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1 J. Islamic L. 1 (2020)

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JIL: Journal of Islamic Law, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2020.

  The Phenomenon of the Death of Sacrificial Animals Before
      the Day  of Slaughter in the Islamic  Law  Perspective:
    A Portrait of the Case  in Luhak  Nan  Tigo, West  Sumatra

       Fenomena Matinya Hewan Kurban sebelum Hari
Penyembelihan dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam: Potret Kasus
               di Luhak  Nan  Tigo, Sumatera   Barat

                            Rian Hidayat*
           InstitutAgama Islam Negeri Batusangkar, Indonesia
                      rianhidayat1441 @gmail.com

                         Yulmitra Handayani
       Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
                   yulmitrahandayanil4@g mail.com

 DOI: 10.24260/jil.vli1.3
 Received: January 2, 2020  Revised: February 11, 2020  Approved: February 24, 2020
 * Corresponding Author

Abstract: This study departs from the phenomenon of dying the sacrificial
animals before the day of slaughtering at Luhak Nan Tigo, a communal in West
Sumatra, Luhak Tanah Datar, Luhak Limo Puluah and Luhak Agam. The death
of the sacrificial animals before the day of slaughter certainly makes a problem
between the Shohibul Kurbaan and the organizing committee to determine the
status of ownership and legal an animal itself. The main issues of this paper at
least talk about the regulation of the sacrificial animals at Luhak Nan Tigo and
the form of settlement by related parties to the phenomenon. This study was
analyzed with a  qualitative descriptive model that began describing a
phenomenon  and then drew a concrete conclusion from various basic sharia
laws regarding the status of animal ownership and the value of the sacrificial
animals itself. The results of the study found that the process of collecting
funds and purchasing the sacrificial animals in Luhak Nan Tigo which became
one of the regulations in the view of Islamic law didn't experience debate,
ranging from age, ownership status, to the health of the sacrificial animals.
However, the phenomenon   of the death of this the sacrificial animals has
various forms of settlement which are not regulated exclusively by Islamic law,
so the solution found is one cow for more than seven people, replace together,
two  cows for three groups, and replacing one cow with two goats. The
settlement is analyzed with Islamic legal sources and some forms of settlement
can be said to be less relevant if viewed in terms of the value and essence of
the sacrificial animal itself.

Keywords:  Dead, Sacrificial Animals, Slaughter, Luhak Nan Tigo, Islamic Law.


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