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52 J. Conflict Resol. 3 (2008)

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                                                                           Volume 5 Number 1
                                                                           Ferur   211L11 008  3-38
                                                                         © 008 Sage_, Publ icatious
Warlike Democracies
                                                                                    hosted at
John   Ferejohnolin            ttp:/oul             uegepepucoo
Department   of Political Science,
Stanford  University, Stanford,  California
Frances   McCall Rosenbluth
Department   of Political Science,
Yale  University, New  Haven,   Connecticut

   Classical republican theories are monadic in the sense of seeing in each political regime
   a set of typical operating characteristics. There is disagreement as to what those charac-
   teristics are and specifically whether republican governments are more likely to be agg-
   ressive or peace loving. We group these two views as (democratic) mobilization theory
   versus (republican) checks theory and argue, first, that each can help us understand the
   finer structure of republican government; second, that they are not contradictory but can
   be combined  in various ways in the same institutions; and third, that they offer the pro-
   spect of deepening our understanding of what is called the democratic peace proposition.

   Keywords:   Machiavelli; Kant; democratic peace; mobilization

                                  1. Introduction

   Long  before  the current age  of democracy,   political commentators  from  Thu-
cydides  and  Polybius   to Machiavelli   and  Kant   advanced   arguments   about  the

Authors' Note: We thank Bruce Russett for his generosity in sharing data from his research on the Pelo-
ponnesian War, and for helpful comments on several versions of this paper. We also thank Emily
Mackil, Ian Morris, Josh Ober, Pasquale Pasquino, Walter Scheidel, and Barry Strauss for participating
in a workshop on War and Politics in Ancient Greece on December 5-6, 2004; Mary Beard, Tim Cornell,
William Harris, Andrew Lintott, Wilfried Nippel, and Nate Rosenstein for a workshop on War and Poli-
tics in Republican Rome on March 20-21, 2005; and Bill Caferro, Sam Cohn, Steven Epstein, Pasquale
Pasquino, Christine Shaw, and David Wootton for a workshop on War and Politics in Medieval and
Early Modern Italian City Italian city-states on December 14-15, 2005. We are grateful to the Bellagio
Study and Conference Center of the Rockefeller Foundation for supporting the Italian city-states work-
shop and to the Georg W. Leitner Program and the Yale Center for International and Area Studies for
financial support that made the workshops possible. Alisa Ardito, Michelle Tolman-Clarke, Curtis
Eastin, Erica Franklin, Bryan Gervais, Harris Mylonas, and Sandy Henderson provided able research
assistance, and Mario Chacon was an excellent statistical assistant and consultant. We also thank
Kenneth Arrow, Gary Cox, Robert Dahl, Keith Darden, Shigeo Hirano, Istvan Hont, Bob Keohane,
Joseph LaPalombara, John McCormick, Kevin Quinn, Dan Reiter, Chuck Sabel, Kenneth Schultz, Ian
Shapiro, Jim Vreeland, (dear, late) Michael Wallerstein, Barry Weingast, David Weinstein, and partici-
pants in the Political Economy Colloquium at the Hoover Institution in 2006 for helpful comments. Data
are available in the appendices, and in digital form at http://jcr.sagepub.com/supplemental.


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