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21 J. Fam. Violence 1 (2006)

handle is hein.journals/jfamv21 and id is 1 raw text is: Journal of Family Violence, Vol. 21, No. 1, January 2006 (© 2006)
DOI: 10.1007/s 10896-005-9000-4
The Effect of Question Order on Disclosure
of Intimate Partner Violence: An Experimental
Test Using the Conflict Tactics Scales
Ignacio Luis Ramirez1,3 and Murray A. Straus2
Published online: 13 May 2006
Two plausible but contradictory approaches to question order in research on sensitive or criminal
behavior are (1) that presenting the questions in a sequence corresponding to a culturally recognized
behavior pattern will facilitate disclosure, and (2) that presenting questions in random order will
result in more disclosure because random order disrupts response sets. The question order of the
original Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS 1) used the culturally recognized sequence approach, and the
revised CTS (CTS2) used a modified random order. This experiment was designed to determine
which of these two question orders results in more disclosure of physical and sexual assault of a
dating partner. The standard version of the CTS2, which has the questions from each of the 5 scales
interspersed in a slightly modified random order, was administered to every second student in a sample
of 417 university students. The other half of the sample were given the same instrument but with the
questions in the culturally recognized sequential order used in the CTS 1. The cultural sequence order
begins with the socially approved behaviors in the Negotiation scale and ends with scales measuring
antisocial and the criminal behavior such as the Physical Assault scale. The results indicate that the
CTS2 random order produced significantly higher disclosure rates for the scales that measure criminal
behavior (Physical Assault, Injury, and Sexual Coercion) and made no difference for the other CTS2
scales (Negotiation and Psychological Aggression). Although these results suggest that the CTS2
random order is the preferred approach, reasons to treat that conclusion with caution are presented.

KEY WORDS: violence; dating partners; Conflict Tactics Scales; question order; injury; sexual coercion.

Rossi et al. (1983) identified the five ways in which
the order of questions asked could produce different re-
sults. (1) Saliency effect: Question order could affect the
saliency of certain topics by providing differential con-
texts within which responses are elicited. For example,
agreement that there are circumstances when it is ok for
a husband to slap his wife's face is much higher if re-
spondents are first asked the same question about a woman
slapping her husband (Moore & Straus, 1995; Simon et al.,
'Department of Sociology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
2Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, Durham,
New Hampshire 03824.
3To whom correspondence should be addressed at Department of Sociol-
ogy, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409; e-mail: l.ramirez@


2001). (2) Redundancy effect: Question order could affect
answers if questions are not grouped together by topic. For
example, questions on the same topic in different parts of
an interview could make respondents wonder if they are
being asked the same questions again and if so, whether
there is some trick involved. (3) Consistency effect: A re-
sponse set or pattern may occur when questions become
predictable. Respondents may answer in a manner that is
similar with the previous answers to portray a consistent
response. (4) Fatigue effect: Respondents may grow tired
of answering questions, especially if the questionnaire is
long, resulting in an increase in unanswered questions, or a
decrease in accuracy. (5) Rapport effect: Respondents may
be nervous or hesitant in the beginning but rapport could
build as the questionnaire proceeds, resulting in fewer
unanswered questions and more accurate responses.
0885-7482/06/0100-0001/0 © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.

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