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5 Indonesian J. Int'l L. i (2007-2008)

handle is hein.journals/indjil5 and id is 1 raw text is: iii  uaun m   iiim.Vol. 5 No-.1
Oktober 2007
JINUM]df              Law        ISSN 1693-5594
d   ori         ................................................................
Honorary Article (Tulisan Kehormatan):
Prof. DR Romli Af asasmita, &H., M-4.
Ekstradisi Dalam Meningkatkan Keaja Sama
Penegakan Hukum .. .................................................................I
Main Articles (Tulisan Utama):
Dr. Teguh Sulistia, S., .Hum
Peran International Criminal Court dan Kejahatan Terhadap
Kcmanusiaan Oleh Militer ............................................  16
Bhatara Ibnu Reza, &f., MSL
The International Criminal Court: An Analysis of Republican
Liberalism Perspective ..................................................... 43
General Articles (Tulisan Umum):
Tom! Suryo Utomo, S.H., LLM., PhID
Access to Essential Medicine Issues and
The Doha Declaration: contents, the legal statuas and
the problems with implementation ....................................  84
Arde Afriansyak, 5ff, PALL
Contemporary Existence and Relevance of the Law of Use ofiforce,
the United Nations and the UN Charter .................................. ..104
International Law Making    ............................................... 133
Book  Review   ................................................................  167
International Law in News ................................................ 172

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