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83 Z. Rechtsmedizin 1 (1979)

handle is hein.journals/injlegame83 and id is 1 raw text is: Zeitschrift fur
Z. Rechtsmedizin 83, 1-16 (1979)                      Rechtsmedizin
@ Springer-Verlag 1979
Ubersichtsreferat / Review Article
Vitale Reaktionen bei akutem Verbruhungstod*
Bernd Brinkmann, Manfred Kleiber, Erwin Koops und Klaus Puschel
Institut fnr Rechtsmedizin der Universitat Hamburg, Butenfeld 34, D-2000 Hamburg 54,
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Acute Death from Scalding: Vital Reactions
Summary. After a boiler explosion on a ship 12 men with cutaneous scalding
of 90-100% of body surface were found dead. 15 other fatalities occured
after different intervals. This investigation deals with the histomorphologic
changes in those 12 cases of instantaneous death. The most important findings
consisted of:
1. Thermal injuries of the skin with multiple subcutaneous and corial
bubbles, intravascular heat coagulation, and edema in the transitional zone to
the undamaged submucosa.
2. Coagulation necrosis of the tracheal and bronchial wall extending to
alveolar ducts in central parts of the lung. Marked congestion and edema in
the deeper layers of the mucosa. Hemorrhagic alveolar and interstitial edema
of the lung. Striking congestion of the pleura parietalis saving up the recessus
3. Acute nephron-nephrosis and periglomerular microangiopathy. Inter-
stitial edema of the myocardium, degeneration of myofibrils. Acute vacuolar
degeneration and swelling of hepatocytes. Phagocytosis of detritus by the
4. Swelling of endothelium and edema of the vascular walls. Intravascular
fragments of erythrocytes, platelet aggregation and fibrin thrombi.
The fatal cours in these cases is considered to be due to a fulminant shock
Key words: Boiler explosion, scalding -  Scalding, vital reactions
Zusammenfassung. Nach einer Dampfkesselexplosion in einem Schiffsneubau
starben insgesamt 27 Arbeiter. 12 Opfer wurden bereits tot aus dem Kessel-
raum geborgen. Sie wiesen Verbruhungen der K6rperoberflache von 90-
100% auf.
* Herrn Prof. Dr. Erich Fritz zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet
Sonderdruckanfragen an: Prof. Dr. B. Brinkmann (Adresse siehe oben)

0044-3433/79/0083/0001/$ 3.20

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