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8 J. Int'l Disp. Settlement 1 (2017)

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Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 2017, 8, 1-21
doi: 10.1093/jnlids/idv027
Advance  Access Publication Date: 14 December  2015

         Provisional Measures and the Margin of

     Appreciation before the International Court

                                     of  Justice

                                  Cameron A. Miles*

   Since its determination in 2001 that provisional measures awarded under Article 41 of its
   Statute are binding, the International Court of Justice has steadily increased the com-
   plexity of its jurisprudence on interim relief. One area in which this development has been
   most  noticeable is that of compliance with provisional measures: both in terms of the
   assessment  thereof and the consequences of non-compliance. Recent advances notwith-
   standing, the Court's approach to these questions is still developing. This article seeks to
   assess one possible direction that the Court may go when testing compliance with provi-
   sional measures, namely  the  use of the margin  of appreciation. This tool is found
   elsewhere  in international law, and gives states a measure of latitude in determining
   whether  their obligations under international law have been the subject of compliance.

                                 1. INTRODUCTION
A  frequent   refrain of the  critics of international  law  is that it lacks  compelling
force-that   the  absence  of an  effective enforcement   mechanism within its genome
renders  it largely 'optional' in character.I For the  most  part, an examination   of the
reality to which  most  international  lawyers subscribe  reveals that such  concerns  are
misplaced-provided that the jurisdiction of an international court or tribunal can
be validly invoked,  a judgment  on  the merits is likely to be followed by the  parties to
which   it is directed,2 a vindication of Louis  Henkin's   famous  pronouncement that

*   Gray's Inn, London, UK. Email: cmiles(a@3vb.com. This article is drawn from a paper presented at the
    PluriCourts and Centre Franco-Norvegien en sciences sociales et humaines seminar entitled 'A Future for
    the Margin of Appreciation in International Law' on 10 February 2014. The author wishes to thank Eirik
    Bjorge and Sir Christopher Greenwood for their thoughtful comments on an earlier draft. The usual caveat
 1  See eg John Bolton, 'Is There Really 'Law' in International Affairs?' (2000) 10 TLCP 1, 7ff; Jack
    Goldsmith and Eric Posner, The Limits of International Law (OUP 2005) 13.
 2  With respect to the case law of the ICJ, see Constanze Schulte, Compliance with the Decisions of the
    International Court of Justice (OUP 2004) 271-75. For a more cutting rebuke of the discipline's existential
    critics, see generally James Crawford, 'International Law as Discipline and Profession' (2012) 106
    Proceedings of the American Society for International Law 471. For a rebuttal of the realists on their own
    terms, see Tai-Heng Cheng, When International Law Works: Realistic Idealism after 9/11 and the Global
    Recession (OUP 2012).

© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com

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