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29 Judge Advoc. J. 1 (1960)

handle is hein.journals/jajrnl31 and id is 1 raw text is: POWELL ADDRESSES JAA ON

The highlight of the 1959 Annual
Meeting of the Association was the
post-prandial remarks of    Mr. J.
Lewis Powell on    what he called
Muscles to Missiles. Mr. Powell,
a member of the staff of the Assist-
ant Secretary of Defense for Sup-
ply and Logistics, is a wonderfully
gifted speaker with the faculty of
delivering a serious message in a
thoroughly enthusiastic and enter-
taining manner. All those who heard
Mr. Powell enjoyed such an enter-
taining and informative experience
that they would feel the Journal
remiss if it did not share with the
membership, not present, at least
the gist of his talk. At this belated
writing, the Editor will undertake
to summarize Mr. Powell's address,
with a confession, however, that he
was too engrossed to take notes and
must here rely on recollection alone.
At the outset, Mr. Powell observed
that within the last few years a
stampede of technology has changed
the dimensions of the world. Many
proverbs of yesterday have lost their
meaning. For example, What goes
up, must come down doesn't quite
mean what it did before Sputnik.
Accordingly, he   pointed  out, the
problems of defense and the civilian
economy both operate under condi-
tions in which yesterday's tried and
true answers don't necessarily apply.
Time is no longer th e principal in-
gredient in progress. There has
been a collapse of time.

To point this fact up, Mr. Pow-
ell stated that most adults vaguely
think this is an age of progress,
little realizing that more technical
progress has happened in their life-
time than in the previous history of
the world.   Technology   has ava-
lanched. To place technical progress
in perspective, he urged his auditors
to condense man's 50,000 years of
history into 50 years and came up
with the startling compression of
time and events that would have
man now only 10 years from the
existence of the cave man, only 2
years from the birth of Christ, only
20 days since the use of electricity,
radio would be only 10 days from
its invention and the jet aeroplane
less than a day old. So, although
man loves to fool himself into think-
ing he is living in the age of science,
in truth he is merely plodding along
the way from caveman to space man
-like   a  kind  of   Technological
Adam on the threshold of an age
of science and technology. In a few
years today's tools will be made so
obsolete by the avalanche of tech-
nology that they will be regarded as
primitive implements of elementary
technology to be relegated to mu-
To   illustrate  the  collapse  of
time, Mr. Powell used      a  huge
blackboard on which he plotted a
graph  of technology that showed
the fantastic concentration of prog-
ress within recent years. On the

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