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9 Legal & Ins. Rep. 1 (1867)

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C. ALIRT PA1sUER. Proprieer, as 5tf                     an d   4tWtig**                                  *W..0 It! Adva.t
Id IIA .  a..  a.e aewen  ..eet.                                                                          Allgfit  epoles A$ toA
VOL. IX.                                   PIIILAIlELPIlIA, JANIXARY 3, 1*67.                                          NO. I.

)nsuraart Viepartmtt.
CoalsrOs up eSagg *OPusta-M
A a  ay eaeo-o- who ha's rinstred theI-r
Ive- fall p, Fred tie .end lions of triScir pel
-ire, or the, gr  ie n t IetwieeIri  -u  aI  the
roems.ry. we sill give tlbs woriing or th.
rinditlnseofa [ifa nt Iy   bi  as hare
befor Ie is.
n-ArIi it lI hreb, JI-lars-- v ho lhe true
trnth soil mreaSing .i thlc iilicy. cu the
sarneis acosptuod lby rho seued us thi-sa
soxprmeIiltllione tat I, lane the asured
ahall die of.n the seas i ball. with't the
ce.nsetof ithe ci..mpany Icr,l.i.oly itLaritsd
and endorsed Pis pLill.   y  s, eithr t  9
sea or iand. b.r-yucsd thie toaed I irili ta f the
United  ate. (enceting by teed linto t
settled liomiIts of the  r itiah Proie s .. f the
two Canadoas  Niva   rots or New  runs-
wick) or iit those tart ot the i  icteod Staten
which lie south of the thirty It h degrne of
north latitude. between the lat of June and
th first of November, or shall, ithout such
previous consent ItLu endorred, valIt Callfr -
i or Oregin, (r nat into the uorie e
the United State. lying went of the twin y
firt, m ilan of l--ngillud frit Waltingtu'
or shall wittout rut pre.. ios n-tit tIus
endorsad, aster tnti any tli tary or nasal
service whatasteer (the miit his iaotin actal
selre* eaxepted) or hal-l, without s. -t pee-
roun cnnent t  nh endorsed, be personally
employed as an engineer ur firris in charge
of a team-engine or as a conductcrir brakes-
hianuPonrilrad or a..an officer, hand,
or servant of any stetna Ve1e o  the ,an.
tfacture or trancturtatiin of gnpowder, or
in ae of hooing so far inteoperate as te
impair health or induce, delirim tremnen, ot
shall die by his own hand or in a duel, or in
consequence thereof, or by the bands of just-
ice, or in the known violation of any law of
the State or Lh Ioited State, or of any go-
srnment where he may be, the I Icy IhatI be
void, nll, and of no effect-'
The thirtyl bath degree of latitude above
referred to, cranew North Carli na just ntrth
of Raleigh, Tenoesce, north of Knonille,
and sIuth of Nanhrilo the northern portion
of Arkansas, and California. suth of Mon-
terey Bay.
The twenty-firnt enoridlin of liirtgtitod
strikes Texan at out Auitin. Knaes at
about Atki.n Nebrska ea it F-IrL Soar-
icy. and linkotab unialine ars ael with the
Tii entlerpinlg ci-rp-rrion whliol tes
been rtentl  cbattere  , fir the cotnsibLe
jorcaeiu;IcIuring live sItck ag-unit hoth
di-acs and thi.t, in now   tert r  upon a
moot pcroi periuen creer-
Tiile on rp1Illy,, untile ome that havejire-
celdd it, which have gone to their -roper
ietng- plati-ce irganczead upnin scashI basin,
and with u l    .*cA rspici Ifr inoresed
The etien oh  hiladto lhliia, atid of Penn-
sylvnia, will fnd .th  the oly Isirble
company doing businees in he Sate in the
line wo have, tnrtioned  Althogh a lart-
ford inntituticn, we would recomrtnd it to
our twtierrof bhrses so being a11 needed to
oinur perfect Ildenmity. WI in safely nay
that no i stitutimn in our it, in airthy of
'patronage which  snoIt sow a aid up or
cash cajti  if at least $ti0,o000. The Hart-
ford Lies Strk Inascence C.mjany has
ante amourting to over $t170,000. and is
manageid by some of tha wealthlet of Hart-
fordsa citizens.
esans- F. & E. A. Corbin, No. 430 Wal.
sot St., are aba agents for this city and state-

A IFIC1 asItiAtM tAk,.
Ar. itv'at. In jruris has ben arr stid .1
on acarge made atairt Ir. by the 1e-
n.arda LIfe Aneurance u rapnyr of Mautlt
of ba.ing Anited . wife in rder t, Jithoi
the aroIu  of. pliy on le.; lie  The lsay
died tuliday shortly aft. her huhand haI
Insured  er lire fir *;40rAltaitot 1.rJo
sterling  Ita..ar. at lhsureiran    il
Ge*rneiry. ,r aLt h i. ,art of 6er-,rir
stipulate tatay c..e-.orieem einnuir.ecn shaoi
f.,liw tlh death f the assured  This se -
IontIok plane withlIlot arty bjne.-ttrn
beg msad.   1ist tn daysafur the freraI
the cor  any, showed suf5. tint 's h ticatr

.Laret of£L., al fr t II rshared Af, Mr.
L, II  Ysar. It KEg stret, Cl ..-..I.,
,Lcndc ,. ths ficls manager. and Iea.,
IIrr. sad Murrey. 7 1 M.-. ;se, Tra-
falgar siltore. Lir dc-n, ire- 1.b 'mo --.-va - lec-
,,,ti   , ,       , '  I  T I   ,1 fr
Tuens asn ito-.ut twi .0' cired srmr
-oeelr Itee-ccn. E'ccal Ti. f.Yel ire
i     l. Ti.-  ne ef th  m ou rany was tile
dilai.4tirjlaid Th.:lirit fe itrarnee
occnstac~yurgard lr. II] V1-dlpi,  tre
coil-e ii tIe* U.ited S.ta, s.-the uPhila-
J   C  tri I.u tic.. i ,  ,  1i.h 2.

<asse~dd  kll ard rmt rieaty d,.rg, bIr.e **. that State, Ieo   ttol
rot-rprise.         -ses-ar t-i of p              .. enr.  revcivtr,  T 1o, .
J dept. TShioghaut. Eng. th jurir men  L - . f-t L14. Erpetses ft 1, ins
her of tie fi-n. La cing be,  herw. t-c. utertiufe
Ph iladrkproa hM the ale representanine cof  trnt.  **-**e that the amount -if lesun
sttao.<h aid reie F;re Insurance ourts artI en      r     , e clide the pre-
p*ars                                 rt nieinr. tidhv S2 t.I ,nt-ttnting
Till. setery Is rw an the fillt  ofthe arrt-jt r      Iire- to- re-r  t-e tfco-
;ir-er.t0, acid we -ongratulaie th*  m  pee,'s.  h  caksnate at h. l per re.t,
as. re,-resetd, upon ihir aell-tor' rI' ahe t-cr-rm u* Loca: if Stl.1Ili,

ar ,!,,. . , e.  .,6. ad gor <,gauscrs
v. it.- Orm  sgen their retaresertg such rii
.1 e And hruetothy comais.
L, L 1>**  Ile a is taeficthl sLt.tti .


Fire arid M.rnrce hourr tce Co.
A-aets. $i'i7'o7.
Fire and IIlrire In. Co.
Asset, 1631,077.
WIrcester, Msaschusette.
Acise, $443,304.

Fir. and Marine insurance Co
Asets, $S273,(i3'.
Fire ill 31rne lIac Co.
As-lts, $256,001.
Inr -Cmr,         New Yrk
As-en*, $II Iyte.


an ,rder ft-r exhouinisin, and then a Brlin
celirni-tnmo] Dr.  aunihein, certified
that he fiunid in thcLcdy trances of acetate -f
morphire. The huebard I raid to be in em-
borras-aI           ..cu ..n.tC. .-wig to diastro
IS- uolati, and n, thi llegatit, of the poll
pireoeutor is that he poi10050l hi, wire to raise
B direction of the Mautr of the r-11s no
tice in givnt that he purpose en Friday,. the
tinst., at three c cckr , at hin Chabnern, in
Rolis-yard. Chaocery-lane, Linden, to .ro-
CeId to make a call on all the perlon, ih.
have been settled on tbe lust cot rlliutore.
and on whim .n rIol ha been    ade utider
the winding up   The judge pirpoe    that
echl .ait AhL be made for £20 .er chare of
1.20, Netice IS als given that the judge
purpuose at the samet time and lace-, to mitke
a tall on all the persons who hane been nettled
on the list of cohtributories, Including thors
on whom the cIll of £20 per ahare of £20 in
intended to be made: and that be purpose
that such further call sil be, for £20 per

Id ll ., 19.Itl   -ew  .f ratyovrpe n
icreics ta vlcethlargi smncf $12,3Oui.
uk Ilby t.  S  F re Ieiuralice CIojast.
during the twelve months precading Nor. I,
From this, the recenity rot the ln rae
of Iae recently made can be asen cad as
flid that U8 per ceant a4ditional preium
would have to be added to th receipts. wo
allow the companiestomnakethemnselrsiwhole
witbr-ot Odding anthing to surplus account
The cormaniedidng hnsainesan Manhne-
setts embrace but a email portion of tIes. of
the whIle cironry. and it is safe to calcalate
tat at Ilae f octy fire Wnhiola ot doian
hae blen au-k by the companie throughout
the United States durinr the year.
Tb   re-aly dies.rheting state of :,fcire to
te urderwrtnr. .endth preslntcontina nca
rf exnecewo . .   rinticts thrroghot  the
coastrY, bid, (a, to crestae much drIst of
the .tture.
Il I we rot know that tlriinneht mnborn
tare h--n adopted by the ounderwritrs, and
hit e-t hare ben incoed, we should feat
tter a  lrce. IIad orracouse mpants
on:tcied dcI; biores the ay they were
[asing looses, and instring at unremonerative
rates, the history of the Fire Insuranca Cimn-
.ants for lti5s. would have een one of
aurnful account  A, it i, the adance in
r    e  ared many n coampany from bank-
W'that a   c.nertd aton upon the part of
the ctni-i without a unitad afrirt to keep
uS ratn. and not too prompt .tin in paying
Iees, the compi es had better wind ip sad
let the public tke are of their own property
a  bet they m1y- Au it is. companies can
1 re ad hardly that  An ince    of rates
e   nd   it only  1.  .im e muen  arfil  f their
prperty, t they will incur mote bas.rd
,.ieiu SI. cnd elthi..ugh the reeIit of our
Y        ei rened, by tIle  faiin
ff If it->tne, I l re sorry will te made
tiler tias ir

WM  . L1,tEa In I`. INi LtR4rNCE
Rioc y-i                 r  o th e   If  n i-g hrl.  dtWf t.:cn W ., A,-eitto ,e y ahir  sIe a r
Ahle  n -cr o c] -- i  c hw  onl1 1(! - -n e  lollI...ched  Il,  odeo  Ir-II  Yi ,  * s-I   uti-w 'hi 1  ret1  u e  nleri e  o
-I-,if 1cr, WA I- W   it c~ln1rtjc                       an , Itc~i~iu     lii to!   iiscv
& C. .  -lce.1 t No 4* -.  nut tr It A,
Tils-l Mc has been laly e,:-rg-d Ill im-              aE   TtKo.      If I  I  I
pr ve.  The comne1-ues repree ted  at thir  The  att  itocctiIll -f Euglieb  I  r  -  . n :-,  . 11 w   il, f r re i
trining  agency  ia , we  beliee,  s  relistie  .t-cL   which  are  ciLel  in  the  Lu d-  Rf  thI  re.zicoltpw e
Intit.tin - con be recIomlndud to the i' wre l                     The e           hatoy.a I
nnt. Arnigr.          of .sset of $3.-oy other                                                   Weust
, iepresentd  which, with the well-  r to  I
known  underwriting  abiliies  of the  firm.  I                                 Lhtt-alci  lo  tie  tot ly  t
and their known ojuiartyL conmeand then . i i. rea ofmLill. duuiosueuSr                           four
to note, a- loing eminently worthy of                    11 tt -     long yeru f wafare- That their dora Is
nbc-llold .a6111r it ot j hr  .ee. What has.
Intr nce  against  hre, lie  d  ocident                                     r          to  u  tiioui,. L  the
rink' are Iefeteed  ,romjuly and correctly, and
at iaidard  trns  Line  of insurance frem                to -. ,      a     . i   id r  istic  t  fal ecech
5fOl3 $(Mtai,t             arreadily eluErtd arid p,,e.
W m. W Allen, Esq-, the cenior member of
ii firm, in well known as the pitner reret
sentative f Atident Inanriice in Philadel.  Some ratios h ercltur . an be arrived
p ia.  C im m enc in g  business  w h en  A nciient  a,  by  .   h e  a  e  o f  th e  I .. e  T ee  A n i  I  I l o  D irector s  of  the
Iiunarce was in its attiest infancy, Mr.  ade t the 3laleuoa  . our aialDpar- II  111. Fr  . r r  uIparty. of PhIl-
Alen  as rhe Agent 1f the Tr.velers I   naur  men t, t  Nay- I. 556  daphia  wiL be teid at the ofice of the C-
nTlL,.d                                          ire tPane wamirled j.e 0 a ea.er y iltyc  .
b                           y ~ C lr e  o n bh e  n i ghu l   E ~ l y L l t    f  D o c n e e r C u t o d e  a y  Oni  r e r m   u n t e   ** r d a y a

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