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6 Int'l L. & Mgmt. Rev. [i] (2009-2010)

handle is hein.journals/intlawmanr6 and id is 1 raw text is: VOLUME 6  '1  WINTER 2009


Toxic Assets: Untangling the Web
M argarita   S. B rose  &  B ill N ichols  ................................................................................ 1
Does Climate Change Justify Compulsory Licensing of Green Technology?
R o b ert  F a ir  ..................................................................................................................  2 1
Caveat Lessor: U.S. Aircraft Financiers Beware: 11 U.S.C. § 1110 Expectations May
Not Be Met in Cross-Border Insolvencies
K evin  G a u n t  ................................................................................................................. 4 3
Using Fair Return Prices to Assess the Value and Cost of Financial Guarantees for
New Nuclear Power Plants
B ern ell  K .  S ton e  ........................................................................................................... 83


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