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13 Laws 1 (2024)

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Windfall Profit Taxation in Europe (and Beyond)

Marco  Greggi *     and  Anna  Miotto  2

                              1  Department of Law, University of Ferrara, 44121 Ferrara, Italy
                              2  Department of Law, University of Bergamo, 24121 Bergamo, Italy; anna.miotto@unibg.it
                              *  Correspondence: marco.greggi@unife.it

                              Abstract: In 2022, the European Commission introduced, for the first time in its history, a windfall
                              profit tax to be applied on excessive profits realized by qualified businesses operating in the Oil
                              and Gas sector. Immediately after its implementation, questions arose as to its sustainability and
                              its consistency with constitutional principles of the different member states regulating the domestic
                              power to tax. To assess the consistency with the aforesaid rules, the article samples two countries,
                              inside and outside the EU (Italy and Australia, respectively), and the historical precedents of the
                              matter. Italy has been chosen due to the particularly stringent set of principles regulating the power
                              of the legislature to tax, and Australia has been chosen because of the long-standing experience with
                              superprofit taxes. In most of the scenarios analyzed, one common feature emerged: the complexity in
                              defining the Extra nature of the profits and, consequently, the uncertainties in the calculation of
                              the taxable base. In the case of Italy, for instance, the legislator had to intervene in several different
                              moments  to fine-tune the taxable base and restore certainty to the tax system. As a conclusion, while
                              the taxation of extra profits should not per se be disregarded, its implementation demands a more
                              robust and precise legal framework together with the understanding that the introduction of such a
                              levy would be a one-way journey for the tax systems: windfall profits taxes would be here to stay.

                              Keywords: windfall profit tax; excessive profit tax; EU law; ability to pay; income taxation; tax policy;
                              European recovery plan; EU tax policy

     check for
Citation: Greggi, Marco, and Anna
Miotto. 2024. Windfall Profit Taxation
in Europe (and Beyond). Laws 13: 1.

Academic Editor: Patricia Easteal

Received: 9 November 2023
Revised: 11 December 2023
Accepted: 15 December 2023
Published: 20 December 2023

Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://

1. Introduction
     The explosion  of the war in Ukraine prompted  a fast reaction by the European Union
and several countries in the world: states scrambled to help the attacked country by offering
assistance and support, including significant financial aid (Umrar t a 202). As the conflict
endured,  the Union   found itself in the unpleasant situation of needing  to address  the
consequences  of a conflict that appears more and more to be a long-standing struggle rather
than a blitzkrieg. Some of these consequences include the need to find economic  means  to
continue  with the assistance and the need to curb rampant  inflation originating from the
increased costs of raw materials once imported  from Russia.
     Taxation was immediately   considered to be the most effective tool to address this goal.
     The proposal  on  a possible windfall tax tabled by the EU  Commission   (a proposal
for a Council Regulation  on an emergency   intervention to address high energy prices, 14
September  2022, COM   (2022) 473 final) has drawn the interest of academics and stakehold-
ers from the very beginning (NicOlay et  1. 203; Thomas  2022) due to its innovative nature
and  to the policy strategy pursued. When the proposal was  eventually transformed  into a
binding  European  Regulation  (2022/1854)  the member   states of the union witnessed the
rise of the first pan-European tax on the Extra profits (Margalhaes and De Lillo 2023).
     The charge has been applied on companies  which  benefited from the price dynamics of
fossil fuels in recent months essentially (although not exclusively) because of the situation in
the east. Some European  states had already moved  in this direction before the intervention
by the Commission   (White et al. 2022) in an attempt to collect resources for the state budget
in a moment  of distress for the national budgets.

Laws 2024, 13, 1. https://doi.org/1C.3390/lawsl3ClCCCl                                  https:/ /www.mdpi.com/journal/laws

Laws 2024,13, 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/laws13010001


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