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14 J. Akdeniz U. Fac. L. i (2024)

handle is hein.journals/jakdz14 and id is 1 raw text is: AKDENIZ UNIVERSITESI
The Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Law
CHt: XIV - Sayi: I - Yil: Haziran - 2024
Volume: XIV - Issue: I - Year: June - 2024
 Do§. Dr. SUleyman DOST
Sava; Esirleri Konusunda Islam Hukuku Kurallari ile Uluslararasi Insancil Hukuk Kurallarinin Karilatirilmasi
Comparison of Islamic Law Rules with International Humanitarian Law Rules on Prisoners of War
* Dr. Or. Jyesi Hakan KA$KA
Kendini Askerlige Yaramayacak Hale Getirmek ve Riza ile Bu Hale Getirtmek ile Bagkasini Askerlige Yaramayacak Hale
Getirmek Suelari (1632 Numarali Askeri Ceza Kanunu Madde 79, 80)
Crimes of Making Yourself Unfit for Military Service and Making Yourself to This Situation with Consent and Making
Someone Else Unfit for Military Service (Military Penal Code No. 1632 art.79, 80)
* Dr. ONr. Jyesi A. Ash $IM$EK ONER
Engelli Kadinlar Iein Engelsiz Adalet MUmkUn Mu?: Adalete Erigim Hakki  ereevesinde Bir Inceleme
Is Barrier-Free Justice Possible for Women with Disabilities?: A Review within the Framework of the Right to Access to Justice
* Dr. Mustafa GOKER
The Issues of Scope and Legal Status in WTO - IMF Consultations
DTO - IMF Danimalarinda Kapsam ve Hukuki StatO Meseleleri
* Ar§. Gor. Dr. Damla AKKAYA
Irak-Turkiye Ham Petrol Boru Hatt Uyugmazligina Iligkin Hakem Karari ve Rebus Sic Stantibus Ilkesi
Arbitration Award on the Iraq-Turkiye Crude Oil Pipeline Dispute and the Principle of Rebus Sic Stantibus
* Ar§. Gor. Ipek Nur GMU$AY
Iptal Davasinda Kigisel Menfaat Unsuru Aegsindan Barolar Uzerine Bir Degerlendirme
An Evaluation on Bar Associations in Terms of the Element of Personal Interest in Annulment Action
* Omrum Dilek ERSOY
7338 Sayili Kanun Degigiklikleri  ereevesinde Vergi Incelemesine Baglamanin Hukuki Niteligi
Legal Nature of Initiating a Tax Audit within the Scope of the Amendment Made to Law which No. 7338
Iletigimin Tespiti Kayitlari (HTS) ve Haberlegme Ozgurlugu
Historical Traffic Search (HTS) and Freedom of Communication


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