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50 Int'l Migration Rev. e1 (2016)

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51              INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW                                  e02

Book Review

The  Scattered Family:  Parenting, African
Migrants, and  Global Inequality. By Cati
Coe.  The   University of  Chicago  Press,
Chicago  and  London,   2014.  244  pages.

University of the Witwatersrand

The  Scattered Family offers a thoughtful
and  engaging analysis of Ghanaian migra-
tion to  the United  States, while at the
same  time challenging some  of the more
traditional Western understandings of
transnational families worldwide. As high-
lighted  by  Falicov's (2007)   work   on
migration  and  families, present transna-
tional trends resulting from global migra-
tion challenge us to develop new  theories
and  conceptualizations of family life and
force  a  rethinking  of  traditional dis-
courses of  family connections  and  rela-
       Coe's well-balanced presentation of
social history, culture, theory, and family
narratives takes the reader along a journey
where  the stories of study participants are
aptly used  to highlight the book's main
arguments. Although  this text is theoreti-
cally comprehensive,  there is something
deeply personal about the narratives of par-
ticipants, where ethnography is employed
to present new theoretical perspectives.
      At  the outset Coe provides a thor-
ough  historical and social contextual analy-
sis of Ghanaian   migration, allowing the
reader to understand how   certain cultural
practices are interwoven into family  life,
before exploring how these are impacted by
migration. Migration, of course, is not a
new  phenomenon   in Africa, where mobil-
ity and movement have a long historical
foundation, and Coe  effectively shows how
family relationships in Ghana are concep-
tualized and understood differently than in
much  of the West. This is highlighted not

only in terms  of sociological and psycho-
logical understandings  of migration  but
also in terms of how present US  immigra-
tion policy effectively ignores the family
realities of migratory populations.
      Although   focusing  specifically on
Ghanaian  migration  to the United States,
Coe  asks a number  of intriguing questions
about dominant  ways  of viewing immigra-
tion and perceptions of successful immi-
gration. Coe  interrogates the concepts of
acculturation and assimilation, arguing that
they do not capture adequately the flexibil-
ity of migrant families when entering a for-
eign country. Migrants,  she shows, make
use of available cultural resources quite cre-
atively during this process. To illustrate her
point, Coe  uses the concept of  a reper-
toire that provides a more nuanced expla-
nation  of how   emigrant families engage
with  a  new  country, while  maintaining
strong links with their country of origin and
navigating their own   family connections
across national divides.
       These repertoires provide migrants
with  a  framework   for interpreting and
responding to the challenges of a new soci-
ety and flexible and creative ways of engag-
ing with it. Coe specifically examines how
Ghanaian   immigrants  and  their families
adapt  these repertoires to the parent-
child  separation  brought   about  when
parents leave the country.
       The  concept of  fostering is also
crucial to understanding  family relation-
ships in  Ghanaian  society, an important
aspect of which is the mobility of children.
As  argued  by  Page  (1989), fostering is
embedded   in West-African  society, where
social reproduction and parental roles are
segmented  in such a way that different roles
can  be assumed  by  different members of
the wider kin group. This concept of foster-
ing challenges Western ways of conceptual-
izing family life and an emotionally stable
family unit. It also questions understand-
ings of proper mothering,  especially the
mother's  constant physical presence. Coe
interrogates traditional understandings of
care   and invites the reader to view care as

C 2016 by the Center for Migration Studies of New York. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1111/imre.12259

                             IMR   Volume   50  Number 1 (Spring 2016):el-e2 el

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