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12 J. Race Gender & Poverty 1 (2021)

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Journal of Race, Gender & Poverty

                    THEIR   FELONIES

                 BY: MARISSA   K. BOSLEY*

IN TRODU CTION .......................................................................  1
      I. The Problem ......................................................... .   4
      II. Expungement Laws by State ...............................8
         Table 1: Expungement  Laws by State................ 9
      III. Definition  of the Victim .....................................  14
      IV. The Crimes to be Vacated ................................. 15
      V. Other Components of Expungement  Laws............. 16
      VI. Aarica and the Evidence Required for Vacatur
         L aw s ................................................................. .  18
     VII. M.G. and the Crimes to be Vacated................. 21
     VIII. Cyntoia Brown and the Matter of Murder ..... 23
     IX. Affirmative Defense Laws ................................. 27
     X. A Hybrid Approach for Protecting Victims......... 28
C ON CLU SION .................................................................... .   30


D.T. grew up with a father with drug problems who emotionally
and physically abused her.1 She was only thirteen years old when
child protective services placed her in a group home for kids with
similar abuse issues.2 Her first chance she found; she ran away
from the Group Home  to gain her own independence.3 Her friend
invited her to go out to a place owned by a man named Ray-
mond.4 At Raymond's place, they met Calhoun who was nice to
offer to take them to the store to buy snacks and drinks.5 At the

       * J.D. Candidate, Southern University Law Center, 2022. B.A. in Political
Science. Louisiana State University, 2015. Special thanks for the advice by Senae
Hall, Caddo Parish ADA and Head of Human Trafficking Prosecutions, and acknowl-
edgement to Dr. Dana Hunter, The Executive Director of John Bell Edwards' Chil-
dren's Cabinet, who has continuously inspired me to be an abolitionist and to help
gain freedom for victims of human trafficking everywhere.
       1. People v. Calhoun, 250 Cal. Rptr. 3d 623 (Cal. App. 4th 2019).
       2. Id. at 631.
       3. Id.
       4. Id.
       5. Id.


[Vol. XII ]

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