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3 J. Islamic St. Prac. Int'l L. [i] (2007)

handle is hein.journals/jispil3 and id is 1 raw text is: Journal of Islamic State Practice in International Law

ISSN 1742-4941
* Professor Javaid Rehman, School of Law, Brunel University, UK.
* Dr. Amir Ali Majid, Law School, London Metropolitan University, UK.
Assistant Editor:
* Maria Eugenia D.C. Freitas, University of Liverpool, UK.
Editorial Board
 Professor Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im, School of Law, Emory University
* Professor Shaheen Sardar Ali, School of Law, Warwick University, UK.
* Mr. Kamran Arif, Advocate, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
*  Professor Mashood Baderin, School of Law, Brunel University, UK.
*  Professor Conor Gearty, Law School, London School of Economics,
London University, UK.
 Mr. Afrasiab Khattak, formerly HRCP, (Pakistan).
  Dr. Martin Lau, Law Department (SOAS) London University, UK.
  Dr. Siobhan Mullally, Law Department, National University of Ireland,
(Cork), Ireland.
* Professor Dr. Nik Ahmad Kamal B. Nik Mahmod, Law           School,
International Islamic University, Malaysia.
* Annapurna    Waughray,    Law   School,  Manchester  Metropolitan
University, UK.
Aims of the Journal
Journal of Islamic State Practices in International Law (JISPIL) is a peer-
reviewed Journal published by electronicpublications.org. The aim of this
Journal is to focus on issues concerning and involving Islamic States from the
perspective of International Law. In this context all States members of the
Organisation of Islamic Conference are considered as being 'Islamic' States. In
addition to the practices of individual Islamic States, the Journal will focus on
multilateral co-operation involving Islamic States, in particular the Organisation
of Islamic Conference. The Journal also covers legal issues which may be of
general interest to the Islamic world; these issues may have arisen in 'non-
Islamic' States or those States which are not members of the Organisation of
Islamic Conference. The Journal will present coverage of important
international legal issues addressed by the Islamic world, including treaty
arrangements. It will also report on national and international cases involving
Islamic States and multilateral organisations.

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