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43 Lab. Stud. J. 5 (2018)

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                                                                   Official Journal of
                                                                   United Association for
Article                                                            Labor Education

                                                                Labor Studies journal
                                                                2018, Vol. 43(l) 5-28
Obstacles to          Nurses' Labor                                 @ 2017 UALE
                                            M n              Reprints and permissions:
Militancy       in   Central A        merica:        sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav
                                                       DOI: 10.1 177/0160449X17733106
Toward        a  Framework for                            journals.sagepub.com/home/lsj

Cross-National Comparison of

Nurses' Collective Action

Lisa  Kowalchuki

This paper seeks to understand the low level of nurses' labor militancy in El Salvador
and  Nicaragua compared  with many  other countries. Key to the analysis is the
concept of oppositional consciousness, which was developed for the study of how
oppressed groups convert anger over unjust treatment into vocal and even disruptive
demands  for change. I use data collected through interviews and focus groups to
argue that while nurses in El Salvador and Nicaragua face many of the same hindrances
to militancy seen elsewhere, they are more exposed to cultural and institutional
forces that discourage a contestational stance. Chief among these are the influence
of religion in nurses' schooling and socialization, and nurses' lack of experience with
unions specific to their occupation. The latter owes, in turn, to particular historical
and political factors in each country.

nurses, labor militancy, unions, Central America, gender


There has been a marked rise in labor militancy among registered nurses (RN) across
several continents in the last quarter of the twentieth century, a global trend that can be
better understood by looking at the counter case of Latin America in general, and
Central America in particular. After decades of relative quiescence in response to their

'University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
Corresponding Author:
Lisa Kowalchuk, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East,
Guelph, ON, Canada NIG 2W1.
Email: lkowalch@uoguelph.ca

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