loyal to the
sovereign, (a  precauttion introdluced by that Wosel
monarch.  James L.;) anl, thirdly, to abjure the Pre-
tender, or, in other word', to oupport the House of
Drunewiek,  and reaist any at'.tmpt to restore the old
and now  extinct tyrannical d1-naocy of the Stuarts,
(arn oath itutrodoictd by William Illr, noon after the
setle1mentE of the Crown upon the House ohlitDrum-
wick.)  Notwithsantling you kindly poinitd out his
bluntder in this as. toll an other points, he moat per-
tersely reiterates them. It nosy bo humiliating to a
mnain  hic position to have to confess his Ignoruote
   upnmatters public and notoriio, hut that will be
less degrading than involving himnatslf in a charge of
wilful falsechood. I boeechis is not to be taken as a
speen of the genenal   intelligence and scrupulosity
of Amoerican editors ino dealin; with facts. It isaa
kind  of ignorance by  no  means  ceditable to Mr.
Douglassa, a journaliat   ; for there is no portion of
parijanenta~ry usage which has been so often and so
th~irnuhly  ailscusased, within the last rowToyears. a
thle subject or' Parliameatary oaths. Withint that Pe-
riod, three elections have taken Plaze In the 617y'of

beneficial propertiea of thte Amrcan  Constitution,
trititout any of its peo-savcry clauaeo, consigning
tane-otath part Of its PO1-ulmtion to hO-pelt-aspersonal
slavery. ]lad  hTm. Thompson. in fsct, SWOrn 1o Sup.
port the British Conntittatiooi, he would have swornL
teat Consititution. which, without any mental rer-erva-
tion, or toture of language, he could, becfa God,
have  subs-cribed tot m and that is more than Fredlerick
Douglass, upon  his own shewing, could do. Per the
informnaon  of those who believe Mrt. Tho~mpsont to ho
an ironesit std honorable mon-And  I  do not think
thec numbe-r Will be leagrned by Frederick Douglas-s.
comtunicatioct-I   will quote Mr. Thompson's  own
vriewb of the British tlonothtottion, delivered to his
roisetituients, at cthe coeneemlent of the election
in 1847, and A copy of which was put into the hands
of erecry elcDcter-tIOVO in number-at  the ctone.-
   'It,,t me also state, that I have at high regardosio
 the ltritisit conatitutin, am its prieciples nire laid
 down  and expotmnded by our gresttsjurialt.  I re-
 joice that it is rMy privilege to hive tinder that con-
 stituition, and I would, andwill, loborto maintain and
 perpetuate it, believing it to be consistent with, and
 conducive to,.'the liberty, order, security and happi-
 ness of soc ity-the great ends for which all consti-
 t u tionsit ah.uIt b e firatoed Btll do not regard em'
 cry Vtntn-iwich has grown tip under that
 constitution am equally sacred and valuable with the
 Colta3TItttTtO¶ ITnILf  for, while the conustitution
 gorontee's equal liberty to the citizeos of tlhis coun-
 try, I findmn.   nsiuirts       alled, Operating to
 restrict, if not to destroy, in important respect;, that
 liberty. I amn, consequenrtly, in favor of reviewing,
 revising. and refonnimlg the inatituations of this couot-
 try ; stod if I have not stundied the constitution with
 a defectivo judgmoent, it lomamisdo ample provisions
 fur effectinj the Saluttary chatge which I desire to
 see madec   hanges in fact requaired, if for nso other
reaso,  toa extesud the betos'hlta of that consutitution,
equailly, to a  who Jive under it   Instit utions are
but  lte Ftoainery for promoting  the liberties aod
scouring  the rights of the people, and, like alil otloso
things,-tlte oeffpiog  of huonan ineention,-are lia-
6ble to tletfcts, and prone to decay, In the nature o,
.Ithingstoey can not be expected  to molt all tageis
IThe  world out-pen   tbttoLExperiaence  proves t

These images were taken from http://fair-use.org/the-Iiberator/

~? s-5tU~-


73M U.Sa. 0CotUrtZON   o 'A conoX.t arwilt   DATIk
         LEO ANLie zl.K~aT   WITSMtLO  .

   Mr $YeslIita   nnot  he de-nd-the   saa'eholxing
lord, of the South prescribed, s a condition of their
assent to 1the Constitution, thortnXreotll proeiaions to
secure tba perpetuity Of. their domoinion oTer their
slaves  Theo first Was the Immunit'y, for twenty -years,
of preger-ring the African slave tradle; these*od as
the Stipulation to surrender flagitive slave-an en-
gguent posdtively prohibited   by Mes  laws of Godt,
delivered from-r Sinai; anod, thirdly. the cxatlon, fatal
to the principles of popular representation, of a etc
rontation forelet-for  aticlem oFmtorehmnd %Le unier
the name  gfpr  oot   . To till go vcrnmeat thus con-
atituateodeocracy.   lato inault the undeotndiog of
mlankind.   It Is doubly tainted with the infection of
riches And SlAvery. Its reciprocal eration upnalhe
goverment of   the nation to to esabliah an artificial
majority  in the glaWr rpresentation over lt at ofrCte
free people, in the Amoerican Congress. and thereby
TIONAL, GOVEiRNMENT.-Jorng (mixt-c Aoaa,

necesity of rmooellintlhomn,ard   ofsocnctimes ub- would  'have had the .altsfstion of knowing that they1 to eeonviee his consatituencyl tht it was for their io-
titing   oethers to their pinto more in cottsonance were opposed to a party who could beat them hollow soerst and poliical well-being to elect him to the
w ith t  ripened inteligee and new wat andi in length of purseLand t'l arolouoraess in the a-  otateof Co n. Now, here again, Mr. Dog
       e-1ots        diecs o teple$I. Tliey armons lto afe              n.   I      ihroropn          10-     ls     ttM      'kno
ein,,anod shoud war  beregarded a1sItend   ibof.ploymeur f xiua ,.hy. W  efraoAatLN- lg'           lamn        oiatleasithot-ondat    n
           'isttuinsIb mn nt ci orituttti tthe000 in a single election in Yorkshire, slid poterity  Tie fmet $Is .4tLu, IltnoutJlpewl57,li
onitto by wich ty ations ,wultlbh governed, in- do not look   upon  that as the  Oat creditable part of competed fr tle hiaoof aingM.T<hompipn am
al proposals Ito titernmend, Ir blacnotie-baitr.Shdes of SarpeClacrkor, Wllerfore,       a eprenaiee5 btutlkO   tuch olicittin,  the
tablished ctilutat5 of tire court-r.'       luxtoto nd Alen, what a libel does thison of AM. ri'lwer  alt       hi     h EE, agin, I wilt
  Inttit oe   sla adire. M.Thomsoan olstatd what he as cAstupon your immortal memories I Teo  Disset- utilehis own IIwrds,   t  c~eetonat  thle tmeWhich
itutcnded to do upor rcsiatel reform, tletm- 1a gind ii teablition of their lavery, the Tet ad conclualely  refute Mr Doglais *sattemet. loa-
guagofo   whieh   tatenent will, I thiouk, settle the Corprtin  Arts, withonut having, as wilthout th   much  as, in additiaon t the reliability of Mr. Thomp.
pmntt about  tElioswairg Ito4upport   theldcrine, r.Pteihiility ci'getting, a single mn of their party Into isons own wrd, there is th fct that they wore-rce-
.Lleiplinextdandtt-li ofttottEstbishad Church,'and the Lgilare. 'ie Catholics tchievd teivr oamn- liverol before a mtilttdeof persotr, Who ud ad
to   toantain the counecin   btween   Church   ad  cipationr under like ireumotaces. In V532, the 1to-   wuld hae  contradicted the,  if ly ere Untrue.
State I t ast  iettWill hbe concluive with allhoe  formas gaited the  Reform bAil from  a Parliamrnt  tq\or reders will  io   e enabled to judge ioms the
.ho   iliese that 31ie- Trarmp~proo end not prchse compoed   principally of the repreantatives of otten etrat, isheier  it i the ironmgogeif a ma  tading-
leiltoril honor E til6 erpense of ilful per.  oough. By what lnotumentfliy Was all this a-  cp-iohnot before the contitny ;
   I-~                                             toplifthedl?  The  vry Kosn as that employed by tlite -  or  mrte thn  a year, 1 hov been  wre   OF ilaa
                                                   Amerian   Ai-Slvry Society-thoreeertinof wish entertined by a    cniderablo section of ila
   I  tink  tat  It rttit of a tolerbly   cextenste public oipiin. Tito exitient  of tie polr   indig.  elctos  of  thie Tower flaontlcta, lit I shuld effer
 rcqiinnne   atmong  the mot eminent tad   toiio-  ~    ~     telegal    ptbiteevlanilatavlupAcddteftrrfetthnaly,!-
       ful of time Dianentera e~~~~f this contry-a otn   nal                               aalstdeiedtoitci                   socnirt      t   erar     il   agtn
             emil ofther Iirioryotd  rinipls-sad . ~~~-brioogiiti of te pubic inloitieeeto10 ber against the  ortatt.icd inletialiorogh in Prlintri. A
 Fiolatempt  titdrtad the acrpul ita ure of agorment ani legiatue, through Itia mdium of leviupia iio, btteito n uhortetd sgo ttisis, e-
 Charisian iChurch. and tie dusloeiy-appoinrnd rmoons petit ion lad rorentrtfr.   The  aludon tto the  li,   lin  xtiptleti,  spor hetut o  hi  osr
 of extendsing ther knrvle geand   itllene  of re- course pursed   y the free trdrs Was onfortIunata  ot0.inotit ot persolslbenorit n-ilm
 ligit-n--lia in en to brigre to Anue ediglttenod, era selection as Mr. DuglApps could havo itde. The   otiter artie,vwo   re  fatirly entitld tohe rardat
 nn Initto pro lwcss li brouglt too toDA irncctvc- I
 ion, on thte subject. That conviction is in facor of' Anti-Corn-Law Leaue tried political ation, in the we to sme extent the orgin of ntuonraus nd   toaik-
 tIt motpretrlgoseult-ftent-n                                           m-istsneo     nte0adfudits       ctr    tilaI portosortof cilterai con~ate ftero its
                          thV moL perftc reigiou equalty- rf the  on-in  Amercan sese ofthborougandfand, tstillrout;nandstilemoieorcenilhavehae hadml lhid
 torreoree  of the SIrte in Fusmatn  of faith and cn- IWaroelllsse  They  tried the plstu of ontetig    before nule suchEIfat, mild hae At file FsnTOolTitOre
 cine-of the ate-ttian   oh ol ipots   for ile sup-1boroughs, sid after some  hafdozen ttempto, with ceived   echnsucicanerrlteoratpportand   co-opertior,
 port of a ect-mind totwithholdino&Itf llgrnha sand vre    uceesa and the epniueo       aytosn          shv    elm     oro     ntnlta       iemilro
 ontiunllnla for eceleiniioipriusc, whetier tho aidaepnltr                                        fmn    huad      a   aelotten     otot ltbta       h   tmero
 Ocedgst  tip and coght  to be prototmgted be pro   poudaj  tiey gave up the gae. as too expnsvestnd    te  electors in  lhis borouh, wlo  are dsiroos  of
              hesari orRomn i.itiolc. n-oldneihersee inliclrot. They adped   Sir Robert Peels   pln of fle-idir title   lo-SO  of  Conona    a  gentleman
                           n                              Cag~lt o Ateningto he illt~oionOf m~t. Icoud sow ltilingftle iesAnd opitiono  lich I hold is sn-
  th  betowetoct of Itoe Upon anothr.  %Wiih thosetothat the result of hat stdoption. in the very bet lo- an itilailretoyplaeirvteInanpiio   fi teoucst
  viewse, I wouldldipttee With a Saepid  clergy anti cntity for iha oopetaion-the Lneashir lbotoogh-  Eie   P 1. MY   pparit  anceamongyou  ths  evening,
  ulio Estsblishlnme ntowheter it be the Episcopal *a,  that  fer seven  ye~rs leboir, til an enoatrmous lerefore is the reelt of an ohsrvtion for ite
  Church in  Etgid, ile Presbytecrian Church in
  S 4 ltd    o   t    oa    Ctoi      r  rtsatoutlay, te free traders Were just swhere hey Were 1at hait a year of tie poiicaelapect-, of tit i orotgh
  Cltttrch in Ireland. I    t      hoddeortttChurehafrctn the tommenerpotu~lt, and tat they had not gained a and an nteroure, during Lto4t period, ith  getle-
  the Slate, and do F. for Eogood of both. Andl his, single aeat in ithe Itolia of Cmmons. Then  cme represntingtle sentur isetsand Oishof zlarg
  not because I lace the religion of tle New Tess-   he fccelolii land moventt,  in which,   Up to lst  bodice  of &h eltr. Titose getlmeneHwil ber
  ment tess, ht lensage I think 1, practically. love it Monday they delore they have  inveted,  nearly  me  witnes,  ht  I hve  acted Wil  candor and With
  troro than itoro ho would  perpeuate  its allin   200DD     fMn          it    htrslt-              clto ceuhitliewoeo
  jas they think) palitt temoral pooer and pitrontgu., ,   00   fmny   it   htrsl pn te          aiiatrogint titeluoio    o ttre my.ca
  qil  tOpinion, helteis, nd can be, -no real and callLegisltatre Why,   the attinent   of some  half-   sd od atI Aole h-tornoiainintoorueaw
                  eettitlolioeebewen ttetre 'horll(to ileti drm sets smeof which are nor  heldt  poo  scfh  e aertnfen f a ikeeeeors f this borough
                                                                                                        (clIIees;   ut, n Thee oofroy. hovesought, ty  hore
 tio,, of which tre Fill those who loe the coLTaonnnvery douttful  eure.   Tbs   potato dt-sve  A a  - tevlf  nicngadjaf~aoyrir~
 Hiead   ineerelo, nd worship  lhiouin spirit sd ino much more efficient poitiai ation shan Eliobalot    or te  xiaence O  o ooritigo   iea   generl   tel-
              trot)   ati he tat. Wth m prsen -owaof ie.bo, or, rahr, hmpollnglbth, inhe   taimet   of  ing in fator of tho apparane   of a candidate cher-
 natur,  the governme~t,  tie componettt   lement,
 ad ibsutoimtate  deigo   of IitaChtieitin Church,)fre rai. The freehold )lnd Kschemeis now'avo.wishing to opions ndr]priciples, to thoapdlvance-
 I eatn ho no contnting party,-to the continuance o  eolW aintinent more for its social than Its plitic al  t fohicho Try public life Itosber o dvoted. hiVtt
 ihe connection btiveen what  is called Cittrch and advootges.   The NtionaliRefoprmAsociatindont t1t1141 principlea ti opinions ar, I am bre to Ox-
                                                                                                        pain, and  I doubt not ymit will afford iontics ppor-
 Steutel bt enestly  desire a separation, thit sotle ream of achieving heir object by gaining eltion ,  ttuliy of acing   temn before you, With teh frock.
 religion or the Gopel may be left   Its own noivo. which they Reil  themeles   of only for the purpose mnes  fadd lneoy  wisil yo  hve  A, ight Io demand
 divii, and  ominiptenit ecerria.AsaRtietlhar of of educatitg Vato   Vpoleithe princrilesof Political   of tie individul who  aspires to te hnor  of repro-
 civil sMILEtYI cannot conceive of perfct cvi  free-        Ii    h    isop.sadCtolc               rse    o   etm    o   n  U-JMT1
 drun  n aptrrm perfect rligidis fredom.   I eitulc   stanln  teDssnes n       hotira tr1a-d to  sntn y ot neParliament
           rear lmp mn&Ip 'ml   f~ cvi rghs farCic on 1oliiaotion, ~they wudhv rmpun np o          ,IAtu bot to Avow are not Adopted foe the occasit
       ten    wh i ticlod innlienole ptrcbndg utlAndos.               111tepriteo bliineoither lav they been at 'any periodtLaken io to
 accotiofil rislnfOurlit  oti  ent  n  r- inc Poeaid no Other mantohofrescuing the negres, aservea purpose, or to sqtiar with ilo prevailing
 criptions of a. partiCuIATrmset Iteither cn I mgttrdour GO0000  olonial sarae would  still e cning sppirit and teoer of tie tintosr. They re ry geru-
 it 05 jut! to try ni impot polarty man for tie Sip-Itheir  ehananl.   pla nttion;  rod had free tradrs in, my   honrrhel. our conscienious cnvictions.  I
 prt  of religious Forms   nd dotrines  to wich  itsaICECa
 enotL1e etos-ito    ubetscrihe.  I  inivi ew -- Iben shoctiop   to that reortp, Eli  pcpleof  itic on  hold ilchetobecause I believe them nground ad jut,
 At once tanloutroger on hus cosienc, anId n itahoe-try woild now   ee hopelely veniuig their   heat.  inhcse Itoyhjudgt one terar ung.Isi ould
 ral exaction of his etubsttnte.                    If laxed food.'nterewas   one power,end  one shmer,  hstever  be tudgencase, I wll aeli ng.em  eaod
     a ppeheod that Mr. flougltasill01nt g  s fe  aby  which  te   a rious  forms of eronl,  areligiousm, aotbte-o  ov  e-rsot    htI atilnot
 to nsoo-rtuthot lIt. Tltenpsan had a perfect lkowledge And in1ustiol Ialuiery could te ortrw, and h,%  be wiser t-mrrow   han  1Icmmt-dtmV.
 that  ' the Ccnnlctiont Of ChUrh Itid Stat, and - the wo, the omniprpotpenvcif public opiin, which, when -It i now  lor you,  g&ntterc,   t jdge  hoov far
                                                                             (annty    ithEli wil ofGodbe. thesenaite are in accrdnce With your own,
 maintenancre of tElioinvioability of Ilite tictritt. nAii-  eiroed in ranfotitao-il tlaildf nbe  how far lty ae stchis yut require in )or rep
 ciplanot worship  aniull   rinee   of the  Egliathoma, infl   fet, the voie O otmd. For myaelf. 1iliho e ftsntative. Suolli  hey he  found to e  geetl  y
 Church,*  ald I the preevtion   to  ie bishops and no  olteteocc  pop else ore faly Party, even with   i  union   awitl tlunteyot entetain, there isstill loe
 clergy of Itnglatid, of ttte rights cd privilege which Is righteousa ojet, whih loses its fairlt in Ithe fol- qlptesitn whether 1, a the irperonolion 'of those
 by l:aw appertin to them, (I otitted t064 rich haft ilneAt of plrnbint.  Wleter   means  which  have   principles, ain the person you oright to selct as your
 befor,)  awera ruomint  prtlCIe otBitih Coati- ,beent proed mterially inffeint for 1he prmotion r'rereseatiive. Upoo this pint I am as anoiusase
 t-ution, yet deliberately Itld the people of tho Tot-r of a good case, Gid are only potentail for geo   eer cise Cite freeotbaridu mat del bertateyouchoelI
 IHamlets, at the outset ;ofhs cnVa,that,with a fu  ti retuilcoruptionmad the  u'Portf monopoly iay, preeuing myself bfore )yo. I cn umkeno c-
 iknowledgo of that fet, ho would nevetheless go Into when transplanted to Anrrir, become the  uist Lt-1fit 61-uiendlroies, nor cn I come under may enge-
 the Illuue of Commons,   take a solemn oath to  do  ting-,meanis for savemenenepaion nd natoar   ge-    mert,  btthoe f mot huioesly dischargig my
 all hee  thimga.acd   teoitnditl    tr    on rion I willnt vcnttur an Opinion; I nerely esltiy  dutly, ad Carryrig out, as far as IIsam able, he
                                           thon mmeditely urn rpritniples irwhich 1 hav declared. I on here 10 50-
 anld   edeavror to undo ,tem.   If hleleliero  Mr.i to their utter failure lie.                tet no favor, nor can I undertake to confr ay- I
 Thromplson capable of  uch an  st whant does he say. It  l- a pity tat Mro. Dulass ad nt  pointed out   do not Conceive that a faithful representative on-
 to lila   jpr mer/'e pious friend, John Sebie. bring a Wwt lie motant by theI anonsies, of thltritiloCon- tracts any obliation, eir ohuis  are mutual  sd
 paet/seepts eieimhmi in such basetl, fr he upported aituin.  110 should net  ha~e lft oat to guess me his reciprocal. You of yor own choice select  titr as
 Mr.  Thoipsoaa  election at lie hutings   The  idea maning.I-H   he since hohas hee.ae a politieal party  your ervan, nd if e  at, tho eand f hits tert, is
                           im, gro               an sily lbel ponMr harppsit. a wel                       ble to sy, I hove done  toy duty' he may cry quit
              ic agros an sily lbel   ponMr. homsonam en~ mn, grown soultra rputilicen, that he can seeFilt-owith hlliicnstitteos.(Ctler)
 am the 7,000 men, wh. if 'hi foolsh taement  About  ing but evil in our Queen  and sritoctay  l Why,  I'OF pyslf, peaccnly, ils % awy irksome and.
 iritth   oolts and Costitution to torret, voutatrily whlen here. hie was in ho abit of paying them high roearraig   loseak   ; but ity difficilty is dintinw-
 voted for him o commit  sch  an atrociouc at of d-  complimuent,and  placing them in mat   danseoa jled by the thouh, t.'hat I pan going to uter tmth-
 libterate perjury.- juxtapoiin wih your Preient and demoray.                                                             ing of a   el-llttring chractr.  In origin, in
                                                                                                   stoation, and in inlutence,   I ao  a nioEt huble   mndi-
    Tho  Attempt to represent 31r. Thompo's thooret. lies i one of his prtty stck quotation, in the uet   ida,,  but I soc willing to apply all the energies
 Ical  prCfrences for republican insituion, as ineom-. of whitli lie was very happy, Which I hve cut Out I pos~esis, and to sa m e small modicut orOMalnt
 paible  With ElteSupprt Of ia limited mionarchy  like front one of his own printed speeche:-    with.ralwiici it. has pleasedPooienc to gift tte,  fr
 out-. i really puerile. Wby, I hae  no doubt  there    Theto hon at a v .Irsfe                   the adivatceimmnt of te filietie, tho right, ad iha
   re many Americanrs Who  haO t aikng foe a lmted        Crouches, sdlat-sl  his mighty pw               hpieso            o   elwcetrs           yprun       h
                                                                                  -                      great Objects I have  st   efoe  yoti. (Cher)I
  monarchical gotemomeol  , but the world would de-      Upon her lp-an  emblem  meathavnetrrnkeoecitspdgeorweti
  nouncetem   onua noodles were thay churlisly c.To r-  Of nglands queen and Englani'ala.' to recommend me to yor notice. I cannot proie
  ruo  inactive, and Fefrahn, upoia thatrmod, to aot As Well, ow he mFutt knowfoteading th pprs. to build ocks, or maoe railroad, or estblisho oton-
  citizens of the United States. The hitory Of Bo-   that the Britih4 lion - till lists that- England's  ufutures amongst  YOU.
  land will show wharmitics ofr circnmstances both Queen 1is the same   awhn he   Was  ere. except ha-  toAo ieahaddingotho intrIan asla aotyn
  in Church and  State. the British Consitul   Maron nos g ~got a !litle stouter asd memreatny, and beng    o ethbin  of  the Mtnisan er, I cane ho ld ohtmayn
  eit   undr-Popery, Prelacy Pritaism-State  stil mom populse with her pople iAnd I England's  plac me in the hall of legisittio. if you chetoce
  Church  and no Church-ing evs outaOnsowrltl. law,* as lso Asomewhat improved ine s 184. * I Emutherefore, it will be fr theSak of tmy  priit-
    The ROCIuSster  ditoc appears to be just sas munht,   spare imanomallesin our Conistittioin, or 0 It in pes, and bcecause youdeem toe, as m a t, ntno-
Ithe  dack  upon  the  suabjct of political sActo n houe poliial  instivuios. he, at all  eoventss, should wet-hy to  ha the advocate, io your name, of those -
                            this contryaa hais upn thenatur  of te lirI. dea reholy wih th~ nowreincipsupprter ftthe  rincilndeLt sitoedundrstoo IthatIndo ot sp
                         I thi counry, m be i uponthe rhtur of te Bel w del gerl~f vrith hemnowpheis     before youo ase eatheforepeaeIlia epiesnt ofie anf lly  elu-u
Slab  Cntitution.   With  Tarim   and  Whis,   who   American Costitution; fo, after nntsen mot' a-  ,ive ection of the cotastuecy of tit o ooudti, or
rInvrto capital in the puchase of aw  in the 1rg111- peinee  in this coutry, he thus desribes the relative Eli opponent of any linrticular individal in Prlia.
Iture. and get a eturn  foe theic money, and a hand- dhereeis of liberty be ait enjoyed in AmerecAnsd    meal, or seking your  uffrge. to get there
  somte proft too oot, out pof goernmenl corruptions, England - I hope every gentleman who clams your noice
  the sople instrumoetality is that identical political ac- ill hve asp far a chance ase myself of winning his
  tion which Mr. Douglass ha. now  a. fled As his Ap ,'Sir, liberty io.Zgland  is bter  tian slavery in  way  t your good  pinion, and that You will select.
             po-prile phee f lboc Toprteo th incmas of Amerca.  Lbry   under  a monarchy  is better thn teheabetIfrm   among    ble numbeaur, be thy fe o
  es-retansopheeoflsrsuch astestet oti Ime-aesotsm Tnera dornacrsc. (Cer.)  reedom mmany. I shall experience  now feelings of biternes
      thdEat.    indiip ies compntic Wst nant Mawnrs,  nr-   a-fnnnrchical gvenent is better dosana. or dismpapointlosent, if' I mn rejced  y your  vupof
  hsta, h   a    nia   opn.te adcwpra           very inasupport of Elion America capitol. Sir0 I this evening, but retire with the mosca frendy  sei.
IThesoeemeana have also beens   reored   to  But no  bose known  what  it ws, for the EIlitien*in   My    oent, and  che most arnet   ihuthat you  tY  iAm~
  reigios, philanthropi, or popmur   moovement. has  life, to enjoy freedom in this country I say that I A   ore fitioj represenati ve, rdot  the lignast
  ever been conducted to ms mucesful sseupon   such  ttseeherm, within the last ieten   mantisfor  the  pesues to wich I sin suemyel1 5 ttiyumod C-
                       Toafrihtrh rtbaildnaa         st   $!mein my  ife, known what it was to enjoy libaseifAtchdmy.byortdn            a.psrk
  piliope.   T   esn-htte      rtsfloiinis s               oathI                                                  -  ltose attached, mayy ouratexergt-e, l'o.,
  a body, dsoght to acieve  their object in the ho   en;.                                                brwith thgosef uloutrmn             t are0O0so
  manner  as %e liberty Pary  in America, by forming   Then  be went etcs to enmratle a long catalogue of bruhtoamcerl   O
               thesevesino apoitialaecio, ad ndevoiogtofoul laulta and h iaine,which, As  a cloed mn  In  rpyto  a qtOoin Mr Thompson  sad he
                           Lierpselyesintoa poiticl matiancouldndeberinotparty o Eie distribution oftatoiicting
  gain seats in the I.gslu  ,is rly  ridiculous, In   e  was subjecrtoinal    rliso he  ulkof  which. I  liqnoorsduring time leti   e  Iuwould not purae
dote  Bst  place, they would  have  had  to  eped   himasgie, stilt contvinue, although he has ia. from  iseat   by   he detnoosstiaaion Of a slainle hbUroas
  millioans of pouands at very eletion   before they tha condition of a fugtive lve to that of an edlitoar, being.
  could have  ad a chance  of making way  in that di And a  leading  cocobe r ofIa Political Parry in he M. Ttooalfiieltknowledgl the vote Nw pam-
  motion,  In the next plce, that money would   has Unied  Pan.mat and eprassped hies                                                            tsetue of ime dligtoua
  ad  to be penparded, not in the legritimate purposes Of Th next assrtion in hs atceIs ulararmledo ramaireoahcitMad movis. Thw he lad nfisted.
eiletoins, but ini debauchng the voters, troghth  and peronally   attenaie,  hat it rally dserves to b   H   now  accepted this invita ion, snd wouldT-nod
  mdiuim   of bribery, dreltkennsa and other Immoralcarcerized by a few short but maepraeme axs rthe Tower Hamleats. (Tis dciiooa wastev-
  itdea. In the third tplae, whn they  lhad tints I twords ; bit I wil forbea.   Frederick Dooglasa  sI- odithll trreaoedoum clseo) --
  theirunaxiy, sanpd brouhtguilt upon their oul, they martsthat M. Thomtpon  ha s'labrd  har  diullog   -(       kaaadeail jseN o

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