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9 Legis. & Pol'y Brief 1 (2020)

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                                   EDITOR'S  WELCOME

Dear Readers,
Welcome  to Volume  9 Issue 1 of the American University Legislation & Policy Brief The Brief
is a bipartisan publication that was formed several years ago by Congressperson Jamie Raskin.
After a hiatus, Professor Fernando Laguarda and a group of students resurrected the Brief In
such an unprecedented time, the Brief is thrilled to add to its legacy by publishing Volume 9.
In a time when politics are becoming more polarizing and conversations often avoid differing
viewpoints, the Brief holds a space for all political opinions without avoiding the tough topics.
This issue features a forward from Kim Wehle as well as two articles and one student comment.
The articles cover alternatives to the Electoral College, the Senate Filibuster and gun control, and
the U.S. asylum system. Further policy discussions can be found on our blog at
legislationandpolicy.com. I am proud to be involved in a publication that holds space for these
I would like to thank the authors for writing such salient articles. Thank you also to the Editorial
Board and the Staff of the Brief for their hard-work and perseverance in compiling this issue.
Thank  you in particular to the Brief's Executive Editor, Matthew Itzkowitz, for his dedication,
taking everything from staffing changes to the COVID-19 crisis in stride to bring this issue to
Thank  you also to the Program on Law and Government, for investing its financial resources into
the Brief And thank you particularly to our faculty advisor, Professor Laguarda, for his
unwavering  support and advice.
It has been an honor to serve as the Editor-in-Chief for Volume 9. I hope that this issue inspires
bipartisan conversations and deep dialogues.
All the best,

Julie Flower

American  University Legislation & Policy Brief

Vol. 9.1


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