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96 Harv. L. Rec. 1 (1993)

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SHarvard Law RECORD 35 CENTS
Volume 96, No. 1                      Cambridge 02138                 Friday, February 12, 1993

GQ Article:
of HLS?
By Jeff Bucholtz
Beirut on the Chirles.
,ohn Sedgwirk's erxpiost on hfe.
love. and politics at the Lnw
School In the 'Febria.i 1993
issue of GQ. ha- .inq.pred con-
siderable rancor on Campus.
Sedgg'nvck vislted the Law .he ol
m ther fall. and spoke, wirh many
tuidents nbout the dtvrsit,
niovrmrnt. the Law lUcview and
Law IHeii'i incintsi.and cam-
pus dyNIamicrs.
The resulting article por.
tas' the law School as a fac-
tion-ridden' pressure cooker of
contentious   and   ; sexualy
deprived extremists, obsessed
with race and gender issues.
Sedgwck describes the atmos-
phere on camipus as overcome by
the emotional clash of radically
opposed and all-encompassing
ideologies, and opines that
everyone is typecast by his or
her race. gender, sexual orienta-
tion and political perspective.
Media accounts of fevered
political disputes at the Law
School are nothing new. But
Sedgwick's account of life here
struck many students as exag-
gerated and sensationalized.
l)ianne Rosky '94 found the arti-
cle -kind of funny. because it
made this place seem like a soap
opera: more interesting than it
really is. but at the same time,
trivial and petty.
Many   students  thought
Sedgwick's focus on the Law
School's cultural elite skewed
his perspe-:tive. In the words of
Ellen Chubin '93. he took the
people who   are  the  most
Involved in the cntiovers.ieS and
pres nted them as thw nonn.
Several students criticized
their depiction in the article.
Law   School Council VIce-
President Itaul Perez '94 object-
ed to Sedgvick's characterza-
tion of him as a radical leftist.'
.Marie-Louise Ra msdale '93. LSC
President. complained   that
Sedgwick trivialized the serious-
ness of the diversity movement's
The assertion  that Law
3chool men are compiant. pas-
Ave objects of female sexual pre-
lation also provoked some angry
esponses. As Zion Shoiet '95
)ut it. Not all of us are scared to
ipproach a woman in the Bow.
Sedgwick acknow!.-dged this
.eek that his article did not nec-
•ssarily paint a representative
'icture of IHLS. But he added.
The extreme reactions by some
tudents to my story are very
flective of my point: Ilarvard
'students are deeply involved
I these issues, and everything is
-tst for the mill.
Relative to last %,ear's tur-
i)l. which included CCR's
'cover of the Dean's office and
z Revue scandal. IlLS is enjoy-
Z long-overdue calm.   As
hubin observes, The label

Elizabeth Warren
Gets Tenure Offer
Students, Faculty Praise Visiting Prof

-ii By Lisa Zornberg

New Law Review President Van Nguyen '94 in his office.
Review Confronts
Past, Looks to Future

Conclusions of
Report Unclear
By Johanna Davis
S Oo&aI to V RCORD
Racism, sexism, and anti-
Semitism were not the motivat-
ing forces behind Law Review
President Emily Schulman's
'93 controversial actions, but
Schulman did commit various
judgmental errors, according to
the 109-page report submitted
by Ralph Gants '80 to the
Trustees of the Ilarvard Law
Review on ,January 27.
Gants, a Boston attorney
and former Law Review Note
Editor. produced the report
after a three-month investiga-
tion of allegations made by law
r'eview editors that Schulman
had  discriminated  against
them based on their race and
\Vhil, not absolving her of
misconduct, Gants found that
Schulman's judgmental errors
were not serious enough to
require disciplinary action.
And. despite conflicts in testi-
mony, the report concluded
that no law review editor know-
plese se REPORT, pagt, 3

Journal Elects
New Officers
By Johanna Davis
Spwt t toa RECORD
The Law Review editors
elected a new masthead this
week, relieving an administra-
tion torn by factionalism and
Van Nguyen '94 will try to
heal old wounds as the newly
elected  President  of the
Review. He feels the process
has started already. During
the transition (meetings in
January]. we agreed to adopt
specific resolutions aimed at
addressing the divisions which
occurred during the fall, at
restoring community spirit.
and instilling a sense of trust,
mutual respect, and tolerance.
A Vietnamese inimigrant.
Nguyen (pronounced Nu-yen)
commutes over an hour every
day from his home in Nashtia.
New llampshire, where he
lives with his wife and two chil-
dren, aged 7 and 8. His former
employer, )igital Equipment
Corponation, transferred him to
the United States in 1984,
please see ELECTIONS, page

The Law School Faculty vt
ed on Friday, February 5. to offer
Visiting Professor Elizabeth
Warren a tenured position at
I ILS. )ean Clark '72. who offi-
cially extended the invitation.
called the Faculty's vote a fabu-
lously  good  decision  and
described his personal reat ton
.s -one of e(';taLs,
%Varren  currently  enjos
tentured status at the I ntversity
of Pennsylvania, where she has
taught for the past five years.
Other law teaching credentials
include three yetrs
at the University of
Houston (where, in
1978. she was the
first woman    law
professor hired), six
years    at    the
University of Texas
and a short visit at
the University of
Michigan. Warren
received her B.S.
from the University Prof. ElIzai
of Houston in 1970,
and  a   J.D.  from  Rutgers
University in 1976.
When she entered teaching,
Warren   muses, she     never
dreamed that one day she'd be
asked to join the IlLS faculty.
if you'd told me this, I'd simply
have laughed at you and said,
'What a charming thoughtl I
have as good a chance of flying a

rocket ship to the moon The
first member of her family to
graduate from college, let alone
from   law  school.  Warren
explains. My family still a-ks if
they should call me 'Doctor.' I
was alwnys afraid   someone
would rail me to perfon a tra,
Varn'1 swcialties Include
bankruptcy. secured transac.
tion and c(nmtract law. ller
acclninied book.Is lie Vos vr'
O)ur lh, b1s: D:lixKruptc . iad
(-orunler (rr'J   in .al rlirrc.i
(1989). with T. Sullivan and .1.
Westhroxk. enpiricallkanalrzed
how bankruptcy law nffects soci.
ety, It was the first
demographic study
of its kind. Warren
continues to exam-
ine the impact of
creditor/debtor law
on different social
groups. including
women, ethnic and
racial  minorities.
small   businesses
and the elderly.
eth Warren      Often asked to
testify     before
Congress on bankruptcy issues,
Warren considers her political
role essential. 'Law matters.
she proclaims. And I want my
voice heard, not only the voices
of paid lobbyists, Future posi-
tions in government or as a
bankruptcy judge remain a pos-
please see WARREN, page -1

Liberators Theme:
Shared History

By Betsy McGrath

An ethnically rich crowd of
1200 gathered 'Monday evening
tn Memorial lHall's Sanders
Theater for a sold-out screening
of The Liberators, a docunien-
Laoy on the role of Black soldiers
in the liberation of several Nazi
concentration camps. Anticipa-
tion of the film. at a surprising
height in light of previous show-
ings and minirial publicity,
mounted during the introducto-

Breyer on Short List for AG

By Bryan D. Garsten
Cirnson Repnef
Harvard Law School Lecturer Stephen G.
Breyer '64 may be a candidate for US Attorney
General. according to a report i Tuesday's Wall
Street Journal.
Breyer. a federal judge at the First Circuit
Court of Appeals in Boston, would not comment
when reached at his home.
Recent speculation on Capitol lill brought up
Breyer's name as a possibility, but George
Stephanopoulos, the White House communications
director, has nut commented, the Journal report-
President Clinton had been looking for a
woman to fill the Cabinet post at the Justice
Department, but nominee Zoe, Baird. a Connecticut

corporate attorney, and near-nominee Kimba
Wood '69, a New York federal judge, pulled them-
selves out of consideration after admitting to hir-
ing illegal aliens as employees.
tie's not female, but it would be terrific, said
Frankfurter Professor of Law Abram Chayes '43.
lie knows the law. He knows the political scene
in Washington.   tie works very well with
Bieyer has worked in government before. lie
was an assistant special prosecutor for the
Watergate Special Prosecution Force in 1973, and
chief counsel to the US Senate Judiciary
Committee from 1979 to 1981.
lie also was instrumental in deregulating the
airlines while working with Sen. Edward M.
Kennedy, according to Professor Charles R. Nesson

ry remarks of Reverend Jesse
Jackson. io said that African-
Americans and ,Jews have an
obligation to come together. Our
survival is at stake, and we
share common values, dreams.
and hopes. Jackson stressed
the themes of 'healing. not hu't-
ing, and -hope. not hatred. I le
talked about Arthur Ashe and
what we can all learn from his
life, including the need to be
ethical over ethnic.
Harvard        University
President Neil Rudenstne ca-ed-
ited Rev. Jackson with having
developed the idea for the
screening, and for the panel dis-
cussion which followed, as part
of an effort to promote better
relations between Blacks -nd
The film, actually an episode
of the PBS series, The American
Experience. combined inter-
views and newsreel excerpts to
showcase the efforts of two
exclusively Black military units
who helped free Jews from con-
centration camps at the end of
World War II. Notably. the pro-
duction revealed the common.
historic persecution of the two
groups, juxtaposing portraits of
bigotry in the American South
with the simultaneous horrors of

please see BREYER, page 4          see LIBERATORS, page 3


phv.,;C se GQ, page 1

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