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7 Inonu U. L. Rev. [i] (2016)

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                                                   M. Murat  AKTA$*

      Ticari igletme menkul  kiymetlestirmesi, menkul  kiymetlestirme
olarak nitelenen bir iOletme finansman sistemidir. Ticari igletme menkul
kiymetlestirmesi, ilk kez Birlegik Krallik ve onunla benzer iflas hukuku
dizenlemelerine  sahip tilkelerde uygulanmistir. Ticari igletme menkul
kiymetlestirmesi en son olarak ise ABD, Japonya ve diger ilkelerde farkli
yapilar ddhilinde uygulanmistir. Makalede   az  bilinen ticari igletme
finansmani yontemi olan ticari igletme menkul kiymetlestirmesi sistemine
iik tutularak, hukuki ve ekonomik ileyigi ele alinacak ve en son olarak
ise sistemin Tirk sermaye piyasasi hukukunda  uygulanabilirligi hususu
      Anahtar  Kelimeler: Menkul  kiymetlestirme, ticari igletme, finans,
sermaye piyasasi


      As   an  innovative  financial technique  the  whole   business
securitization (WBS) first appeared in the United K ingdom in the mid
1990s. The  WBS  later expanded to the countries which has insolvency
legislations similar to United Kingdom. The WBS spreads to the United
States and Japan in the early 2000s which have different insolvency law
from that of the United Kingdom.
      This article aims to shed a new  light on little known WBS   to
explore new  possibilities for innovative securitization after the global
financial crisis. This article examines mainly the market background and

* Dulupinar Universitesi IIBF Ogretim Elemam.

Inonu Universitesi HukukFakultesi Dergisi Cilt:7 Say:1 Yil 2016

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