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24 J. High Tech. L. [1] (2023-2024)

handle is hein.journals/jhtl24 and id is 1 raw text is: THE AGE OF CONTENT REGULATION: DO SOCIAL MEDIA GIANTS
Molly Codeanne*
I. Introduction
The existence and prevalence of social media has created a
slew of indisputably difficult constitutional and legal issues.1 When
we consider First Amendment rights in connection with social media,
we typically think of users' ability to speak freely on issues about
which they feel passionate.2 We rarely contemplate the social media
* J.D. Candidate, Suffolk University Law School, 2024
'See Robert Barns & Ann E. Marimow, A Landmark Supreme Court Fight Over
Social Media Now Looks Likely, WASH. POST (Sept. 19, 2022), archived at
https://penna.cc/7VDZ-AG22 (stating that Justice Alito wrote that [i]t is not at all
obvious how our existing precedents, which predate the age of the internet, should
apply to large social media companies.). While the Fifth Circuit's decision in
NetChoice, LLC v. Paxton, held that social media companies create a transposition
of the First Amendment, the social media platforms argued that somewhere in the
person's enumerated right to free speech lies a corporation's unenumerated right
to muzzle speech. Id. See also Scott Nover, Social media laws in Texas and Florida
hang in limbo as Supreme Court delays decision, QUARTZ (Jan. 23, 2023), archived
at https://perma.cc/L9GQ-8DE2 (acknowledging that cases regarding complex
constitutional issues in today's highly politicized regulatory regime ...raise complex
First Amendment issues, not just regarding compelled carry but also transparency
2 See Kelsey Reichmann, Florida asks Supreme Court to review social media
censorship law, COURTHOUSE NEWS SERV. (Sept. 21, 2022), archived at
https://perma.cc/R6PE-UY29 (stating that Florida's petition challenging the ruling
on the Florida law was aimed at social media companies for removing conservative
ideas). Florida argues that social media companies have engaged in a censorial
streak allowing them to manipulate the forum in which most people express their
ideas. Id. See also Barns & Marimow, supra note 1 (stating that Oldham wrote in
the Fifth Circuit's decision [t]hat Amendment, of course, protects every person's
Copyright © 2023 Journal of High Technology Law and Molly Codeanne.
All Rights Reserved. ISSN 1536-7983.

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