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1-63 Law Chron. & Prof. Advertiser 1 (1811-1812)

handle is hein.journals/lchropad1 and id is 1 raw text is: THE LAW CHRONICLE,
NUMBER  .,     ro ne coNTiNEn wn ViiuY.  PRICE Is.

SiCE our Prospectus was first issued, the plan of
this publication hasbeen mateiially altered, enlarged,
and improved, in consequence of the filendly hints
which we have received in numerous answers to our
circular letters: it has, therefore,Ibecome necessary to
appiisV our readers, in the first number, of the princi-
pal nhjects which it is intended to embrace.
It is our earnest desire to render the LAW CHRO-
(ICLE pot only. interesting and instructive as a pe-
riodical paper, but permanently useful, and, indeed,
to all men of business, indispensable as AN AUTHEN-
TIC WQRK OF REFFRENCE, consequently every num-
ber ought merely to be considered as part of a great
workt, each annual volpme of which will afford them
that iforination which they all ought topossess, but
what none are enabled to obtain through any other
-means, without incurring an enormous expense.
The unwmerois failures which have recently occur-
red in the mercantile world, and which, we are sorry
to add, are still daily occurring, have rendered the
official GAZETTES so large and expensive, that they
srtust be deemed a most serious burden by all who,
through eatensive profeksional practice, or trading
conections, have hitherto been compelled to take
tlem i; and a cheap and efficient substitute will, we
flatter our'elv es, be regarded as not unworthy of their
-Country Soliciters, owidg to the very incorrect de-
scriptions of Bankrupts which are given by the gene-
iality-of uewspapers, are unable to draw up affidavits
Vith that precision which is necessary to insure their
pot being rejected by the commissioners: this evil
,will be completely remedied by the LAw Cnoxica.CLE,
which will always give such desciiptions, verbatim,
as they appear in the Gazette, ALPHAnErc.4LLY
arranggd:-which mode of arrangement we have alsol
a<1Qpted ia our account ofCertctesD~iidends,&c.;
a4d in our analyis of Gazette notices of Meetings ofi
Creditorsfor s4ecial purposes, which, thoutgh1 most
important, are of necessity entirely neglected b the
,il y and. weekly newspapers, We lgiment the im-
yo'sibility of obtaining the names and addresses of
4t-kgnes chosen uder    imions excetied in th1

country; but, as in all such cases we shall be enabled
to procure the name of ilecouitry Solicitor arnd his
London A gent, this will not -bevery material. Cur
arrangetiments are such that wetrust we shall exje-
rience no diffculty in piocuiing eveiy satitfactory,
intelligence relative toassignets elected at Cuildhall.
Itis obvious, hoi ever, that we cannot, with propriety,
include such as were chosen under commissions issued
antecedent to the date of tie Gazettes from which w
have commenced our List of Bankrupts and ori ac+
counts of proceedings ill matters of Bankruptcy.
The first number of every periodical Paper is ge-
nerallyconsidered as a specimen of what may be sub-
sequently expected; but, as neither the Courts of
Law, nor the Houses of Parliament are now sitting,
the proceedings in both of which will furnish, in fu-
ture, an abundant supply of most useful 4nd import-
ant information, this should not be the case with re-
gard to the Liw CaRONicLE.
We have already engaged the most able reporters,
both for the Law and Parliamentary departments of
our Paper, and we trust that the fidelity of our re-
ports will be commensurate vih our labour and ex-
pense. * In Lau Proceedings we shall pay particular
attention to, all new RULES, Alteratious and Mo-
difications of practice, Re., which nay be adopted by
qny of the courts at Westminster.
The impossibility of our giving the speeches of the
Lords and Comthious at full l'ngth is obvious; but
we shall give a weekly ainalp is of their proceed-
ings, wlich. will form a nost useful parlianientary
History; and all cases of appeal befere the former will
be faithfully detailed, An abtract ofproceedings on
Priivi te Bills, and of the Repm Is of Coinmittees there-
on, vnill also form an original feature of our work.
PRO.FESSIONAL men lsaVe great Cat s, to complain
of the increased anid imitnese  xpense of procuming
the STATUTES, which are pnesed e very Sein of
Parliament; an ( epense. which  y few tlim  it pm-
d lit to incur, ad consupeqily many L3  rs (per-
ticulailv such as resid  t a greft i tance from the
mTtroois) ar' totally i, oiant of our r *e(t leA
Ths ia great incem. e  ,s-so  iiawd !.-v ofteu be pI o-
/Oucive cf the most solous  is  ve thereforep

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