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3 J. Int'l Legal Stud. [i] (1997)

handle is hein.journals/jonalines3 and id is 1 raw text is: JOURNAL OF
Volume 3              Winter 1997            Number 1
The Failure of Russian Privatization
1992-1994: How the Industrial
Nomenklatura Prevented
Genuine Reform ................ Kent F. Moors     1
Failure of State Protection within the
Context of the Convention Refugee
Regime with Particular Reference
to Gender-Related
Persecution ............... Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey  53
Study of the State Aid Policy in the
European Community - The Illegal
State Aid Problem ....... Ileana Simplicean-Stroia  87
The Cuban Liberty and Democratic
Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996:
Is the United States Reaching
Too Far? ..................  David S. De Falco   125

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