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49 Harv. L. Rec. 1 (1969)

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VOL. 49 NO. 1

SEPTEMSER 18. 1969


Ls Given Option
One-Third Choose Pass-Fail

(Editor's Note: the following is a
complete copy of the measures voted
by the faciity on May 13 and 15.)
1. Throughout the three years of
law study, and particularly in the
first year, there should be greater
diversification of opportunities for
students to develop and demonstrate
their capacities and growth.
a. In order to further this gen-
eral goal, there should be greater
variation of method and material
in law school classes and course
examinations and increased and
more diversified opportunities dur-

By Michael Lurey
Student support for a question-
naire of law firms which inter-
view at Harvard is being sought
by a group of law students who
worked in Washington, D.C. this
summer with Ralph Nader.
The immediate purpose of the
questionnaire, according to Mark
Green, 3L, and one of the spon-
sors of the questionnaire, is to get
law students to think about what
law firms do and could be doing.
It is also hoped that the question-
naire will give ideas to students
for questions to ask interviewers,
Green added.

ing the academic year for a student
to practice legal skills and obtain
criticism and evaluation of his per-
b. Without abandoning a common
system of evaluation among all in-
structors at least  for year.end
examinations, individual instructors
may wish to develop modes of
evaluation beyond the common sys-
c. It is intended that the faculty
generally participate in the imple-
mentation of this objective of di-
versification throughout the school's
program. The Continuing Commit-
(Continued on Page 2)

According to the petition ac-
companying the questionnaire,
Green, Mike Haroz, 3L, and Andra
Hotchkiss, 2L, argue that ... . as
future employees of and con-
sumers of law firms, we have a
right to know both their internal
operations  and    philosophical
The questionnaire deals with
such social and political topics as
hiring policy and support of polit-
ical issues, asks how much volun-
teer work is done by the firm and
whether law professors are asked
to recruit for them, asks for the
firm's opinion on grading reform
and whether such reform would
(Continued on Page 4)

By Lawrence Gartner
As the result of measures voted
by the faculty last May granting
first year students two optional
grading systems - one of them
pass-fail - in addition to the
standard nine category grading
system used for the second and
third year classes, almost half of
the 1Ls chose one of the new
options and about one-third chose
to be graded by the pass-fail sys-
Out of last year's 538 member
first year class, 179 chose the
pass-fail option; 75 chose a sys-
tem of high, satisfactory, low, or
fail; and 57 chose the standard
nine grades option. The 227 stu-
dents who did not choose between
the three methods of recording
grades were automatically graded
according to the standard nine
The options were the result of
measures voted by the faculty on
May 13 and 15 of last semester.
Before that, the faculty's Special
Committee    on   Examinations,
Grading and Related Matters
(the Keeton Committee) made
its final report to the faculty.
Both the Committee and the fac-
ulty measures were in response
to demands from a substantial
portion of the first year class that
a pass-fail grading system be in-
stituted combined with periodic
evaluation of student performance
by professors. Last year a group
of 1Ls issued a 27 page proposal
outlining reasons for a revalua-
(Continued on Page 3)

Text of Faculty Measures

Law Firm Queries Advocated

)- 70

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