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5 Legal & Ins. Rep. 1 (1863)

handle is hein.journals/lglir5 and id is 1 raw text is: JAMES FULTON, Proprietor,                                                                 on t4sd+g  Oe Dollar Per Year.
OFFICE, 424 Walnut Street.             Mtiff,  a                                      Five  Cents Per Cop).
VOL. V.                              PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 1, 1863.                                    NO. 1

The Legal and Insurance Reporter;
JAMES FULTON, Editor andProprietor,
GEO. . HARKINS, Associate Editor.
44- Published Semi-Monthly, at No. 42A WALNUT
Trass or SsscaRsTi,-41.co per year.
RATzs or ADvE!iSEXENtK,-AS MRy the agreed llope
Select advertisementsxonly inserted; and when insert
ed will be continued at the regular rates, until forbid-
PasoNAL CGFROVERSy is entirely excluded from th
paper. The Reporter will not even reply to iL on
assailants. Its only answer to attacks will he to lab.o
more fithfully and inddtrionsly to  akea cplit.
winch shall be worthy of the patronage of AlrelisntL'
lAwyers, and reliable. upright Insurance Companies.
NOTICE.-Any person who sends us the names of five
ew subscribers ill be furnished with this paper gr.
Ks, fr one year, as regilsqrly as issued.
The mania for amalgamation of insurance
companies has had a very successful run in
England, and in the rapidity with which the
transfers have been effected, all considerations
of prudence have been ignored, and theacom-
plaints of those objecting entirely disregarded.
Companies doing a fair business have been
handed over to others in far less prosperous
condition, the interest of policy holders never
being thought of, their wishes consulted or
their objections afforded the slightest conside-
ration. A hitch has come at last, however,
and their threatens to be a series of them to
arrest the progress of these hasty transfers.
The London     Insurance  Gazette makes
mention of a meeting of the policy holders of
the Argus, which company was recently
placed in the embraces of the Eagle. The
attendance was a large one, and the resolu-
tion, adopted unanimously, was to the effect
that a committee be appointed to represent
the interests of the policy holders, to report
at a future meeting, and that in the mean
time all policyholders be recommended to
abstain from recognising the proposed trans-
fer, and to make all payments or tenders of
premium at the office of the Argus to its
officials or director.
The Gazette makes mention of much
other discontent existing as to other trans-
fers, in which the policy holders have not
been allowed any expression of opinion, and
it intimates that very discreditable charges
are being made against the prime movers in
these enterprises. The policy holders of the
United Kingdom are not in ecstacies over
their transfer to the North British, and they
have actually had the assurance to object
because they were not properly consulted in
the matter, andoproceedingsnin equity art
contemplated in order that an investigation
of the particulars of the change may be had
The Globe, too, receives notice in the follow
ing way:-
1 Well then, next, there is the Globe. The
extremely modest party who profess to have
'done' that matter, has made a miserabl
mess of it, and the whole thing is at sixes ant
sevens. People are accusing both Mr. New
march and Mr. Boult of 'dividing' a portiol
of the spoil; and even those who, from thei
knowledge of these gentlemen, doubt whethe
they would condescend to appropriate to theii

on the first Monday in May, and a regular tations, to supplant another member in poli-
meeting for business, monthly. Special meet- cies already obtained, or in transacting the
ings may be called on the written application  business of insurance, shall make any member
of seven members of the board.             liable to expulsion.
Art. III. Nine members shall constitute Art. VII. Every member shall with all
a quorum for the transaction of business; but reasonable regularity and dispatch, collect
no alteration shall be made in the by-laws and pay over to the companies the premiums
without the consent of two-thirds of all the on all policies entrusted to him; and all com-
members of the board.                      panies recognized by this board shall be re-
Art. IV. The offices of the board shall con- quested to give notice to the president or
sist of a President, Vice President, Secretary  secretary of this board of any delinquencies
and Treasurer, add the following committees, in this respect; and any member employing
a finance committee of three, comnittee on  the collected premiums, or any portion of
insurance companies of five, to be elected by  them, to his own use, or for any other pur-
ballot at each annual meeting; and they shall pose than paying them to the companies shall
severally continue in office until their succes- be liable to be expelled.
sors are chosen.                             Art. VIII. Violating any of the articles of
Art. V. Any person desiring to become a the constitution and by-laws of this board,

hall subject the member to trial; and all

own uses the funds of the failing concern,
nevertheless admit that the transaction is in  i
volved in an obscure and hazy atmosphere. c
People may well ask 'What next? and next?' s
A moderate amount of energy and adaptation  I
of the Globe machinery to the necessities of i
the times, would have caused the affairs of I
the company to assume an aspect of vitality p
which would have been of itself the safest a
guarantee against such a disappearance as l
now seems probable.   Why, with perhaps s
the ablest secretary of the present day, with s
one of the most respectable and influential of
all insuance boards, with a large capital, a
good reputation, central offices, and in fact
everything in appearance required for success,v
the company should be absorbedbat all, is a
puzzle unto many. If the Globe is to go,
why should not the capacious swallow of the
Liverpool and   London   Bo(u)lt a dozent
others?  If such amalgamations as the Medi-
cal Invalid, the Argus, and the Globe, are tot
be justified, then,there is no reason why the
Liverpool and London itself should not go ton
some other office where the amalgamatingb
foxes can discover (and get well paid for) af
momentary resting place.t
If these proceedings, pending and in con-
templation, are pushed, there may be some
good results attained; at all events amalga-
mation will receive a check that will stop itr
from becoming a common evil.
The Fire Insurance Reform MovementI
among Now York City Brokers-            t
There has lately been quite an effort madeE
among some of the New York Insurance
Companies to induce at least a majority of the
underwriters to adopt some joint mode of
operations to increase rates of premium, and
thus prevent their universal destruction,I
which seemed almost inevitable in case theyI
pursued their former courso. The Insurance
Brokers have caught the contagion and have4
proposed also to join themselves into a body
under the following constitution and by-laws.1
We, the undersigned, hereby unite together
in an Association which shall be known as
the Board of Insurance Brokers of the city of
New York, and for our government we have
. adopted the following
Article I. The name of this Association
shall be the Board of Insurance Brokers of
the city of New York.
Art. II. There shall be an annual meeting

member of this board, must be proposed by ak
member at a regular meeting, and his appli-
ation referred to a committe of three, who
hall investigate his qualifications for mem-
bership, and report the same to the board at I
ts next meeting, when, if approved by a vote,
by ballot, of three-fourths of the members i
present, upon his signing the constitution,I
and paying the amount required by the by-I
aws, he shall receive a certificate of member-I
hip from the president, countersigned by theI
Art. VI. This constitution may be altered
or amended at an annual meeting by a vote
of three-fourths of the members present, pre-
vious notice having been given at a regular
Art. I. Each member shall pay to the
treasurer an initiation fee of ten dollars, be-
sides such assessments as the board may from
time to time require.
Art. II. No person shall be admitted as a
member of this board unless he has a place of
business, and devotes the most of his time to
the occupation of insurance, and is at the
time of his admission as a member, free  ons
any indebtedness for premiums coll~ctud.*to
any company recognized by this b fhm
which proper inquiry to that effect el I
made...                         ..
Art. III. A list of compa*P1   ogniec*
by this board, shall be handed to each me*T.-
ber for strict observance, and from time to
time, the same shall be revised and corrected;
and any member patronizing insurance com-
panies not of proper standing, and not recog-
nized by the board shall be liable to expul-
sion for any risk put in them after due notice
is given ; and the insurance companies shall
be furnished with a list of members of our
board of brokers, and requested not to allow
commissions (for risks taken) to any person
or persons not members of this board.
Art. IV. Any member recommending
doubtful persons applying for insurance, with
the full knowledge of the fact, to any of the
companies aforesaid, shall be liable to be ex-
Art. V. All members of this board shall,
special risks excepted, faithfully adhere to the
established rates fixed by the companies re-
cognised by our board, and any violatidn of
this article shall make the party liable to ex-
Article VI. The use of dishonorable or im-
proper means, or the resort to misrepresen-

shall subject the member to trial; and all
charges of complaints shall be made in writ-
ng, with the name of the witnesses. A copy
of the charges shall be served upon the ot-
fending party at least three days before
action by the board upon the same. Should
these charges be sustained, the offending
member may he reprimanded andtfined, the
1mount of such fine to be fixed by the inves-
tigating committe; or he may be expelled by
a vote of two-thirds of the members present,
and each insurance company recognized,
shall be notified of such expulsion.
Art. IX. Any member once expelled, can
never again be admitted a member of this
Art. X. The board shall hold their regular
meetings on the first Monday of each month;
and special meeting may be called by the
president on the requisition, in writing, of
seven members, and due notice of it shall be
served upon every member.
Art. XI. Absent members at the monthly
meetings shall be fined fifty cents, and their
non appearance at three successive regular
nqesti  %bjects them to a fine of two dol-
l -A~otld* auye~~rntb present at
, w~elvscbseate      meetings, he shall be
. 1...rn                     en
Slelied -provided, however, that sickness
r any othes.gLrmissible cause, was not the
* t, XI1. The treasurer shall give two
satisfactory bondsmen for the proper security
of amounts entrusted toshim; and all funds
shall on the day of their receipt, be deposited
in a bank or trust company selected by the
board; and no checks can be drawn or issued
without being signed by the president and
secretary, and drawn to the order of the trea-
surer; and the respective bank shall be noti-
fied to that effect.
Art. XIII. At each annual meeting, the
secretary and treasurer shall report, on the
condition of the funds, expenditures, &c., of
the board, and a committee of three shall be
appointed to investigate such report.
Art. XIV. It shall be the duty of every
member of the board to report from time to
time to the committee on insurance, their
experience in transacting business with the
different companies, for the guidance of the
board, and any such communication shall,
under penalty of expulsion, be considered
strictly confidential by all members of the
Art. XV. The forgoing by-laws may be
altered or amended at a regular meeting, one
month's previous notice having been given
in writing of the intended alteration.
The Commonwealth Insurance Co.-
We regret to learn that this company is
about winding up its affairs. The reasons
impelling the directors to this step have not
been made public, and we are probably not
at liberty to divine them. The Common-
wealth has done and is doing a good business,
even though it may not have come up to the
expectations of its managers. Its course has
f been always creditable and such as ever to
- reflect honor upon the insurance organiza-
l tions of our city. It is one of the companies
that we can least afford to spare, and we
f notice the fact of its being about to close up,
, with considerable regret.

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