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90 Harv. L. Rec. 1 (1990)

handle is hein.journals/hlrec90 and id is 1 raw text is: rvard Law Record
Volume 90, No. 1                            America's OetLawScool Newspaper                                February 9, 1990
Obama Election Lauded Coast To Coast
New Editor 'Honored', But Says
Fight For Equality Must Go On
By Paul Tarr       sign in that it shows people  chance.'
and John Thoraton     are ready to put in leadership  Ihis means so much for
positlon  black folks who  us.* said Cassandra Butts. 2L
The election of Barack  have strong concerns about and an officer of the Haward
Obata to editor of the Har- black Issues. Obamta said in  Black Law Students Assada-
card Law Review Is being  an Interview.            tion. 'But at the same tse
praised all over the country.  'On the other hand. I aon  we have a whole lot of ork to
butObsasandotherstudents trying hard to keep It In per  do. We still have a law school
warn It should not over- spective.- he added. 'What that te overly oriented toward
shadow the obstacles still happens at Haad raly the corporate world while
ahig noities in modern- gets magntied ... but there is  mont poor people, many of                              co   o,   w.
day America.             so much tmore left to do In  (ontinued n hank page)  Barack Ob , 21. Wcl preident of Law Revr.
rbro 2t boo                    moehn

first black Prenldent of the
erold       rn       after
heo  eetdby lao cot-
leagues duing a marathon
debate that began early Sn-
day and lasted anti Monday
mtoming.  He beat out 18
other candidates for the
chance to lead what is widely
.astiered the most prestig
tous law Journal In the coun.
*My election Is a positive

terms of.. hirin  more ino-
Ily faculty. to terms of dealing
with the dtch  o   lak
feel tn the university and the
need foe more diverse career
'Ito important that storis.
ile ine aren't used to nay
that everything is O.L tor
blacks. You have to remember
that for every one of me there
ae hundreds or thousands of
black students with at least
equal talent who don't get a

First Black.foined Review In 1920

Charles Houston, the first
African-American on the Har-
card Law Review. was elected
in 1920.
Houston. a native of Wash-
Ington, D.C. and the son of a
lawyer and hairdresser. was
accepted to HLS after gradu-

ating Phi Belts Kappa from
Amherst College.
He went on to become Dean
of Howard University Law
School. where he Is credited
with training an entire gen-
eration of civil rights lawyers
that began a serious of law-

Clark Announces Visiting Professorship For Torres

By Erick Hachebuarg
Hispanic law professor Ge-
ald Tbrees an expert in envi-
ronmental law and securities
transactions, has accepted an
offer to teach at HIS as a vis-
iting professor beginning
with the next academic year,
Dean Robert Clark '72 an-
'Torres,  who   currently
eahes at the University of
Mtunesta law achool, is re-
puted to be a *great teacher'
and an accomplished scholar.,
Clark saild.
Tsrae, whose parents were
bor in Meto, grew op in
southern Califora. He re-
ceived his Bachelors Degree
herm Stanford. a law degree
from Yale, and an ILM. de-
gree fom Michigan.
HL never has had a ten-
ued or tenure-track Hispanic
professor in its 173 year his-
tory. despite the fart Hispan
ten constitute about seven
percent of the student body
and are the fastest gmwing
ethnic group in the United
This fact has led to some
bitter exchanges between the
law school adminintration and
members of La Allanza. the
Hispanic student grop  Last
spring Alanca spearheaded a
campus-wide 'study-in' in
Langdell Hall to protest the
absence of a LatIo professor.
Members of Alisna had a
mined response to the an
All of the members are
really ecstatic.' said Lretta
Martines. 21. a cochairperson
of the organization. We
highly praise the faculy and
Dean Clark, but it is just the
initial stop.
Martinea stressed that the

faculty has much work ahead
of it 'Getting someone to
accept s a visiting professor
is only half the battle.' Marti-
nes said, 'the other half is
getting him to stay.'
Ivetle Peso. 3L and     the
other co-chair of Altana. was
more restrained. I don't
think this io a moment to cele-
brate: this is good. but thereis
such a long history behind
this.' Pena said.
Pena cited an example of a
past Hispanic visiting profes-
sor that she said was treated

badly and ultimately rejected
a permanent offer. Pena said
that Gerald Lopin visited a
few years ago and was ready
to accept a pernanent offer
once it ws made. However.
Pena said he was treated very
badly. and when a permanent
offer nsa finally made. he
rejected it. Pens said Lapez is
now a tenured professor at
Lape said last year that
there were many faculty at
HIS who were supportive of
him. but that was not enough

to persuade him to accept an
'What was lacking.' he told
the RECORD. 'was an Institu-
tional awureness or curicltly
of the issues that affect Latl-
nos in this country -- of Chi-
cano ioe. of Puerto Rican life,
of the active and ongong cul-
tural and politiesl Impact of
Latinos and how that inte-
faces with legal issues. Thot Is
a tremendous price to pay for
an institution that holds Itself
out a a national and interna-
(continued on back page)

suits that culninated in the
Btman a Board of Education
According to the bak Epes
On The Prize. Houston
thought that the only worthy
role for a lawyer was that of
social engineer -- soneone
who     understood    the
Constitution and knew how to
use ii in helter the lining
conditions of underprivl
leged citizens.'
In 1935 Houston was quoted
as saying, 'A lawyer is either
a seoial engineer. or hes a
parasite on society.'
Houston later went on to be
chief legal counsel for the
NAACP. Among his students
was   Justice   Thurgood
Marshall. who succeeded
Houston at the NAACP and
who argued the Brown case
before the Supreme Court.
In an interview nearly 25
years after the Brown deci-
sion, Justice Marshall de-
scribed the impact of Houston
on school desegregation.
A large number of people
never heard of Chitars Ho
ton ... but) when Brows was
being argued in the Supreme
Court ... there were some two
dozen lawyers on the side of
Negroes fighting for their
school  . Of thoe lawyers.
only two hadn't been touched
by Charlie Houston ... That
man was the engineer of all of
Fly-ot Week     Sare-
Page s
Page 3
Brad Smith
Page B
SL Runs for State Legilat.-
page 9
StuidetProtest Chrisan
Page 11

Disabled Student Seeks To Organize To
Pressure Administration For Improvements
By Jim Boapt                                      tem. gay ashing
Mcolodrick has challenged
An incident in Langdell LI-                           the detrors to *me talk
brary last semester has law                             with me. Debate me on the
school administrators con-                              mets of Integrating pers
cord about some attitudes                              with disabilities Into sort-
toward the disabled at HLS.                             ety.'  However. Moldick
But the incident may gava-                              said the anny--      ram
nize disabled students to build                        eats me    t cepresntave
their own agaization   a                                         the         law
way to improve sensitivity.                            school   'I hav  ben vry
The 'Photography and thepleased with the response my
Law' exhiit is housed in tall                          o-stdenta
wrought-tron display eases                              They   og     aeh.
extending from the  library                             like the climate of the student
reference desk toward the                              body here.'
Treasure    Room.    Mark                                Butthisseriesofstaements
Mc1oIrick 1L wrote in the  D    Of Soa    Wald        aimed at the disablei has rot
exhlibits ommment book in   _           _          _    bee  the only recent display
mid-December that the dis-  lgs T shoeipope?           of the intolerance  HIS siu-
play was too high for anyone  *Someone     mistakenly   dents.  Other disparaging
in a wheelchair.            think. that Is bnny.' she   comments     have    bees
Four or five other students  added.                   scrawled o onbibin for both
added remars -both searse-   re level was really child-  women and gay students
tic and trying to be facettous.' i t is todicative of the  Wald characterized them  as
according to Sarah Wald. dean  general ignorance  people  'a somber of Incidents show-
of students.  She said the  har  abot disabled issues.' Ing a lack of appreciation for
remarks appeared to be from  added Mcoldrck.  'Con    the diversity to Ike law
separate Individuals. The   meos dergatory to people    school
dean remembered one com-    with disabdltie ar  on the   The library incident my
ment to the effect. 'why    s     lee and of the same   provide  the            to
don't we cut off all the table  kind as  eaial slurs, a chti sesl-  taed

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