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53 J.L. & Educ. 1 (2024)

handle is hein.journals/jle53 and id is 1 raw text is: Last Place: Is Arizona Due for School Finance Litigation?
Joe Aldridge*l
Arizona has a school funding problem. Arizona schools receive
less funding per pupil than schools in any other state.2 While correlation
is not causation, graduation rates are the lowest in the country.3 Under
the pressure of teacher strikes and voter initiatives, the state legislature
has finally made small moves to rectify Arizona's chronic underfunding
of public schools.4 Still, Arizona has a long way to go if its students are
going to be able to thrive in the modern world. Of course, the people in
the best position to do something about this problem are the state
legislators, but they are either unwilling or politically unable to make
reforms. While voters and interest groups continue to vie for change in
the political space, there is another tool that can be used to compel the
legislature to act, one that has been used in Arizona before. That tool is
school finance litigation-seeking relief from the Arizona Supreme
Court under the authority of the state constitution to compel the
legislators to live up to the constitutional requirement that they provide
a system of general and uniform schools.5
This paper examines the prospects of school funding litigation
in Arizona in light of its precedents and political climate. There has been
little action on this front in the state since 2004. For ten years, between
1994 and 2004, the Arizona Supreme Court took an active position in
the school funding controversy, repeatedly having found the
legislature's attempts at school finance reform noncompliant with the
* Special thanks to Professor Kimberly Jenkins Robinson, University of Virginia School
of Law for her teaching and guidance in the preparation of this student note.
1. The facts and statistics cited in this paper are true as of the time of writing. Some updates
to the state rankings and funding data that have occurred since May 2023 have not been
3. See Sarah Wood, See High School Graduation Rates by State, U.S. NEWS & WORLD REP.
(Dec. 1, 2023, 10:11 AM), https://www.usnews.cm/education/best-high-schools/articles/see-
4. See Arizona School District Spending Fiscal Year 2021 Analysis and Data File,
ARIZ. AUDITOR GEN. (Mar. 1, 2022), https://www.azauditor.gov/reports-publications/school-
5. ARIZ. CONST. art. XI, § 1.

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