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9 J. Int'l Humanitarian Action 1 (2024)

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Journal ofInternational Humanitarian Action  (2024) 9:1

Journal   of International
   Humanitarian Action

RESEARCH ARTICLE                                                                                  Open Access

#AidToo, or when situation permits rape:

sexual violence among humanitarian aid


Melanie  Sauter

  This article explores the prevalent issue of sexual violence against and among humanitarian aid workers, with a focus
  on why the aid sector creates a particularly permissive environment for sexual violence. Although the issue is primar-
  ily an industry problem, with both perpetrators and survivors being members of the aid community, humanitarian
  organizations have been hesitant to address the issue. The article argues that legal ambiguities, barriers to accessing
  justice, and organizational mismanagement contribute to the permissive environment in the aid industry. Draw-
  ing on secondary survivor testimonies and legal frameworks, I highlight the need for more tangible prevention
  and follow-up mechanisms  for survivors based on the legal duty of care of aid organizations. The analysis underscores
  the need for a comprehensive and proactive approach to addressing sexual violence within the aid sector, grounded
  in an understanding of power dynamics  and organizational culture.
  Keywords   #AidToo, Sexual violence, Aid sector, Organizational mismanagement, Legal ambiguities, Access to justice

Roland  Van  Hauwermeiren, Brendan Cox, and Karim
Elkorany  are infamous  names  in the aid sector, not for
their noble humanitarian  work  but for their alleged rape
and  sexual assault of multiple women,   including  their
employees.  All  three were  senior  officials at Oxfam/
Action  Against  Hunger,   Save  the Children,  and  the
United  Nations, respectively, and  were  able to exploit
their positions of  power  for years  (Riley 2020; Neu-
meister 2022). While  these cases gained prominence   for
being among   the few that were made  public, they are by
no means  isolated incidents.

Melanie Sauter
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

SSpriger Open

  Sexual violence  against and among   humanitarian   aid
workers'  is an increasing concern for the humanitarian
community,   although  until recently, it has been a less
understood  and  documented   part of attacks on humani-
tarian action. This  is beginning to  improve,  although
challenges around data collection are amplified when dis-
cussing the issue of sexual violence, as survivors may feel
ashamed   or are afraid of possible negative consequences
should they report incidents. This highlights the need to
address  power  dynamics  and  organizational culture in
the sector.

1 The terms humanitarian and aid workers are used interchangeably and
follow a definition by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA): 'all workers engaged by humanitarian
agencies, whether internationally or nationally recruited, or formally or
informally retained from the beneficiary community, to conduct the activi-
ties of that agency' (UN OCHA, 2004, 15).

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